I wanted to use the inventory sorter but it doesn't work. Also, another bug: I didn't notice before but I was dumped right in the middle of the world map. When I tried to get back to the Tibbets, it was lebeled error and I spawned in the black void. Reloading last save (from some random encounter map) crashed the game. After reopening the game, save worked but the error remained.
I can't offer support for customized installations right now, sorry. I have no clue what changes you did to the game by installing custom mods but sounds like things broke!
I found the tribal temple, talked to the guy there. He said he gives me tools but I have none in the inventory, also the message on the car says I can't fix it. Is this just an easter egg or can I obtain the vehicle (or is it something waiting for the full version)?
You should have received the tools.. unless you stole them first? But anyway, the car can't be repaired in this release. It will work in the next one.
Are you going to release the game in chunks like this or is it just a demo/proof of the concept and the whole thing will just show up someday?
The game will be released in updates like this one. Work on the next one already started.
or are you simply talking about that map transition to the spore plant?.
Yeah, I was referring to this one.
I feel like there could've been more characters in the Prison for the PC to interact with (the Prison feels a bit empty at times) but other than that the main story is intriguing and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us next.
Tibbets is much, MUCH larger than what you've seen. It's not meant to be fully accessible from the start. Speaking of NPCs, yeah I had to remove quite a bit of content in order to hit the July deadline I set a few months earlier. The cut content will be back in the next release and other areas will become accessible with the progress of main plot.
Just escaped Tibbets. The frames throughout this demo where choppy even with the high-resolution patch, which really was the only upsetting thing that threw me out it.
What are you running this on? There shouldn't be any choppiness unless you're not used to animations with 8 to 12 frames. It is an old but responsive engine.
got your original .avi videos converted to a format playable by Fallout 2 engine. also have both files in 2 versions one in 640x480 and one upscaled to 1440x1080. both versions of both files do work under Fallout:Yesterday, though the quality gain from the upscaled version is marginal compared to 480p. however it's still shit tons better than your .MVE videos which you haven't transformed with -hq parameter in order for them to be 480p. instead both your .MVEs are 240p as in 320x240 ( that's what happens if you don't use -hq parameter). Anyways .avi playback in game has a side effects. if you don't use <filename>.cfg and <filename>.pal thoghether with the movie both side belts during playback have strange colors for example white or blue. however if you do use theese files together with .avi files video has artifacts during playback. nothing major, but still annoying.
if you want i can share the files, although the 1080 versions are quite big. intro.avi in 1080 is over 1,2GB big. 14mins video though.
Thanks so much for your assistance, those MVEs were just a temporary fix I made quickly since reports started coming in fast about people being unable to get past the AVIs.
Where did you turn on the -hq option? In avi2mve ?
I'll definitively be using MVEs in the future but I'm not happy with their current quality so the plan is to rebuild MVEs using the official Interplay tools for next release.
I'll gladly check your files as a source, send them my way. If I end up using them I'll put you in the credits