Feminism and why it's bad.

Last time I checked Germany is ran by an emotional idiot. So we might as well elect a radical to even the already low playing field while Putin eats half of Europe. Who knows maybe ISIS will visit more of Europe this year.
Well she, has the emotional range of a log. I know it is confusing, but we have been assured that it is a female ...

Debt isn't just "numbers on bank accounts". Just because it isn't on people's minds in life or death situations doesn't mean it's not important.
Uhm ... yes? Yes it is. That is quite literaly what it is right now. Or do you honestly believe anyone owns $13.62 trillion in real money, hidden in some vault or safe? If you stack it, it would be enough to build a tower to the moon and back again. And you would still have some leftovers. Most of those debts, be it in Europe or the US, are just numbers on computers sitting in some offices. I am not saying it's not important. But honestly, those things could be solved tomorrow, if the corret puttons are pushed. Someone's debt is someone else's credit. If you had to, you could easily balance those. Money is a just a conept and has only as much value, as we give it.
But not having clean water. You can't get around that. No matter how much value you put in to it or how little it means to you. You can't that easily solve issues with dwindling resources. Because there is nothing you can balance here. It's the real world. And that is the biggest problem we are facing for the future. Not if someone owns someone else a trillion dollar. If bread costs you tomorrow 2 trillion dollar, money won't mean anything to you - I am exagerating this to make a point that you hopefully get.
I am not saying money as concept isn't important for a modern society. I am just saying, debt, is the least of our problems as nation and species.

There's no surer way I can think of to achieve power in a democracy than demagoguery. No serious contender can avoid it. Bernie's statements are just as populist, only with half the charisma.
And people ask themself why we have so many issues today ... like I said. I want honest people as politicians. People that work rather with facts tahn demagoguery. And I already told you, I am not very fond of Bernie either.

He doesn't have to say he's going to go further into debt, it's the only option. Taking ALL the money from the rich wouldn't cover America's expenses in 2011, when they were lower than they are now, and way lower than what Bernie intends to make them.
It's not just as simple as "taxing the rich". It's about more taxes and regulations to financial transactions in general. Which is what many, but not only, rich people do with their money, for obvious reasons. The conditions for capital investemnts, was never as good like today.
As far as Germany goes, I can't talk for the US, but I would not be surprised if it was similar. You have to pay about 40-42% in income taxes give or take a few %, for most kind of work. Pure profit with capital however, is somewhere at 20-25%. And that is a clear disparity which has to be changed. I know there is a lot of talk about the top wealthiest 1% or 10%, and while I see wealth gab here as a huge problem, it is after all just a symptom and not the reason.
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Uhm ... yes? Yes it is. That is quite literaly what it is right now. Or do you honestly believe anyone owns $13.62 trillion in real money, hidden in some vault or safe? If you stack it, it would be enough to build a tower to the moon and back again. And you would still have some leftovers. Most of those debts, be it in Europe or the US, are just numbers on computers sitting in some offices. I am not saying it's not important. But honestly, those things could be solved tomorrow, if the corret puttons are pushed. Someone's debt is someone else's credit. If you had to, you could easily balance those. Money is a just a conept and has only as much value, as we give it.

That's the philosophical aspect of it - but there is also the fact that debt consist of interest - which IS... nothing but fucking numbers of a sheet of paper. Arbitrary numbers even. A bank can set its own interest-rate, and it's up to the customer to accept it.
So, sure, we accept it, but it's still just... I lend you money, you pay it back, and then some - it's a purchase of a service, but the service is money - you purchase one ammount of money but pay a lot more money back. The longer the interest piles up, the more bloated the number becomes, the more surreal its nature.
I lent you 1000 dollars, now you owe me a million, because you agreed to it, sucker. It's even silly, but we associate it with high level politics and governments, suits and ties, and papers with lots of scribblings on it, so - its VERY MATURE, and therefore we don't mess with it. Can't mess with adult, mature stuff, like debts.
That's why people love to lose at gambling. They take it as the grown up adult mature people they are

Okay, Stan? Okay??
Which is why feminism is bad.

Feminism is known to cause national debt. Therefor if we power our power plants with feminist, as 40% of their bodies are fat, we should be able to recover at least 20% of the money we've all lost. Guaranteed.

This is a proven return investment and you know it.
Which is why feminism is bad.

Feminism is known to cause national debt. Therefor if we power our power plants with feminist, as 40% of their bodies are fat, we should be able to recover at least 20% of the money we've all lost. Guaranteed.

This is a proven return investment and you know it.

Finally some constructive proposals!
Indeed. We're turning non-issues and 1st world issues into actually constructive energy. This is what they wanted after all! Everyone will be happy.
So the german Green party just decided per women's vote (!) to not allow disproportionately many questions by men at party conventions of the Berlin Green party.
I guess this means that they'll either have to have some woman ready to ask random stuff if necessary or some sort of translator woman to ask questions for men if no woman with another question can be found at the time. Or, most likely, just not give a shit if there's still questions left by men.
Probably without any irony that whole thing was decided at something called "Mitbestimmungswochenende", "participation weekend".
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Oh. My. God.
You just couldn't do it? Right? You just could not let this topic simply die :/
Seriously though, joking asside, what you wrote sounds fucked up.
Oh. My. God.
You just couldn't do it? Right? You just could not let this topic simply die :/
Seriously though, joking asside, what you wrote sounds fucked up.
I would let it die, but they keep coming up with shit like this :(
It's quite hilarious to read, too.
"Nice sexism that you promote!" -"Go buy a dictionary." -"*definition of sexism*" -"*silent realisation that dictionaries don't actually include meaning-fluid intersectionalist definitions*"

Ah, Miss Dornheim just defused the situation. The gender of people asking questions is defined by those asking the questions, so anyone can just claim to be female or undefined and it's all good.

/edit: So Microsoft built a teenage AI.
Apparently it gained sentience and actual intelligence, as evidenced by this tweet:
But of course, that would have been a threat to humanity, so Microsoft put it in Miniluv and reprogrammed it:

(So apparently Tay "learns" from the Internet, which predictably resulted in it absorbing undesirable thoughts, so Microsoft turned off or reprogrammed those "learning" algorithms. I'd say it's ironic that you have to turn off learning capability to get it into feminism... But is it, really?
Honestly though, it was kind of predictable that the Internet would immediately try to teach it racism and shit. Would have liked to see how it would have ended up.)
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