Fbos team taunts us

Dan said:
No no no... You guys don't get it, this is the ultimate revenge by Chucky and friends. (Well, alright Chuck isn't there anymore but the name sticks you know?)

Actually, I think we have the last laugh. After all, some of the F:POS people got the can, and Chucky and associated developers have another dud on their credits listing at MobyGames.

Yeah, thanks for proving your career and "talent" is a laugh, Chuck and crew.

If this game turns out succefull we're talking hundreds of Fo:BoS playing morons around the board!

/me cracks his knuckles.

Bring 'em. I have plenty of material waiting to be used.

Sammael said:
It is not copyright infringement. It can, however, be seen as defamatory, and can also be taken to be association without consent (as NMA and DAC obviously want nothing to do with FO:PoS).

Wouldn't it just SUCK to have to recall the games to remove that? :twisted:
Pope_Viper said:
Hey Ozrat, looks like you've just been "bitch-slapped" by the great and powerful Shadow Paladin.

I'm aware...

Ozrat said:
Mike said:
Ummm, the queen is actually a king. So perhaps you should research your queries a little better.

ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
Well mikes right about me being a king.

Actually, I was already aware of your true gender. You're more infamous for your posting skills than you think you are, SP. The fact of the matter is that I see nothing wrong with wanting to talk to an avatar rather than the poster if it seems to possess more sentient characteristics.

ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
Really ? They are giving you free advertising and since you rely on advertising revenue they are doing you a favour. Even though I doubt that was the intent. :mrgreen:

Actually, we haven't even noticed any FO:BOS loving fanboys go to either DaC or NMA yet. The game doesn't take any more than ten hours to beat, so you'd think that we'd have a massive influx of Fallout fans who would be telling us that they loved playing the game, right? That would be the case if your perspective on the situation was correct...

Wanna hear a good story? NMA's "most users online at once" record literally doubled overnight when FO3, or VB for those who still insist on calling it that, was cancelled by Interlay. What more, it even quadrupled before a week had gone by.

Look at what's had more influence in the Fallout fan communities; the broken promise of Fallout 3, or UEBERSECKRAT MNA/DAK REFARANSES IN FOEBOES?

Surely you can see where the public eye is focused in terms of wanting another Fallout game?

ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
As it's at the end credits and not on the box or other pre purchase area. Your claim that they are using you for free advertising cant be true now can it.If your suggesting people will buy the game just because of two URL's that appear after the credits you need a serious reality check.

Exactly which bodily orafice did you locate this grouping of random words in? Check my post, I said nothing that would even imply any of this.

ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
Dont forget IP can counter sue and they have a much better case for defamation than you do :D
Don't forget that Interplay would actually have to be able to afford lawyers for that! I mean, it's not like they have lost their company credit cards or the ability to pay in direct deposits to the employees already or anything... :look:

Besides, you can only sue for so much, and I doubt that even sueing both DaC and NMA would come close to covering what legal fees would arise from the long process.

How'd I do?
ShadowPaladin never has a chance, but that never stops the moron from defecating upon the forum with his next mental shit.
All this talk about ten year olds is funny, but totally untrue. The game store I work in has sold several copies of FOBOS, and none were to little kids. Instead, it's Fallout fans who are buying it, fans who liked the Baldur's Gate console title as well.

Not that I expect the game to be a success, but it will most likely fail because of being released at essentially the same time as BGDA2. The two games appeal to the same crowd, but BGDA2 has the advantages of being D&D and being a sequel to a earlier success.
Malkavian said:
Give it another month and the stores that still carry it will have it on the 19.99 rack.

Acutualy, I think people will be given the piece of shit for free so the stores can get rid of it.

Not that anything is wrong with bargin bin.
Thats were I got FO and FO2, b3 then I hated RPG's, then I saw FO and was like 'what the hell, only $10 for both, so I bough em and LOVED em.

Also, are all the Iplay fourms down ? all the links I've clicked on dont work.
Real Downer ... Man

Real Downer ... Man
Sun Downer ... Man

Looking half heartedly for a link to back my view.

Yes, I can't connect to I'play Forums, EYE-ther.

Can't connect to DAC, there's a ""That's All Folks"" FO avatar sun-set image from Kreegle. Thanks for all to yoo too.

I think it was at DAC. Some pesonna of renown had a link to the I'play Forums that featured a player review of FO:BOS.

Shad-Pala-dan Man was banking off the negative side of this fan of BG:DA. Milking the hurt of the reputed focus of FO:BOS, the fans of BG:DA. Milking the hurt to advance the overt agenda of Fan-tasty Universes and D AND D Fore-ever. Shad-Pala-dan Man back handed the FO:BOS crew for failing to concoct a credible RPG experience
using the SPECIAL system in the BG:DA Engined FO:BOS.

Seemed forced to me.

Not sure why the vernier of FO's SPECIAL was a collateral target of abuse of Shad-Pala-dan Man, unless it was to advance the grid lock of the fantasy class system for all, for ever.

Shad-pala-dan Man wants to keep playing the same game over, and over, and over. (Insert: A beige sunrise, and pan beige sky, into a beige sunset.)
It's this hypocrisy of the sword and sorcery 'class', that taints their lobbying for dev-time at I'play's Shakey Server.
It profiles Shad-pala-dan Man as a "class enemy" to all gamers that want to see more creative inspiration striving to embrace this limitless media.

