Fallout Zero

Dr Fallout

So after looking at good mods for Fallout 3 (I still have it... after modding the shit out of it as a casual thrill, hey I ain't perfect!) I found one called Fallout Zero, set two months after the bombs fell. Looks interesting, especially due to the fact it's going to be more of a survival based game then just killing people. You begin with a pip-boy, some food and water and a gun with six bullets. The story is that your family was too late to reach the vault, leaving you and your father in the basement. After weathering the atomic storm you have to leave the safety of the basement, in search of the vault. However radiation levels are high (metro tunnels god dammit) and people are desperate. Your first choice is whether to kill your father.


Here have a look.

I does indeed look interesting. The voice acting is impressively good, especially compared with other mods I've seen for various games (worst is when it becomes so obvious that the voice-work is being done in someone's private home, where they need to be quiet, and respect their neighbors.. )

Only drawback is that I need to reinstall FO3 for it - and actually start, and play FO3 >:I
The game-play elements look very interesting, I do like the down-play of combat, and rarity of guns.

One thing, and this might be just me, is that - they are either being very brief and secretive - OR - the mod is a bit short to play through, as if it was a "short story" or "novella" of sorts, which... does make sense, considering it is a fan-made total conversion.

Not a big problem, in the end. If I had FO3 allready installed, I'd jump on it to check it out.
I wish they would make this mod with New Vegas instead, the gameplay in 3 is just awful really.