Fallout's 10th anniversary: Fallout Retrospective Interview

Need For Speed

Need For Speed

You got the one from Bioshock on my blog, it uses a flash player that works in Macs.

Yes indeed.







Still easier and quicker to download the full Zero-P file.

Then. to. wait. and . buffer. 4. or. less. seconds. of. snippets...hear-stop-see-stop. clinically. same. as. ........slowly............beating--->head...against--->wall.

Not my first choice for syncopated accompaniment.

Yes Briosafreak, the first Zero Punctuation I witnessed was the Bioshock review you so brilliantly featured. Thanks.
Went out and sprayed defoliant on the last wave of Dandelions and got back before AT+T arbitrarily hung up or the flash browser plug in timed out.

Viewed the full frontal comedy in one impact.

Thanks again.

Back trailed Zero-P to Spiked-humor site.
Spend the rest of the late afternoon coming in / going out, 30 minutes out / 10 minutes in, from the 90 degree Fahrenheit humidified heat,
and downloaded a succession of reviews and a trailer.

Got a stand alone flash player to be amazed by the singing Marcus months and months ago.
Got the Flip4Mac plug in sponsored by Microsoft (Windows Media components for Quicktime), to stop the confusion about avi files on this Mac.
Interesting how my FO community interactions can push my exploration of PC/Mac OS's.
The FO's, Ten Year Old Anniversary and still a prime motivator.

Caught up on Zero-P this morning. flv's, avi's et al.

Briosafreak Zero-P's Bioshock review was an excellent choice.

Between the turd flinging and the razor edged slashing wit,
behind, over, and under all the reviews is the continuing saga of what is sick, sad, and sorry about the game entertainment industry.
We may never see another happy accident, another FO,
until the cycle of dysfunctional design and double speak PR spins, crashes and burns, ...
or someone / team / company chooses not to obey the dictatorial script that enforces the 'status quo'.

In these 10 Year Anniversary replies, trust that the ""that was then, this is now"" tone was clear and distinct for others as it was for me.
Old,New,and unknown Blue facts and dreams will certainly feature in any "'Once And Future'" FO.

Consider the power of the 'Pencil And Paper' toolset in game design witnessed in this interview.
Simple interaction of the design team when the dream is still a gleam in the eye.
Effective thrashing out of theme and situation schemes before the computer code is on the virtual road.
Makes me rethink how important a FO PnP/ table top game might be.
Consider the what if: if that investment in table top sketch tools had seen the light of day as an official fully developed FO spin off.
I think the one bundled with FOT was minimalist, no direct links to FO bible annotations. Only a start. Not fully endowed with the knowledge base of the Interplay FO IP.
Perhaps such a complete work would have only been possible --- after the fall.
No FO1+2 editor, no source code, but still a vital aide in 'role playing' a role playing game.
Perhaps more mod teams could hang together longer with this focus on the immediate human interaction when developing game-play.

Thanks NMA for this look into the real development of the FO's.

Now back out into the autumn!

The game bundled with FOT (Fallout: Warfare) wasn't a PnP RPG, it was a tabletop wargame.
Got a stand alone flash player to be amazed by the singing Marcus months and months ago.
Got the Flip4Mac plug in sponsored by Microsoft (Windows Media components for Quicktime), to stop the confusion about avi files on this Mac.

Get "VLC" media player.


I'm not one to expound commercial sponsorship, but it's free and I swear to something important/devine that it plays every media format I've ever come across. mov, wmv, avi, flv, DVDs, everything.