Feminism and why it's bad.

Regardless, I am not answering your question because A) you know the answer, B) it is irrelevant, C) you always throw this out as if it somehow excuses the racism inherent in your jokes and I'm tired of that bullshit.
I think you're reading me wrong, I'm not looking to excuse anything, I'm just pointing out how you have no idea what the fuck is going on on the streets, because you've never seen it. You know nothing about what's going on outside of what you see on the other end of a computer screen.

You live in an Ivory Tower in Bananaland Sander.
Regardless, I am not answering your question because A) you know the answer, B) it is irrelevant, C) you always throw this out as if it somehow excuses the racism inherent in your jokes and I'm tired of that bullshit.
I think you're reading me wrong, I'm not looking to excuse anything, I'm just pointing out how you have no idea what the fuck is going on on the streets, because you've never seen it. You know nothing about what's going on outside of what you see on the other end of a computer screen.

You live in an Ivory Tower in Bananaland Sander.
I'll start the popcorn.
But no one with a sane mind can downplay the reason for feminist movements. I mean the one that really fight for female rights.

Because there is no doubt that even in western societies you still have underlying issues. And we also will not improve the situation for females in the world if we don't cointinue to improve them in our own society. Trough education and gender equallity. Looking at this topic though I think we still have a very long way to go ...

Like I said. I just love this so much. We have to many Penises in this thread. But now Sander is back and I think that will balance it out somewhat. One Sander is at least worth 3 Penises.

The right to devalue labor by creating millions of people looking for work? The right to destroy gender roles that arose out of natural neccesity, making everyone unhappy down the line? I'm curious how you think education and false equality is the way to go.
Cimmerian Nights said:
I think you're reading me wrong, I'm not looking to excuse anything, I'm just pointing out how you have no idea what the fuck is going on on the streets, because you've never seen it. You know nothing about what's going on outside of what you see on the other end of a computer screen.

You live in an Ivory Tower in Bananaland Sander.
Because we all know that your personal, anecdotal experience trumps that of those who have lived through it but agree with me (who I frequently cite) and actual data (which I always frequently cite). Nope, sorry, I'm not the one who's living in a tower. Other than literally.

Vault17 said:
The right to devalue labor by creating millions of people looking for work? The right to destroy gender roles that arose out of natural neccesity, making everyone unhappy down the line? I'm curious how you think education and false equality is the way to go.
Even if gender roles arose out of natural necessity (I would strongly dispute that notion), that does not mean that they're beneficial.
The right to devalue labor by creating millions of people looking for work? The right to destroy gender roles that arose out of natural neccesity, making everyone unhappy down the line? I'm curious how you think education and false equality is the way to go.

I'm curious as to where your train of thought leads. Do you honestly believe that sexism and ignorance are good?
But no one with a sane mind can downplay the reason for feminist movements. I mean the one that really fight for female rights.

Because there is no doubt that even in western societies you still have underlying issues. And we also will not improve the situation for females in the world if we don't cointinue to improve them in our own society. Trough education and gender equallity. Looking at this topic though I think we still have a very long way to go ...

Like I said. I just love this so much. We have to many Penises in this thread. But now Sander is back and I think that will balance it out somewhat. One Sander is at least worth 3 Penises.

The right to devalue labor by creating millions of people looking for work? The right to destroy gender roles that arose out of natural neccesity, making everyone unhappy down the line? I'm curious how you think education and false equality is the way to go.

Are you talking about those kind of gender rolles that tell females that they are bad at math and thus should rather celebrate that feeling of apathy and buy themself a nice pair of shoes because they are simply not good at it?

No thx. Our society has no need for those so called gender roles which I despise deeply.

I might have a more radical view on that, I admit it, but I feel that most so called gender roles are arbitary constructions and often enough used to simply tell girls that a good female has to shut her mouth and look pretty. Intelectual things are not feminine you know. And I am not just saying that because I don't have a heterosexual orientation - I simply don't fall in this typical male stereotype you know. I say this because historically speaking it is very funny how certain gender roles change over time. Rather quickly even.

With education I mean to tell people that it is not crazy or a sign of lesbianism if their little girl loves to play with cars, motorcycles, engines and coming home dirty rather than to sit at home and dressing her dolls. It just means that she has different interests. What is wrong if a female is behaving a bit "boy-ish" or if a male is somewhat "flamboyant"? Why do many parents feel like that is some kind of danger to their sexuality or future where a girl has to follow a certian career and a male has to be atheltic?

I say fuck gender roles. Fuck them all. Bomb them. Burn them to the ground. And let us never talk again about it. If a guy want's to wear a skirt, let him. What's it to me? If a girl loves to work on her motorcycle or to be a bricklayer, hell, let her. Gender roles. How much I hate this concept.
High heels - tis the most moronic thing ever. I am amazed that women endure the violence on their knees and back from those things and they look stupid to boot if you think about it with a clear head.
Aren't high heels outdated? I think boots and yoga pants is what's currently popular with women these days.
Well, it's all a masquerade. I can't imagine anything more uncomfortable than a tuxedo, then probably if I was invited to a formal even with such dress code is required I suppose I would feel out of place without one.

Although for such formal event I could probably use my dress uniform which is not as uncomfortable and would feel far less ridiculous wearing it.
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That glove would be perfect for when a gentleman is insulted ... SMACK!!! - SIR I DEMAND SATISFACTION!

I think high heels do look good (on women, at least). Although I'm the last person to try forcing anyone into wearing uncomfortable clothes, I find even pants to be extremely uncomfortable and curse whoever invented them on a daily basis. Bathrobes are superior to anything.

The thing with gender roles is that the woman has a gender role that isn't social - that of a child-bearer. And, presuming we all want humanity to keep on procreating once it has achieved a certain level of civilization, we need to ensure that women remain good mothers and that the family as a unit survives.
Indeed, I got fat... very fat... as a mater of fact right now I'm even larger than in the picture... The size does seems to intimidate others though, which could be useful in my line of work... It all depends on how you carry yourself I suppose.

Oh, and when I was in the army I went trough a ceremony in which I was slapped in the face, hard, and that was supposed to be the last insult I could take without shedding blood, kind like with knights in the middle ages.

Of course I have to ignore that on my current line of work or I would have to shoot anyone who insults me. No one has thus far, again, maybe the size.
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I think high heels do look good (on women, at least). Although I'm the last person to try forcing anyone into wearing uncomfortable clothes, I find even pants to be extremely uncomfortable and curse whoever invented them on a daily basis. Bathrobes are superior to anything.

The thing with gender roles is that the woman has a gender role that isn't social - that of a child-bearer. And, presuming we all want humanity to keep on procreating once it has achieved a certain level of civilization, we need to ensure that women remain good mothers and that the family as a unit survives.
Bearing children has nothing to do with rearing children. The nuclear family as a way to rear children is a cultural choice, not a universal truth, as is giving the mother the caregiving role.