Atheism is NOT a religion. Atheists do not
believe, period. Just think about it for a second or two. Unlike religions, atheism in itself has no content: there's no philosophy behind it, no story with morals and rules, no rolemodels, no authorative text, no place of worship, no rituals, ... nothing. Atheism explains nothing and it sure as hell doesn't tell you how to live your life. Any two atheists can differ as much from each other as a muslim differs from an Amish farmer, simply because there are no guidelines for an atheist to follow. No story to tell each other and find comfort in. No nonsense to swallow. In fact, the only thing that atheists are guaranteed to have in common is
the lack of a religion. So yeah, ha.
Whatever it is you're smoking, BigBoss, it's not doing you any good. And atheism now has different sects as well? Dude. No.