Fallout's 10th anniversary: Fallout Retrospective Interview

Ausir said:

Hello Ausir,

A bit off subject but do you know if the NCR soldiers Presper worked with were responsible for the destruction of the NCR's Senate/government building?

I believe I read something like that, and because of that things in the NCR only got worse.
This is all I found:

Four years ago, when things start to fall apart out in NCR, Presper sent out his last team of scientists and grad students. Agnes, a fellow NCR scientist and frequent diplomat from the scientific community to the government, is the leader of the expedition. Using her skills and a "diplomatic immunity" pass she carried, she makes her way to Hoover Dam. Two days later, the NCR Congress building is destroyed, presumably in a conflict with the BOS.

The destruction of the congressional building is a severe upset to NCR and travel becomes difficult. Only by circuitous routes and careful display of her pass is Agnes' expedition able to reach Hoover Dam a year later.

Goddard is keeping stuff secret from Presper: the research, the presence of Larsen outside. He knows Presper wants the PCs dead He doesn't trust Presper and suspects that Coleridge may have been responsible for the attack on NCR congress.

By the way, according to some leaks, Shady Sands was destroyed by the Enclave remnants.
teewurm said:

Fergus is like the strange cousin who farts at the families BBQ.
You sure can blame him for that, but he's a nice guy and he brought the meat.
Meat > fart. MATH!

Ahahahah :D
Ausir said:
By the way, according to some leaks, Shady Sands was destroyed by the Enclave remnants.

Yeah, I also heard that but with this latest information I though the destruction of Shady Sands/Congress buildings by the Enclave remnants/BOS was a cover up story by the NCR soldiers.
No, you're confusing two things. The NCR Congress destroyed by Presper's men was at Hoover Dam, after they lost contact with the rest of the NCR, some time after the destruction of Shady Sands. I wonder if the Enclave (probably Navarro) remnants were somehow allied with the Brotherhood of Steel by that time or whether they were a third, independend faction.
Heh, I wonder if guys at Bethesda has the same level of knowledge about Fallout universe as some of you... ;)
Ausir said:
No, you're confusing two things. The NCR Congress destroyed by Presper's men was at Hoover Dam, after they lost contact with the rest of the NCR, some time after the destruction of Shady Sands. I wonder if the Enclave (probably Navarro) remnants were somehow allied with the Brotherhood of Steel by that time or whether they were a third, independend faction.

Okay, I thought it was the Congress at Shady Sands.

As regarding the remnants of the Enclave, keeping that pen and paper RPG one of the developers (Sawyer I believe) in mind (which is more canon to me than Beth's FO3) the remnants of the Enclave are probably an independent faction, holding out in what is left of the various power plants and facilities of Poseidon as well as surviving military bases.

scypior said:
Heh, I wonder if guys at Bethesda has the same level of knowledge about Fallout universe as some of you... ;)

Hello Scypior,

Most likely not because they would probably feel that such details would stand in the way of 'FUN', the factor they try to implement the most in FO3.

However, I myself feel that learning about the results or the consequences of actions in previous Fallout games is part of the fun of a sequel.
scypior said:
Heh, I wonder if guys at Bethesda has the same level of knowledge about Fallout universe as some of you... ;)
Sure they know!
They know about Dogmeat and the Bloddy Mess Perk!
They're Fallout Xpertz!
scypior said:
Heh, I wonder if guys at Bethesda has the same level of knowledge about Fallout universe as some of you... ;)

Well, even some guys at (former) Black Isle don't have the level of knowledge some of us have :).
Brother None said:
How can you possibly dislike him after that?
Profound ungrounded animosity? I don't know... I guess it's because the games he does recently, or because what he says in interviews or something. And what he said here didn't help at all, that's why I said what I said.

@ pnutz & Ausir: he was in their credits, not as lead designer or whatever, but he was there...