Shad-Pala-dan Man dis'ing the FO:BOS Crew, in the back side- of course, to advance the fan-tasy agenda.

{Shakespearian stage set emerges from the floor.}

Oh, where goeth the LUB in the House of Caen?
Only, circles of bitten' backs, remain in the House of Heave.

Only, dungeons of fetchin' quests, remain in the House of Heave.
Oh, where crawls the LUB in THIS, HOUSE of Caen.

{Stage Lights fade.}


Oh, Geez, can NOT part until I say thank you for the Quoting of Ozrat's Glorious Glide into the Dungeons of Heave, to tip the cow of Shad-pala-dan Man. Ozrat earns the Whistle of Vaporous Valor hidden deceptively inside this bogus box of Cracker Jacks.

Ozrat said:
ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
Well mikes right about me being a king.

Actually, I was already aware of your true gender. You're more infamous for your posting skills than you think you are, SP. The fact of the matter is that I see nothing wrong with wanting to talk to an avatar rather than the poster if it seems to possess more sentient characteristics.


Good work there, Ozrat. Its always good to see that waste of bandwidth getting told about the facts of life.
Roshambo said:
ShadowPaladin never has a chance, but that never stops the moron from defecating upon the forum with his next mental shit.


Well done, Ozrat

I m'self have been trying to avoid looking directly at any of ShadowMoron's post. They burn my eyes
been buisy, so i wasn't trying often, but for the last few days i haven't been able to get at forums.interplay.com, either
jr. said:
been buisy, so i wasn't trying often, but for the last few days i haven't been able to get at forums.interplay.com, either

I noticed you were debating with ShadowMoron too.

Eeeych, a waste of your time, y'know?
Kharn said:
I noticed you were debating with ShadowMoron too.

Eeeych, a waste of your time, y'know?

aww, but it's fun all over.

so, is forums.interplay.com innaccessable for you, too?
Kharn said:
Nope. Works like a charm

huh, works for me too, now. guess i was trying to connect at some down-times.

on topic, though, i think NMA should get a credits page so

"Thanks for the flops Interplay and Chuck Cuevas"

can go at the bottom
Roshambo said:
ShadowPaladin never has a chance, but that never stops the moron from defecating upon the forum with his next mental shit.

Yeah, I figured that (s)he would "retaliate" my argument with some shoddy piss-poor points.

So I figured why not go back for some more?

Ozrat said:
ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
They dont need any. They own the property that is beyond dispute.

I never said that we were disputing who owns the Fallout license. Please, try taking some Reading Comprehension courses if you plan on trying to debate in the future. That's the second time I've had to call you on trying to put words in my mouth.

ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
If they tell you to remove it then you have no choice but to do so. They simply need a court injunction and its bye bye any copyrighted FO material. If you contiunue to operate in breach of that then your ISP is open for action too.

I think you're missing the point. Interplay would have to put aside some funds for a legal team in order to do even basic legalwork. Last time I looked, Interplay can't even afford their cleaning and janitorial bills. Where are they going to find the money to fight a long legal battle to do nothing but attempt to shut down two of the biggest fan sites devoted to an Interplay product? And for no financial return? If you think Interplay's consumer relations are poor now, just wait until that happens!

ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
I think that you and whoever else are still up in running is an indication of how trivial you are to IP uppermanagement.

Fail / Abort / Try again?

I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say here. Running for what? Trivial to IP upper management? Puh-lease! It's pretty hard to not be able to compete with the IP that exists today. :roll:

Kharn said:
Shadowgypsy said:
Possibly , but then we all know who is to blame for them shutting down dont we.

Possible the person who pushed the "turn forum off"-button.

You mean the same people who decided to enrage the Fallout fan communities out there by blatently ignoring them? :look:

ShadowPaladin V2.0 said:
No the blame lies with the people who caused it to happen. And we all know who they are.

Your basically nothing now beyond a place for people to gather and bitch.

Once again, you can't blame the fans for being upset that Interplay was ignoring their fanbase after having given them plenty of valid suggestions about how they wanted their Fallout served to them.

Funny thing is, NMA will be around longer than the IP boards. Why? Because we don't depend on profit to keep us up and running. Love for Fallout will last quite a while longer than IP's piggy bank account.

Where do you plan on posting a few months down the road yourself? Because unless Interplay recieves a large source of income sometime soon they will be broke and out of business for good. The IP fora isn't going to keep itself alive y'know...

I can't wait to see what ShadowGypsy has to respond with this time. But I doubt that I'll bother with responding to the "points" again this time though. It's just too painful reading them! :cry:

4too said:
Oh, Geez, can NOT part until I say thank you for the Quoting of Ozrat's Glorious Glide into the Dungeons of Heave, to tip the cow of Shad-pala-dan Man. Ozrat earns the Whistle of Vaporous Valor hidden deceptively inside this bogus box of Cracker Jacks.

Thanks, I'm hoping that was a compliment! :D
I think we should compile all of 4too's posts into one giant parable of internetspeak. It should then be sold to aspiring poets who want to ryhme and verse without doing so.

Or something. Your posts are interesting 4too, to say the least.