Fallouty New Year!


Night Watchman
Staff member
So, it's 2006. A hearty and gladsome greetings goes out to you all - the visitors, the forum users, the staff, those that help us develop this site and the poor lost souls who come here to quench their Fallout thirsts.

The Holy Flame bless you all, yo.

Fallout 3 may not come this year, but we trust it will. Stay tuned for more news through 2006!

The British edition of the PCFormat magazine had noticed our neverending Fallout pursuits and we've been mentioned in the Christmas bit:<blockquote>Fallout3 may be a long way off, but www.nma-fallout.com keeps an eye on all post-apocalyptical world related games and mods. Well worth a look.</blockquote>Let's hope we're still here for their next Christmas roundup ;)
A recognition of a work well done to start the new year, cool.

But... the article says "general gamers" hate us because we didn't support a bad product. I'm confused.

It also claims Aphex Twin knew his music (or something very similar) was going into the game. What do they know that we don't?
I constantly have this feeling that in 2006 all our Fallout dreams will be mercilessly shattered.

Wikipedia article said:
There are two major references to the Fallout fan community in the Fallout games themselves. One is a special encounter with Unwashed Villagers, an early fan community, in Fallout 2. They are depicted as a group of people attacking a spammer.
Odd, someone deleted the second reference from the article (it used to be Roshambo' cameo in Tactics).
Remember we are the worst fans. We shoot down games and hate innovative ideas. No wonder general gamers hate us because they want everything to be first person shooters with superpowers. We more or less hate it. Unless Herv is the end game boss.

Half-Life 2 MOD: NMA - The Hunt (for Herv)
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro
Wow we got recognition! Nice...

Ratty I doubt our dreams will be shattered until we see previews for F3 which should be around 2008 or 2009. Expect them to delay it.

The Vault Dweller
I'd imagine Bethesda will delay it for a long time, in the hopes that we'll forget what the first Fallout was like, and we use their lame, new, Fallout 3. Damn them. I REFUSE to let teh aliens near my brain, I'll pshychic nnullify them darn aliens I will!
Per said:
But... the article says "general gamers" hate us because we didn't support a bad product. I'm confused.

It also claims Aphex Twin knew his music (or something very similar) was going into the game. What do they know that we don't?

I mentioned casually once that maybe Aphex Twin would be good for the sort of background music as the game plays. Specifically the song Gwerly Mernans. This was in the Fallout 3 music thread but hopefully they didn't think of taking me SERIOUSLY....
Per said:
But... the article says "general gamers" hate us because we didn't support a bad product. I'm confused.

No, it says they hate us for not supporting Tactics, which was moderate.

Which is bullshit. Those of us who were there remember the huge coverage and support Tactics got, especially from DaC.

Before the game was released, everything was dandy. We were prepared to give it more than a fair chance.

't was the game's quality that ruined it