Favorite books / What are you reading?

UniversalWolf said:
Tagaziel said:
I've recently read The Turner Diaries.
Wasn't that written by some white-supremacist guy as a recruiting tool?

It has been called Timothy McVeigh's Bible. McVeigh felt that Unintended Consequences by John Ross as his New Testament.

I actually just finished reading One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer by Nate Fick. Very good read, especially if you enjoy military things or want to read about the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq.

I'd also recommend Generation Kill by Evan Wright. It's much less serious, but he was embedded in one of the squads in Ficks Platoon in First Reconaissance Batallion during Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was later made into a pretty good miniseries on HBO. A coupe of years ago.
Tagaziel said:
Heinlein's Starship Troopers is a very good book. The movie is something entirely different; for starters, it doesn't even include power armour and depicts a rather callous approach to the life of a soldier.

They're two separate works. The movie wasn't even originally an adaptation of Heinlein's work.

Agreed. They really screwed up with the movies. What a missed opportunity.
Sorry, the Movies own. Just think they're named something different, then get smashed and admire Doogie Hauser dressed like a nazi between bouts of yelling YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER.

(My favorite bit about the movie is that the props ended up getting passed around until they were used in Firefly)
UniversalWolf said:
Wasn't that written by some white-supremacist guy as a recruiting tool?

Yeah. You can experience the insanity yourself here. It's hilarious in its obsession about the imagined superiority of crackers over chocolate, cheese and wine.

Intriguing as far as revolution fantasy goes, but downright sickening when the racial hate is concerned.

As for the Starship Troopers movie, I love it. It's just not Starship Troopers.
Wintermind said:
I actually just finished reading One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer by Nate Fick. Very good read, especially if you enjoy military things or want to read about the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq.

I was thinking about picking up a military book. Looks like a good chance - might do once holidays hit again in two months.
I got both Watchmen (Finally a physical copy) and Dorohedoro Volume 2.

I probably have the only copy of Dorohedoro in Colombia, I can feel the frames of my glasses getting wider.



Sub-Human said:
Wintermind said:
I actually just finished reading One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer by Nate Fick. Very good read, especially if you enjoy military things or want to read about the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq.

I was thinking about picking up a military book. Looks like a good chance - might do once holidays hit again in two months.

I read that book No Easy Day about the operation to Osama Bin Laden. It was p. good.
Just finished Eiji Yoshikawa's Musashi.

What a wonderful book this turned out to be - and beautifully translated. I hear the manga adaptation, Vagabond, is quite good, too.
I watched the Game of Thrones show some time ago, but didn't get my hand at reading A Song of Ice and Fire.

Well, I got all 5 books for christmas, and I'm hooked. Already finished the first one and started A Clash of Kings. It's really very well written, only complaint is that the constant perspective change can get slightly jarring sometimes. Still, very much a worthy read.
I recently bought a hard back version of the Divine Comedy. It's completely blank, except for the binding. God, I love aesthetics of books. I know they say: "Never judge a book by it's cover" but god I love blank hard backs. Plus it's a nice poetic read, too. Tonnes of Greeks, mind you.
I'm currently reading The Bible


:roll: On a more serious note, I'm reading "I Am Legend", after seeing "Metro Man'. I plan to watch the movie afterwards.
I remember reading The Bible. Some of the passages remained in my head, but I thought them as useless.

That is until playing Honest Hearts. Now quoting Bible on random occasions seems so awesome to me.

Also, currently reading The Brothers Karamazov.
Atomkilla said:
I remember reading The Bible. Some of the passages remained in my head, but I thought them as useless.

That is until playing Honest Hearts. Now quoting Bible on random occasions seems so awesome to me.

Also, currently reading The Brothers Karamazov.

Quoting random shit from the Bible was already cool once. Didn't you ever see Pulp Fiction.
I'm reading Kevin D Mitnick's biography (Ghost in the Wires). It's been great so far. Starts slow, but it's full of lulz.

For NCR said:
I'm currently reading The Bible

When I was a kid, my father read me the old testament, the new testament & a part of the quran, without providing any feedback. Then he asked me if I believed any of it.

The answer was "lolno" and another atheist was created.
Actually reading the bible helps a whole lot to make you agnostic or atheist.

PS: my father is an atheist too, but that's not any reason not to teach your children our culture & heritage. Only by looking back can we move forward.
I see the Bible exactly as I see any old book on Greek, for instance, mythology; usually well-written, full of metaphors (and sometimes rather dubious morals by our standards), and loosely basing itself on real events but a complete myth otherwise. It's been translated and re-organized so many times the text is probably very different from 2000ish years ago. It should be read, but everything should be took with one massive grain of salt.

And yes, quoting random stuff from the Bible is cool, but the sentences have much less impact in French :( .
SuAside said:
Actually reading the bible helps a whole lot to make you agnostic or atheist.

Particularly the Old Testament, where God is a real jerk, killing or threatening to kill the "chosen" people on a weekly basis.

Wintermind said:
Quoting random shit from the Bible was already cool once. Didn't you ever see Pulp Fiction.

That was actually a made up passage.
Currently reading:

Theory of Harmony by Arnold Schoenberg (1910- edited in 1922)


Most fascinating theory book i read in a while. This is the way i imagine education, where the author really digs deep into the roots of the matter, making sure that the reader really grasps and understands the foundations upon which the theory was build. And on top of that he has some nice philosophical ideas, so it's not a dry boring read, albeit a bit difficult at first because of the interesting way Schoenberg lays out his ideas and the way a translation makes it feel strange. Damn, i wish i knew all the languages, so i could read everything in its native tongue...
Still Daniel Pinkwater. Finished Borgel, which was very entertaining, and in the middle of The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror. So far I like it better than the first Snarkout Boys novel. The characters really come into their own in this one, especially Rat (for those of you who know Rat).