First time out of the vault

ghouls are the coolest. Set and Harold really made them the best to me. they try to get along with others, but no one gives a shit and hate them because they're different. (sniff) (sniff)
Was it brown? You should've painted it brown and made a picture, with you standing next to it. Then once you're kids are also complete Fallout-ers, you can show 'em the picture. "Look kids, daddy once found a real Brahmin!". And if you raised them well, they'll ask you if you tipped it over...
Brazillian Slaughter said:WOOAOO !!
I would loved to do that, i am gonna raise my kids with gecko milk, you k'now...
Just put water on it,Kahgan said:how do you boil a fire-egg?...or how do you fry it?