AlphaPromethean said:
I fully agree the old show is superior,and I'll definitely pick up one of the novelisations,does Genesis of The Daleks have one?
Yes. I don't own that one, but I've seen it before. I'm pretty sure all or almost all the old episodes have a novelization. I have about a dozen sitting on my shelf.
Off the top of my head I'd recommend
The Dinosaur Invasion,
The Curse of Peladon (both Jon Pertwee episodes), and
The Ark In Space (my all-time favorite Tom Baker episode, which makes it my all-time favorite episode of the show).
The writing of the novelizations is really, really tight and succinct because it's adapted from TV scripts that were already tightly edited.
Come to think of it, maybe I do own
Genesis of the Daleks...I have to look at my shelf when I get home. That's one of my favorite episodes, and I know I've read the novelization before.
EDIT: Here are some recommendations off my shelf:
You have to love the old cover art.
Terminus is interesting. I didn't remember much about that episode except it's the one where Nyssa leaves the show. I enjoyed the novelization though. Later Peter Davison is where the old show starts to fall apart for me.