Favorite Fallout Race

I googled it, where else? :)

Found a freaky gallery that also includes this baby:


link to gallery: http://www.greenapple.com/~jorp/amzanim/ffa01.htm

You know what they say, two heads are better than one :violent:
clercqer said:
When Set gives you the quest to go and kill the mutants at the watershed, you get the option to ask: "What about the ghouls?" Set replies something in the lines of "If my ghouls can't handle a normie, they don't deserve to live."
So he WANTS ghouls to kill normals; wouldn't that be considdered evil?

This isn't what he means. Set is just stating the he thinks ghouls are superior to humans because of their immunity to radiation and their incredible resilience to damage. He doesn't want to exterminate humans, he just thinks our strongest human couldn't beat his weakest ghoul. Makes him quite the elitist prick that I didn't want anything to do with.

Although his demeanor took a radical change in the Cafe of Broken Dreams...
Please don't double post, Kotex.

Rucphen, where the Rat King was found, is quite close to my home.

As for races...humans are my favourite. The fact that they do so many ruthless and evil things, yet at the same time manage to rebuild something resembling communities is great. Although ghouls and supermutants do the same thing, the ghouls are too few in number, and the super mutants generally too dumb.
The Kotex Kid said:

Keeng Ra'at!!
I've seen that before in The Ballad of Halo Jones. Never thought that would be based on reality.

And aren't chupacabras native to Latin America?
Sander said:
Please don't double post, Kotex.

Rucphen, where the Rat King was found, is quite close to my home.

As for races...humans are my favourite. The fact that they do so many ruthless and evil things, yet at the same time manage to rebuild something resembling communities is great. Although ghouls and supermutants do the same thing, the ghouls are too few in number, and the super mutants generally too dumb.

Bah, server side caching must be a might touchy.
Humans ! Humans nuked everything and generally fucked the entire world and ourselves, yet still came out the strongest in the post apoc land.

NCR, BoS and Enclave are all prime examples :D
I guess I will have to go with humans as well...I mean seriously...who wants to seduce a ghoul...a mutant...or a deathclaw.....seriously... :scratch:
DigitalRadiation said:
I guess I will have to go with humans as well...I mean seriously...who wants to seduce a ghoul...a mutant...or a deathclaw.....seriously... :scratch:

I'll have to say: a ghoul, a mutant or a deathclaw.

As for my fav race: Intelligent Deathclaws, the music they can make is almost as good as polish music (which is one of the best in the world imo). It's just amazing how they can use musical intruments with claws like those.

P.s. I am not from Poland.
My Favo Race is DeathClaw.
Ghouls suck...they look like zombies..ffs how can anybody have a ghoul in the party?

(ok i had lenny but he had the looks of a normal guy, at least the skin wasn't decomposing, and besides he was a doctor..)

No need to tell Goris was in my party always xD
Sure about that are you?
He was a little white-ich colored, which is more like the glowing ones,
which would suggest that he is MORE radiated, don't know, just guessing.
Well, most of his skin was burned off, so that would mean he's probably calcifying in the california heat.