Favorite weapon(s)

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Fave Fallout2 Weapons

Ok well ive got lots of faves so here they are:

10mm SMG: Can't beat the old drug dealer favourite.

Red Ryder BB Gun LE: Killing people with a BB gun is evil fun.

HKP90C: Best looking weapon in the game, reminds me of the Aliens movies big time.

Light Support Weapon: Bozar more effective, but love the look & feel of this gun.

Rocket Launcher: Maximum firepower & destruction.

Gatling Laser: Awesome gun, death animation is pure perfection to watch.

YK4B Pulse Rifle: One shot...one corpse. Repeat as necessary.
RE: Fave Fallout2 Weapons

oh, the Desert Eagle, upgraded and with FMJ bullets, the louisville slugger, and molotov cocktails.

Bonus rate of fire perk and fast shot trait. You can let loose 2 sprays of death a round then reload. Heh heh.
My favourite gun is the Heckler&Koch SMG (the white one) in one hand, .233 pistol in the other. Then encounter some raiders, spray the first 2 with the smg with burst and kill the others with the .233!

H&KP90C - even though its small it'll do fine

Pancor Jackhammer - its not too powerful, eats up ammo but i still love it

Flamethrower - just to see the poor sods run around on fire

Molotov Cocktails - throw one on a dog and you'll know what i mean but then again it might just be me

>wait, where did you get the base ball bat?

Do a quest for Mrs. Wright. If you help out Ethel Wright, she'll give you the Louisville Slugger as a reward, IF you asked for a reward.
Depends on enemies...

-Normal enemies Solar Scorcher(or something)
-Enclave Gauss Pistol
-Centaurs,Muties etc. Grenades
-Frank H. Gauss Rifle
-Other Upgrades Plasma/Pulse pistol
10mm SMG rulezzzzz! It's just so stylish.
Bozar is nice only a little boring.
Also Super Sledgehammer is cool.Just remember the rib busting }>
My favorite weapon is the End Boss Plasma Gun(Thank you, inventory editor!). It sounds like a rifle, takes Micro Fusion Cells, has a range of 35, melts people like a plasma rifle, but their stuff stays on them and doesn't drop to the ground.
There's another place you can get one: once you've got good lockpick skill and/or an electronic lock pick, go to the toxic caves, back to the room you rescured the trapper from. Repair the generator, pick the lock on the elevator door and head down. You'll have to kill one security robot, but there's lots of goodies down there, including a Bozar and MkII combat armor.
Definately the 9mm pistol. A bug in the game makes it use 10mm bullets, and it does good damage. Plus, with burst mode, bonus rate of fire, fast shot, and you can shoot foes 5 times singly, or 3 times burst.

I'm still thinking if getting Fast Shot is worth it...

"Dad said he named me after a comic character. Said he was one mean sunovabitch too!"
- Cassidy
>I'm still thinking if getting Fast
>Shot is worth it...

I thought about that too, but decided that I use aimed shots far too much to live without them - shooting the legs from under Wanamingoes, aimed punches in the boxing ring in San Francisco (pulling the same 'hobbling' thing as the Wanamingoes, really), and the absolute coolest - taking out Enclave guards one at a time on the Oil Rig by hiding around a corner and letting them come to you - then taking aimed shots for the eyes at point-blank range with the gauss pistol; with the right perks and stats you have no less than four chances per round to take them out! :)

Not to mention taking out the sensors of mechanical beasties...

No, I couldn't live without my aimed shots...

(As an aside, I discovered tonight that the 'sniper' perk really makes the 'more criticals' perk redundant, so next time around I'll be spending my perk on 'quick pockets' instead, I think :))

I would say the flamer. It's just so fun to watch them dance around while on fire.
Start game - 10mm SMG
Mid-Game - H&K G11E (If not, then FN FAL HPFA)
End-Game - Gauss Rifle
Ok ok i found the Solar Scorcher from the Guardian of Forever encounter....but no one told me about where the Alien Blaster is?
would somebody be kind enough to tell me where the bloody hell that fucking piece of shit is? i wanna get my hand on that piece of shit plz......
Willy, a trader 4 squares above Modoc (the encounter is: a trader with guards) will sometime sell it. I think you have to be over lv 15, and it will take several/many tries. btw i posted in this post :)

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then they'll be a mile away--and barefoot.
.233 pistol is obviously one of the coolest weapons in the game but when i need some real fire power i use the VINDICATOR minigun
(kill'em all and let God sort'em out!!!)
RE: Pancor Jackhammer

I think the pancor jackhammer is pretty cool, but you get more criticals against armoured opponents using the sniper rifle. If you get bonus rate of fire it only costs 6 AP for an aimed shot, which can do far more damage than a 6 AP burst on the jackhammer.(against, say, navarro guards)