Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

That doesn't sound right. This is what it should say in the bottom right corner

View attachment 16342

I suggest unpacking the game into a new folder and only copying fallout2.exe inside, don't try merging it with an existing Fallout 2 installation like some players tried to.

oh, no i meant when i run fallout 2 it says that. when i try to run yesterday it only pops up the error message and stops the program before i can see it.
I updated sfall to 4.2.6 and only copied fallout2.exe into the folder with fallouty.cfg, so i don't know what's up since fallout 2 still seems to work fine after i updated it. Sorry for not responding sooner, man
sadly no. This is the only computer i have, and renaming the files didn't work. My graphics card looks like a Intel(R) HD Graphics.
I think i'm just out of luck until i can get a new laptop, mine is old anyways, but atleast i will be able see more of the game by then.
Thanks for the help and goodluck on the project.
sadly no. This is the only computer i have, and renaming the files didn't work. My graphics card looks like a Intel(R) HD Graphics.
I think i'm just out of luck until i can get a new laptop, mine is old anyways, but atleast i will be able see more of the game by then.
Thanks for the help and goodluck on the project.

I have the same primary graphics card in my laptop and all is working fine.
Very weird that you're having issues. Did you try poking around in ddraw.ini to see if toggling on/off some CPU/Graphics option makes a difference?
sadly no. This is the only computer i have, and renaming the files didn't work. My graphics card looks like a Intel(R) HD Graphics.
I think i'm just out of luck until i can get a new laptop, mine is old anyways, but atleast i will be able see more of the game by then.
Thanks for the help and goodluck on the project.

Maybe it's ram issue? Did you check it with memtest?
Thank you for your hard work!

The only issue is that I can't find the next location on the map after leaving Tibbets. The map keeps flickering and now Tibbets has disappeared from the map.

When I click on the Tibbets button it takes me to this location marked as error in the North West corner of the map.

I'm not using any mods and I'm using a fallaou2.exe from steam. OS is Windows 10.
If only the map area flickers then that is an intentional effect I did.
If the entire screen flickers, then something's wrong. I can see a glitched screen on the second screenshot so I presume that's what you're referring to. Tibbets missing and the Error location should definitively not happen.

Currently there is only Tibbets on the world map and 2 special encounters which are randomly generated. You can find them if you are persistent.

Did you edit ddraw.ini settings? I see the game is stretched and in fullscreen on your monitor. Can you try with the original ddraw.ini?
Yes, the glitched screen is what I'm referring to.

I haven't edited ddraw.ini, do you think it could be the fallout2.exe from steam? I'm in the UK so maybe it's a different from the US version?
Thank you, Hexer & crew! What a great suprise to stumble upon during a sleepless night! Only problem I get is loading it & after the initial "Please Stand By" splash screen, an error box appears sayings: wmConfigInit:: Error: Encounter Table: Too many table indexes!! . . . help?
Hi nak50 and thank you!

The error you're getting indicates something's wrong with your sfall installation.
How did you install the game? Did you install any mods or copied over the game files into an existing Fallout 2 installation?

In any case you can fix this by opening ddraw.ini, finding this setting and changing it to this

Hi nak50 and thank you!

The error you're getting indicates something's wrong with your sfall installation.
How did you install the game? Did you install any mods or copied over the game files into an existing Fallout 2 installation?

In any case you can fix this by opening ddraw.ini, finding this setting and changing it to this


Thanks! I'll give it a go when I get back home tonight! Hadn't done anything fancy--actually went back to my original F2 discs for clean install & then ran your download. So EXCITED!?!
I'm still playing the demo - my current character is level 6. Trying to kill caravaneers, but they are way to strong, I am dead in one burst, as it should be.

I was thinking how will weapon progression look in Yesterday. This may be quite complicated I think, because Fallout 3 was to be the most rural of Fallouts: no big, fast-developing cities and so many tribals all around. This is interesting - I guess that getting a good firearm may take a while and getting energy weapons (and ammo) will be even harder. Maybe it will put emphasis on travelling from place to place and checking caravans frequently? Maybe many players will just go full melee?

I very much like the fact that we start with a shiv (fits prison well). What do you think of lowering it's AP attack cost from 3 to 2? It would allow even 5 attacks per turn and (probably) make it more interesting or even worth keeping. After escaping it's rather easy to find sharpened spear, which has way better damage and extra range, but... 5 regular attacks or 3 aimed attacks seem tempting too (especially with player-popular crit build).

