Fan Film

I'm not sure why I came back here, perhaps to waste some more of everyone's time, but I decided to check out a few more threads....and wow, whether or not this community is full of self-righteous, narcissistic, mutually-masturbating pseudo-intellectuals waging cold war after cold war with IQ points in place of nuclear warheads or not, it's clear to me that this community loves nothing more than a flame war, despite what the more "rational" members might say.

You chaps would far rather argue than debate. It's no wonder you have issues with trollers like me, or that other guy in the "Worst Fan Base" thread. The truth is, trollers and flamebait are the bread and butter of (at least the latter) the greatest portions of many of these forums. Many of you love a fight, but when the "enemy" finally gets banned, you act pleased that they are gone....which is funny, because many of you have to get pretty bored between targets.

I say all this (knowing all the time that more accusations and "counter-flames" will fly as a result of this post, it's inevitable) because amid all the playground violence, this community is actually a pretty intelligent one...but you need to know that "out-assholing" the "assholes" isn't really going to get you anywhere (if you care).

Let me put it to you this way...this community has all but terminated its ability to grow because the forums here are populated with several longtime members who have incredibly low tolerance for anyone that disagrees with them in any way, and are all too willing to dispense "justice" on whoever doesn't submit. I find that incredible, seeing as how this community, whether you know it or not, and most of you do, is probably one of the least appreciated for what they are worth. I know I could never become a part of this community, and that is because I know that I will be rejected on every level from within time and time again. I know very, very well that I will get at least ten responses after this post picking it apart in any way seen fit to use what I'm saying against me for no reason other than the pleasure of arguing with someone "less important" (which on these forums, means opinionated newcomers).

These forums have become far too overpopulated with a very narrow view of what Fallout is, was, and what it's going to become, regardless of what is said and done here. It is left with a dedicated clique of chiefs, who are beyond disgruntled and volatile, along with a small few rational folks, whom I can't believe can co-exist. You reject the very principle of amicability, you don't WANT to be nice, and it really makes me wonder if many of you really care about the game at all...or if you just like to use it as a battleground for the obviously insipid modern gaming community.

This will get you nowhere. It has gotten you nowhere, and has never brought anything good or productive to any cause throughout history. You want a war, but you cannot wage it. You are repulsed by ignorance, like all intellectuals are, but are powerless to dispense of it. Perhaps you want to be left alone to stew in mass-appropriated rage, but I doubt it.

The best way to further NMA's cause is for it to grow. Maybe five Clint Eastwoods could ventilate the entire Apache nation, but it doesn't work that way in this arena. Thus, I would recommend more energy be devoted to getting the word about about the status quo and why it sucks, and less to anklebiting random individuals who piss in your Fruity Pebbles here in the forums.

Do you detect a change in mood from my previous posts, showing weakness? Yes, I already know that.
Would this post be more effective without the first paragraph? Yes, I already know that.
Am I a ________ __________ who does ________ and is a total _______ for _______ reason? Yes, and much like you, I could give a rat's ass.
Am I a huge fag because "dude, I'm like totally trying to be your friend now" and "it's not going to work"? Yeah, yeah...I know.
Do I expect anything I've said to have any impact whatsoever on any of you? I'm narcissistic too, but not really, though I hope so.

Give it a rest....whether I get banned for trolling or not, I'll be back here one way or another to post "legitimately", because I'm a fan of Fallout and there's no where else worth a damn to go.

Flame away, all of us obviously have the time and energy for it. I've already predicted every possible negative response to this post, including quoting this sentence (or a portion of it) followed by something to the nature of "you're the least qualified prophet I've ever seen" or something of that nature.
If you bother t9o actualy read the fourm, youll see many calm an rational discussions.

That said, Rosh have at em.
PsychoSniper said:
That said, Rosh have at em.
Better let him spend all the sparkle on The Article he's working on, not to light the flamethrower for troll-extermination.

Btw, where do you get your sparkle, Singularity. Don't you get bored to write down such lengthy, well worked out rants just to attract some game community's flamewar against yourself.
Attention whoring?
Let me put it to you this way...this community has all but terminated its ability to grow

Check the members list, together with the join dates, check the forum at diferent months and different years and if there`s anything that can`t be disputed is that this place atracts new people every single day and the simple fact that still exists while beeing a fan site of games released 8 and 6 years ago shows it continues to be usefull for the community, while you on the other hand are a penis envy attention whore.
Singularity, are you bipolar? One minute you state "I won't be back." Yet the third post after that is one of yours? After you edited your previous messages and removed all the objectionable content?

Are you here to stay? What happened to your previous "I'll come back with under another name and become a beloved member of the community, mocking you all the while" plan?

If you are ready to have an intelligent discussion, create your own thread to do so. Though I wouldn't have high hopes, not because people would be adverse to such a topic, rather you have sabotaged yourself. Your actions so far have tarnished your image, if you wanted people to take you seriously; this was not the way to do it.
::Shits on Singularity's E-Grave::

Ok, trying to get this back on topic.........

Who else thinks this guy did a pretty good film considering he was just using preexisting non FO film clips ?
I would point out a few things to Singularity, but it appears they have already been banned, and not at my hands. I can just simply shake my head and just wonder at what kind of childhood they must have had to desperately seek attention like that. It's one thing to be gruff and blunt, especially when you need to get a point across, but another to just cause problems in a fan-made film feedback thread, when said trolling hasn't been the "bread and butter" of any thread, particularly this one as said trolling has derailed it badly.

Trolls will be abused at our whim.

Especially ones who try to rebuke us, but are just gaming newbies.
PsychoSniper said:

Bastaqrds never played FO beoore.

I find his presumption to speak of anything "Fallout community" when he's just played Fallout 1 for the first time in Sept. of this year, to not only be highly out of grasp with reality, but amusing as well. Hopefully, if they keep it up, we'll have a very amusing Darwin Award candidate in the future.

The moronic sheep is yet again a good example of what is wrong with the industry. If he wanted to be painted a bigger idiot, which I think was his goal from the start, he was in the wrong thread. He should have been defending EA.
I am thoroughly impressed with this film. It is not merely a piece to a game puzzle but a primmer to the lesson that mankind will never learn. Compassion over fear. This film is really worth an independent film contest. I am astounded at the craftsmanship that went into this.

On another note. I did not read all of the posts I HAD to post my thoughts. The song who is it singing? And name of the song please.