favorite fallout 2 moment?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
as many of you know i have had issues w/ Fallout 1 and 2 and had to restart several times, however my favorite moment of fallout 2, so far, has to be the first time you meet the Enclave in the gecko power plant! i had just barely seen "They Live" so i got the reference to the movie line in the conversation options, also i love the Enclave 's response when you accidently tap into their channel, "who the fuck are you?!" lol!

does anyone have any favorite moments from Fallout 2?
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Convincing Joe to cut his finger off, to "seal the deal", and when it's off, tell him I'm only joking (Modoc, slag-quest)

I loved that moment. I hated that I hadn't saved in a while, but it was worth it...
Convincing Joe to cut his finger off, to "seal the deal", and when it's off, tell him I'm only joking (Modoc, slag-quest)

I loved that moment. I hated that I hadn't saved in a while, but it was worth it...

i wasnt persuasive enough!
Convincing Joe to cut his finger off, to "seal the deal", and when it's off, tell him I'm only joking (Modoc, slag-quest)

I loved that moment. I hated that I hadn't saved in a while, but it was worth it...

Yeah I remember that... good times...
Bating Francis at arm wrestling, Becoming a Prize Fighter in New Reno, Blowing up the shit well and banging Bishop's wife.... 5 times in a row.
Talking shit to the Enclave soldier on the radio while visiting Gecko, and then tricking them into thinking it wasn't me when they actually came down to blast my ass
Hmm... plenty of them.

- First low-intelligence discussion with Torr.
- Getting the Highwayman.
- Blowing up the outhouse in Modoc.
- Meeting Harold for the first time after Fallout 1.
- Vic, a fat guy in Power Armor bursting 3 raiders to death with his Pancor Jackhammer while yelling "Take the pain motherfucker!" Can you get more badass than that?
- Becoming a boxing champion by crushing their balls. I wish your boxing name could be "Nutcracker".
- Getting the Sniper perk.
- Selling Myron to slavery, karma is a bitch.
- Completing the game.
And many more...
Hmm... plenty of them.

- First low-intelligence discussion with Torr.
- Getting the Highwayman.
- Blowing up the outhouse in Modoc.
- Meeting Harold for the first time after Fallout 1.
- Vic, a fat guy in Power Armor bursting 3 raiders to death with his Pancor Jackhammer while yelling "Take the pain motherfucker!" Can you get more badass than that?
- Becoming a boxing champion by crushing their balls. I wish your boxing name could be "Nutcracker".
- Getting the Sniper perk.
- Selling Myron to slavery, karma is a bitch.
- Completing the game.
And many more...

Whoa, your Vic actually made it that far out of the Den? My Vic always gets killed thirty minutes after freeing him, so I just don't bother.
Hakunin's dialogue to a stupid character who returns with the Geck.
Everyone's dialogue with a stupid character.
Getting Repair to 115% as a stupid character and installing the Fuel Cell Controller AND the Regulator on your own.
Getting the car back by intimidating Jules.
Becoming a Made Man for each family, then taking out their leaders one by one.
Punching an armored Enclave soldier to death.
Getting a Turbo Plasma Rifle.
I would say All of the above but ..one partcular thing i loved the most from fallout 2 were those little details and surprised u found that were programmed that no other game had at the moment not even nowadays like for example one i remember now is: Arriving at New reno doing 2 out of 3 missions of every family and finish all 3 of Wrights missions and then killing all other families on my own. Starting the battle hiding behind a prostitute for the bouncer to miss me and hit the prostitute instead and the prostitutes attacking the casino guys helping me as cannon fodder. I thinks thats the best thing i remember...those little details that made fallout 2 the best game i've ever played.