Fallout 2 starting areas (Arroyo-Klamath-Den) weren't the best in showing the player how to use his/her skills. Few traps in Temple, one in Klamath. No First Aid opportunities, almost no Repair-related quests. In my point of view it is important to give a Traps/First Aid character a lot of chances to use their skills especially early on, because as the game progresses the amount of XP earned from disabling traps and treating wounds ends up being totally marginal.
Almost no player would tag Traps/First aid, but after seeing that the starting locations have many traps/first aid checks, the player might think that he needs that extra XP and also that it must mean more checks like that in the future locations, so it may be a good thing to diversify your build!
(sorry for that little rant, but I dislike the overall trend of focusing on skills like Steal, Speech and Lockpics)

Some suggestions:
- Stealing should be made much harder (it's probably OP - imho it should require at least 70% skill to be somewhat reliable)
- I may be wrong, but shouldn't the robots encounters (Argos/pursuing robots) start with a dialogue window, where we can peacefully surrender to them and return to Cellblock 13 or tell them that we won't comply and then fight will start?
- It would be cool if robots would drop some scrap (maybe usable in crafting?)
- Maybe there could be a brass knuckles somewhere in prison (thinking of pure unarmed characters)
Maybe - just maybe, because I'm not sure - the Mysterious Commander/soldiers should treat ghoul/supermutant players differently? Curiosity/racism? Don't mind it if you already thought about that!
- Tibbets is very interesting from psychological/political point of view. I'd love to see some fellow prisoners saying that they like their life in prison, CODE, order and safety, etc. Of course not all prisoners are like that. On the other hand, the isolation and strangeness of it must take its toll too. I'd also like to talk a little about the outside world, NCR and the wilderness around Tibbets. Do prisoners know about tribals and gangs? Probably. But their knowlegde would probably be incomplete, outdated and full of misconceptions - good, it will only confuse the player more.
- Maybe we could repair a candy machine or something? Or, using First Aid, treat a child's bruises. Oh, I would forgot - maybe as we ''deal'' with the smuggler we could have an extra dialogue option connected with a Barter check; if successfull he would also give us a molotov.

I could imagine a conversation like that in Tibbets :'D

Woah, that post sure is long. Man, I'm really looking forward to see the next version.
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I'm still playing the demo - my current character is level 6. Trying to kill caravaneers, but they are way to strong, I am dead in one burst, as it should be.

I was thinking how will weapon progression look in Yesterday. This may be quite complicated I think, because Fallout 3 was to be the most rural of Fallouts: no big, fast-developing cities and so many tribals all around. This is interesting - I guess that getting a good firearm may take a while and getting energy weapons (and ammo) will be even harder. Maybe it will put emphasis on travelling from place to place and checking caravans frequently? Maybe many players will just go full melee?

I very much like the fact that we start with a shiv (fits prison well). What do you think of lowering it's AP attack cost from 3 to 2? It would allow even 5 attacks per turn and (probably) make it more interesting or even worth keeping. After escaping it's rather easy to find sharpened spear, which has way better damage and extra range, but... 5 regular attacks or 3 aimed attacks seem tempting too (especially with player-popular crit build).

Fallout 2 starting areas (Arroyo-Klamath-Den) weren't the best in showing the player how to use his/her skills. Few traps in Temple, one in Klamath. No First Aid opportunities, almost no Repair-related quests. In my point of view it is important to give a Traps/First Aid character a lot of chances to use their skills especially early on, because as the game progresses the amount of XP earned from disabling traps and treating wounds ends up being totally marginal.
Almost no player would tag Traps/First aid, but after seeing that the starting locations have many traps/first aid checks, the player might think that he needs that extra XP and also that it must mean more checks like that in the future locations, so it may be a good thing to diversify your build!
(sorry for that little rant, but I dislike the overall trend of focusing on skills like Steal, Speech and Lockpics)

Some suggestions:
- Stealing should be made much harder (it's probably OP - imho it should require at least 70% skill to be somewhat reliable)
- I may be wrong, but shouldn't the robots encounters (Argos/pursuing robots) start with a dialogue window, where we can peacefully surrender to them and return to Cellblock 13 or tell them that we won't comply and then fight will start?
- It would be cool if robots would drop some scrap (maybe usable in crafting?)
- Maybe there could be a brass knuckles somewhere in prison (thinking of pure unarmed characters)
Maybe - just maybe, because I'm not sure - the Mysterious Commander/soldiers should treat ghoul/supermutant players differently? Curiosity/racism? Don't mind it if you already thought about that!
- Tibbets is very interesting from psychological/political point of view. I'd love to see some fellow prisoners saying that they like their life in prison, CODE, order and safety, etc. Of course not all prisoners are like that. On the other hand, the isolation and strangeness of it must take its toll too. I'd also like to talk a little about the outside world, NCR and the wilderness around Tibbets. Do prisoners know about tribals and gangs? Probably. But their knowlegde would probably be incomplete, outdated and full of misconceptions - good, it will only confuse the player more.
- Maybe we could repair a candy machine or something? Or, using First Aid, treat a child's bruises. Oh, I would forgot - maybe as we ''deal'' with the smuggler we could have an extra dialogue option connected with a Barter check; if successfull he would also give us a molotov.

I could imagine a conversation like that in Tibbets :'D

Woah, that post sure is long. Man, I'm really looking forward to see the next version.

there's weapons to be gain in tibbets just use decent repair skill on armed robots (look at the sentrybots or that walking tank from tactics). more ammo can be pickpocketed from "saviours". the only question is skill required to use such stuff, as playing legitly it will be hard to hit something at medicore distance.
Also most bots can be killed with repair, for xp.