Quoth said:
First impressions are everything. If not by the book cover, is the title.
That title.
I transcribed a random page for you
Bare skeletons of houses standing.
Smoldering in the grey afternoon
Air heavy with snow like ash falling
Flan felt paralyzed, unable to breathe
So many dead people
Limbs twisted in odd perversion
Exposed bones. Snapped like brittle white bread sticks
(white and dry and covered in red goo)
Rivers of blood running wide an slow, lumped with exposed organs, coated hundreds of body parts... shredded.. painful black burns embedded with glass... contorted in nervous pain.. bleeding and burning ..quick painful breathing, begging for air.. people running and falling glass...blood falling over the ripped cheeks from the plucked out eyes of blinded ones, naked and falling on melted tar roads and torn apart cinder block structures... plucked out-eyes...eyes pulled right out above screaming toothless mouths of armless people...humans reduced to lumps of flesh...carnage and more carnage...bodies and and blood blood blood.
Flan was in shock and began to vomit dry-dry air from his belly with the smell of plastic and paint and tar and glue and polyester burning and burning and burning as he rubbed his eyes in despair.
A miserable, miserable, suffering day.
"Excuse me sir." It was the strange pistol man still standing there in front of Flan.
"If you want...for a modest price, I can execute you now, if you'd like." He was quite courteous, actually.
"Please go away," begged a tearful Flan. And the strange fellow did. He just wandered over to the next person, a man wearing a burnt shirt and tie, with no pants, and with blood all over his face.
The two spoke, and the bloody-faced man nodded in understanding, handed his executioner a gold watch, an old sandwich, and patted the back of his own head.
The executioner smiled as the bloody-faced one turned, got down on his knees, and uttered a prayer up to God with tears in his eyes and trembling hands tightly clasped together. Sweat ran down his fleshy face. He prepared to meet Jesus while the pistol's muzzle pressed against his skull. As he crossed himself, the executioner pulled the trigger and the fellow's head blew apart, a pathetic melon splitting and rolling and bleeding in the dust with an eyeball for each section. As the rest of the body quivered and fell, the killer approached what was left of the mouth, inserted his fingers, and pulled out a tooth made of gold. This he put, along with the watch and the sandwich, into a little leather purse.
Whatever happened to 'Don't judge a book by its cover (title)'?