Briosafreak said:
*snip* but really he is no asshole. That's pretty unfair, and uncalled.
Ok, I agree. I apologize. Feargus is, no matter what, better than most game devs out there. But I still don't like him...

Anyway, let's drop the thing. I don't feel like bashing someone just for the sake of it (now). Leave the guy and my personal opinions about him at peace please :P

Once more, and he's possibly reading this thread, I apologize for calling him an asshole.

See? Now I feel bad... :?
Don't feel bad, look over there - it's Todd Howard, and he has a lollipop for you, to cheer you right up.

...oops, he ate it.
WTF was that? My comment was hasty and, as said, uncalled, and that's it. Besides, don't talk about Todd, it reminds me of Fallout 3 and it makes me feel even worse :P
@ pnutz & Ausir: he was in their credits, not as lead designer or whatever, but he was there...

As head of Black Isle he was in the credits of cRPG games by other developers published by Interplay, like Baldur's Gate and Lionheart, but he didn't have much influence on them. Notice that he was credited only as "Division Head" on most of them.
Once again, I feel sad about never seeing Van Buren put together and released. The pain will never end since NMA will keep bringing it up. :P

Nice of the guys to answer a few questions, it's really great that they still offer their time to the fans of a 10 year old game. The guys at Obsidian actually did a wonderful job on the NWN2 expansion. Best RPG in a very long time I think (not that it says much, but still). Excellent story and writing.

All in all I agree with Chris' quote about giving advice to people making Fallout 3. While I personally would've loved to see Van Buren, what I'd love to see even more is an entirerely new game, that has the vision and quality of Fallout. Something *new* to make its mark upon me.

one of the best interviews on your page i'd say

maybe the best

however, i wonder if tim cain will answer the questions maybe later, too?
Thnaks for the really informative interview.

I've been a longtime fallout fan, and last night I was messing around on the site. After reading the forums for awhile and having long been a visitor of the fallout wiki, I came upon the van buren tech demo that basically demonstrates the framework of the game that was to be.

I played it, and it's like poison in my veins knowing what I know now.

The next installment of fallout could have been that awesome, promising game that was demonstrated in the tech demo?

Now I sit here facing the prospect of a soulless first person shooter rehash of one of my most prized series from my childhood.

People may say to look ahead, and that we don't know enough info about what's coming to make doomsday proclamations.

Well, I've seen enough.

I just wanted to take the time to thank brother none and NMA for exposing me to the tech demo after all this time.

It hurts, but it needed to happen considering what's coming.
Great stuff, liked the answers from everyone. Can't wait for that Alien RPG. I also think it's worth mentioning that Chris Avellone was the lead designer for Planescape: Torment, for those who don't know.

I have to say, I'm myself pretty amazed by how little fan-made content there is for Fallout games. I know nothing about making games but there gotta be plenty of Fallout fans who do. It's weird that such an active and loyal fan base has created so little. I'm talking in terms of actual finished playable stuff, there is a million of unfinished projects, some very ambitious, that eventually all die. It looks like most of them come down to "we are making this great Fallout game over here, now we need programmers (i.e. people who know how to make games). Since I'm not going to sit down and create anything, I'm not pointing fingers or ranting here, I just find it really weird.
The "hay let's make a mod I neez programmurs" thing is an infamous flaw of all modding and amateur gaming projects. Usually people who come on here with such plans get booed off quickly (usually by Per).

That said, Fallout has never been the easiest game to mod. Especially not in the early days, before Interplay released any useful tools and Smackrazer was just tinkering by the side of the road.

I agree we haven't seen much since they released the mapper. The biggest problem, as far as I can see, is that few people really felt like making small mods and most of the big projects died. No wonder on not making small mods, because they're usually under appreciated, as indicated by your post not acknowledging the pretty number of mods out there that add locations to Fallout 2 or other smaller mods.

Meh, it's not for me to sit on the sideline and criticize the modders. After all, they're doing it for free, never look a gift horse in the mouth, and only the sun rises for nothing.