Fbos team taunts us


Carbon Dated and Proud
The Fallout Bos team have posted a little snibblet in the end credit of Fbos, here's what it said:<blockquote>Thanks for the laughs duckandcover.net and nma-fallout.com</blockquote>Mr.Teatime brought this to our attention in a thread in our forum. I was hoping that someone could get ahold of a screenshot of this for me, so please send it along to me if you can do this.
Just goes to show what kind of no-talent dead-chicken humper old Chucky is.

What a prick.
Meh...no reason to take it to heart. I mean obviously those guys couldn't write or develop a decent game if their lives depended on it. Also, clearly, F:POS isn't exactly flying off the shelves, so they really can't talk shit.

The only thing that worries me about the little comment is the fact that it'll probably send a couple 10 year olds with blistering erections over our way posting threads like "FBOS CHEAT CODEZ", or "HOW DO U KILL TEH SUPERGHOOL?"

I mean, they do realise they made a game that only 10 year olds would buy, right? It's such a bargain-bin title. Give it another month and the stores that still carry it will have it on the 19.99 rack.
Yeh, good point.

It's going to be interesting to see how many (if any) 10 year olds show up.

Hell, would mommy have bought the "game" for them, in the first place?

I'm really tempted to go over to "Team X-Box" and see what ole Jester-the-Molester thinks about this...

Or whether my post will be whacked outright.
I think the mention of the NMA and DAC was interesting. I'm not sure I'd even call it a taunt, since they did include the web addresses.

Having now finished FOBOS, I feel comfortable in saying it's not as bad as some here are making it out to be. Sure, it's not the classic Fallout we all love, but given the genre of gameplay, it does a decent job. What suprised me was how much Fallout setting it does use. For those who don't know, the story is basically what happened to the mutant army after Fallout 1. I found the story fairly reasonable, and enjoyed the cameo's of characters from Fallout 1. Also, unlike Fallout Tactics, the game did support the viability of different weapon types to the end of the game. The fact that I could use Power Fists, a plasma rifle, or a bozar like gun at the end was nice.

I want to also say something about the music, which has been criticized to no end. First, there is very little use of music in the game, so if you don't like the thrash metal style, you will hardly hear it anyway. The only time they use it is during the boss fights, and even then it just sounds like generic metal music. Second, the main title screen of the game uses a song much more in the style of traditional Fallout theme songs.

On the whole I came away thinking that at least someone or small part of the dev team on this game worked to make it as true to the Fallout PC titles as they could. There are bits and pieces here and there that are Fallout. It doesn't replace Fallout 3 or excuse what happened there, but it's not the "rape of the corpse of Fallout" that some have described it as.
Fallout had no theme song, btw...

Anyway, the only way the BOS team could have shown us we were wrong, and really make us feel crap, is if BOS was a good game, or at least sold like pancakes. So theres no point at that little blurb on the credits - by the time anyone gets there, they realise it's a crap game.
Hey, the more eyes out there, the better.

You just better not beat me too often! :P
HEhehe, I think you're safe.

US Stock markets closed today, so no work for the old Pope.

Just hanging around house, avoiding yard work.
Sarkus said:
I think the mention of the NMA and DAC was interesting. I'm not sure I'd even call it a taunt, since they did include the web addresses.

In my book it qualifies as a taunt. Its like thanking someone for all the times they laughed at someone's face, then pointing at those they laughed at.
...i was going to make some constructive and intelligent critique about this but... why?

Rot in the shit console self-abusers! << the hidden bonus for FOBOS players on this board...
It's a taunt, definately.

Thing is it backfired in their face, since their game ended up sucking then tanking.

Big surprise.
No no no... You guys don't get it, this is the ultimate revenge by Chucky and friends. (Well, alright Chuck isn't there anymore but the name sticks you know?)

When hordes of console kiddies buy and play these games, some of them might find that little line in the credits, resulting in them joining the fan sites...

If this game turns out succefull we're talking hundreds of Fo:BoS playing morons around the board!