Favorite Quote

I liked the conversation between Vic and his daughter in Vault City.

Also I like the taunts in combat
"I'll beat you like a redheaded stepchild!"
And to think that AHS-9 said that...
"I'll feed you to my pet iguana"
In Fallout2, encountering some tribals:
"May the wind gods blow a foul stench in your direction."
--Modified from Monty Python--

Not necisarily my favorite, but the only I can remember right now.
I was just playing Fallout again, and I was at the Cathedral...

"I'm afraid I can't help you. Only Father Morpheus communes with the Master. You can find him in the tower."

"Father Morpheus? That's a real peaceful sounding name. Who's his assistant, Brother Murder? Brother Death? Sister Kill, maybe?"

I thought the above conversation was quite amusing.

My character is female and she decided to go have a chat with the Lasher of the Cathedral, and ask him to help me and my troubles...

"You are a woman, and therefore you are always trouble. It is an endemic condition of your breed..."

HAHAHAHHA, I love it!
Zontik said:
Theres a reference to them almost on every 3rd or 4th tombstone in fallout 2... lotsa funny stuff on them besides that
Mmh, in the german Version of FO2, on a tombstone at the Church in The Den:
Some Name, and then:
Gestorben bei der Übersetzung von Fallout 2
That means "died while translating Fallout2" :)
Cassidy: Combat comment

Wish I had a limit break

The Chosen One to Myron (paraphrased a bit)

Myron: So, are you going to kill me to?
TCO: Why not, I haven't killed anyone since this conversation started :twisted:

Die Myron Die! :twisted:
Some Mutant: Hey! You not look like ghoul. How come?
me: Uh?
Mutant: Huh?
me: Huh?
Mutant: Whuh?
me: Mom?

(In Necropolis, playing with 2 Intelligence ...)

Overseer: Have you found the chip?
- Nuh-huh!
O: Oh, that's great! Can I have the chip, please?
- Nungh.
O: No, not that. I want the com-pu-ter-chip.
- Nungh.
O: No. The Chip
- Nungh.
O: Just-give-me-the-chip!
- Nungh.
O: Thank you. Now, go to the library and rest for a while, ok?
- Nuh-huh, uh-nuh?
O: ..Yes, you can touch things.
Zontik said:
"Go play with the nurse" medical comp in Vault City's vault

the dialog with the computer there is really funny if you press the "search archives and check if you didnt miss anything" button alot

You stole my favorite quote!!! :(
Mrs Bishop: *Yawn*… You're already as smart as I want you to be…now go to sleep. If you're pumping me for information, then you're creating a deficit.
While running the child patch on a euro version of fallout 2, if you talk to phyllis about the lac of children in vault city, you end the conversation by saying something along the lines of:

Really? I thought there were no children in valut city because i was running an unpatched european version of Fallout 2. BYE!
At Children of the Cathedral area when the bitch in the blue robes is asking about intentions of your visit there.
''Oh, I'm just looking around, checking the constructual weaknesses of this building to burn it down properly''(or smt. like that)
Ozrat said:
"You have been critically hit and knocked down for 0 damage. The scars will make nice party talk later" or something like that.

That ones so funny. I goy you have been critically hit for no damage, feel the pain!

The other funny one is when you look at a dead tree (or stump) and it says something about it being the most uninteresting thing you have ever laid your eyes on.
fallout1 brahmin that pull caravan carts:



moo, I say...

fallout2 brahmin keper guy in vault city:

I could swear I herd one of those cows say "moo, I say"
I use this quote with my friends,

"Do you not recognize the Chosen One?" -Chosen One
"Let me guess, you're looking for a god damn water chip also right? That's what the last guy said." - Enclave Soldier

"What do you want?"
"A donut." - Discussion in the Brotherhood of Steel

"Tandi job. Me want."
"You can't take the president's job!"
"NO! You are dumb." - Discussion with Gunther in NCR.

"We are looking for the holy hand grenade? Can you tell us where it is?"
"Monty Python?" (INT 10 check.. OUCH)
"Goodbye." - Discussion with some soldiers from the BOS in a freak random encounter.

"HAH! Missed me by a few % points! Loser!" - Raider in caves

"Access denied."
" Hit it in that 'special' way"
"PING! I say." - Computer in San Fran
In the Hub, talking to mr Hightower. He asks what you're doing there, and you say you have a message for him : "I love you"...

Funniest I can remember now anyway
rough quotes, probably not 100% accurate, but how I remember them.

"That's only gonna happen when a paper dog successfully chases an asbestos cat through hell"

-Mutant in Gecko

"Oh, just peachy, Aside from several compound factures and a hood ornament lodged several feet up my ass, I’m right as rain."

-Mutant when asked if he's "alright" after being hit by your car

PC dialogue Options:

"You gonna slap leather and draw that smoke wagon, or you just gonna stand there and sweat."

"Your mouth is making checks it can't cash"

"Up yours and have a bullet for breakfast, dickhead."

And a favorite:

"Another postnatally-aborted wreck in a post-holocaust world replete with idiot man-children."

-Some dude in New Reno (forget)