Favorite Quote

My bad: It's been ages since I've played the game. And where the hell did I see a quote from The Them? That's gonna bug me all night...
"You won't have to bring a light to take a midnight piss" - Harold
Something along the lines of:
"Moron? It took a lot of hard work to reach the minimum 9 INT and PER to reach this speach thread! Now, go on."

-Chosen one, talking to the VC slave manager guy.

As you can see, I love it when in-game NPC's refer to things like this.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

-Intelligent radscorpion, after I attempted to steal it's tail while it was still alive.

Something along the lines of:
"He unleashes a massive belch that trembles the very heavens in it's depth and great resonance"

The mechanic on the tanker in SF after you get in a belching contest.
"I think you should turn off your Stealth Boy, ma'am."

The Chosen One to Anna the Ghost.

That had me ROFL.
"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum...and lucky for you I have one stick left." - guard in NCR bazaar

"- What's your name, private?!
- My name is Ratty.
- What was that?! Did you forget something, maggot?!
- My name is Ratty, sir!
- Don't call me sir, I work for living, you moron! Call me Sargeant! Or Sargeant Dornan! Do you understand?!
- Yeah, Sarge. Whatever.
- If I like you, you can call me Sarge. But guess what? I DON'T LIKE YOU! Is that clear?!
- Yes, Sargeant!
- Good, now proceed to your duty post! You will stand guard there! You will do a fine job! Now move!
- What am I guarding there, sir?
- Moron, you are not to question my orders! When I say jump, you jump! When I say fight, you fight! When I tell you to die for your country, then you will most certainly die! Do I make myself clear?!"
- Yes, Sargeant!"
- the funniest conversation in the game

"There's this merchant who isn't...how do I phrase this...fully cooperating with the underground." - Decker

"Mike love ears." - the Masticator

"...get set, Jagged Jimmy's got the Jet." - Jagged Jimmy J.

"Would you like some Jet, Cody? Would you like to fly with Uncle Ratty?" - me, talking to Cody

"Your backwater, herb-smoking village be damned, and you along with it!" - Renesco

"I'm Set. I'm in charge. Got it?" - Set, introducing himself

"Whoa, what happened to your face?" - me, talking to Set

"Let's dance." - me, talking to Mason

"You mean you don't remember sending someone to kill Killian, you stupid slug?!" - me, talking to Gizmo

"Amateurish? Ama - amateurish?! Jet's - pure - genius, and don't forget that!" - Myron

"Phew...you could show some respect, you know. I am... Myron." - Myron again

"You will NEED a wrench to take my boot out of your ass!" - Valerie, talking to her father
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Zontik said:
the dialog with the computer there is really funny if you press the "search archives and check if you didnt miss anything" button alot
Yeah, that thing cracks me up. My favorite is: "You have intelligence 4, don't you?".
Yeah...er... who is/was Chris Avellone? I never got understood that line about him which Marcus says.
There are plenty of references to Fallout developers in both games, but especially in Fallout 2. For example, you nephew in Arroyo is called Feargus, as well as the spy in NCR council. One of the people who were expelled from Vault City is called Leonard Boyarski. The space shuttle technician over at the Hubologists is called Dave Handy (a reference to BIS employee Dave Hendee). There might be more references, but I can't remember any.
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"What do you want?"
"A donut."
--Avellone and the Vault Dweller

"There is a bad place where the bad mutants come from. It is bad. Vault is good. Please, go destroy bad place."
--The Overseer

"I love cheesy poofs, they are so.....umm.....cheesy" or something like that
--The Brain
This one cracks me up everytime...

Alergon : Hunh! huh-huh (alergon give a gurgling laugh, then points his finger at you like a gun.) Blam! Blam!

Chosen : Miss me MISS ME ! Take thiz! (point finger at him like a pistol.) Pow ! Pow!

- (Alergon gets a shocked expression on his face, then looks slowly at the place where you "shot" him. He suddenly staggers, then his eyes roll up into his head and he falls over, dead.)

Chosen : Uh-oh.
"Umm.... Excuse me, could you say that alittle louder, into my coat pocket???" ---Vault Dweller talking to Gizmo, best line in the world.
Nikodemos said:
Myron: "Why the hell not? Let's blow this popsicle stand."

Chosen One:"It's 106 miles to Arroyo, we got a full fusion cell, half a pack of radaway, it's midnight, and i wearing a 50-year old vault jump suit, let's hit it."

Myron: "Your kinda weird-i like that.

What is that from?
I love the description of the hintbook you get after beating the game, i forget the description, but i like the joke:

"Now this would have been nice in the beggining of the goddamn game!" :P