Favorite Power Armor?

I supose next step from Personal Powered Armor would be GEARS, wich would be allmost similar to tanks. And some of the fights against humans feature power armor to.
Btw if you want a good example of powered armors usefullnes, then play F.E.A.R. one of the enmy types carrys one and they dont go down easy. Other then that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. might be also good place to look how its done there.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
It will hardly be unstoppable though. Remember, they won't be using 7,62 NATO against it in 2110.

Honestly, nothing is perfect. Of course it won't be unstoppable, nothing is. Was a knight in plate mail unstoppable? No. Was outfitting him with plate mail a waste? No, it was the best armor of the day thus giving him the best chance to survive whatever was thrown at him. Unfortunately GUNS came along and eventually rendered plate mail obsolete as they became powerful enough to penetrate it.

Flash ahead several hundred years to today and you see swat teams and the like donning, what's this? A modern day form of plate mail! Is it unstoppable? No. Is it a waste to outfit out swat police with it? No, it's the best armor of the day thus giving them the best chance to survive whatever is thrown at them.

Notice a pattern? I'll assume in a couple hundred years there'll be a forum of dorks like us arguing about why they should stick to power armor instead of switching to force fields.
No armour is going to make you invincible, but if it adds survivability it's well worth it. Power Armour would not only give that, but a whole list of other benefits already mentioned.

DoughboyJones said:
Notice a pattern? I'll assume in a couple hundred years there'll be a forum of dorks like us arguing about why they should stick to power armor instead of switching to force fields.

Yes, but by then they'll be in virtual reality full immersion chatrooms where people see each other face to face. And flame wars will be actual wars where everybody has their own flamethrower.
I envy them.
I still mean that the Warhammer 40K armors are among the coolest i have ever seen.. Not talking about the computer games, but the ones you paint yourself;)

SuAside said:
cool yes, but not viable/suitable for the task as we see it today.

But, the armor being cool was the whole point of this discussion. Until someone had to go and ruin it by speculating how feasible power armor actually is. And we all saw where THAT went...
Hmm, how about the combine armor from Half-Life...


It's harder to think of power armor rather than mechs. If mechs are allowed i'd say the True Weltall from Xenogears would be among the coolest.
Zaku II's from the Gundam series are also pretty cool.
The A.W.G.S from Xenosaga could be considered power armor of sorts due to there size, thought they more closely ressemble mech suits.
Heck my favorite anime of all time, GITS, is full of mech suits, power armor, android, etc..
Thought my personal favorite mech suit/power armor is the Zenislev from Front Mission 3.
Is anyone on here a fan of any of those games/anime?
No Doughboy, the Combine. The badguys are called the "Combine."

My personal favorite powered armor is in A Fire Upon the Deep, by Vernor Vinge. My copy of the book isn't handy at the moment so I can't describe it exactly, but I remember it being this really vicious-looking gloss black suit of razors and spikes... kind of like the Hyperion character. If I can find the description I'll post it.
Maybe I was wrong. The combine aren't actually wearing power armor. My mistake. They do look pretty damn cool though. Pardon my french.