Fallout2.exe Patcher

I don't know much about this patch. It is version 3 seems so.
The sourcecode is available at teamx also.

Hmm what's the "big one bug"? ^^
Bunkermensch said:
Hmm what's the "big one bug"? ^^

Well patcher runs fine but in hubologist base you can see only interface and your npc and mouse pointer...dident find more areas with this problem...
I just made short test with this patch on Polish Fallout2 (US "fallout2.exe" file is the same) and this works without any bugs.

btw. could anyone make Resolution Patch for official mapper? This will be very helpfull with making/editing maps.
Very nice, thanks :D, shame about this though:

Also if you use Timeslip’s patch, the 'mode' setting in the [Graphics] section of his "ddraw.ini" file should probably be set to 0. The Window and DX9 modes expect a 640 by 480 resolution, and don't function correctly.

No shaders :( but what about the hardware scaler global.fx? will that work?


I tried it with Global.fx and it does not appear to change anything.

edit 2

It may be all in my head, but the linear filter appears to make a difference.
"Mash submitted a file called Fallout2 Resolution Patch v1.0.zip to us. I don't have Fallout 2 installed and can't try it out (yeah, for shame), so can one of you cooks give it a spin for me? If it's a fully functioning resolution patch, that's big news."

Where is that Patch? The link takes me to a threath that no longer exists.

Couls anyone provide a working link to it???
No longer exists....

Anyone make a collection of terminal patches, no version 1 2 3 4 5b xfqrfx etc and a short explanation of them on here? grr. nothing seems to stay attached after a few months. hm
Those links no longer work because Mash has been busy updating his work for us.

Click the "files" button, then select the patch section for either FO1 or 2 depending on what you are after; take note of the stickied links as they are the most popular / important. It is right there, and it is not hard. I don't understand why more than one person has an issue with navigating the files section.