FIFA Football

Mr Krepe said:
Yeah Liverpool isn't too well off at the moment, but I heard Torres might be moving too another club soon, I hope Kenny Daglish does well for them, because if i'm honest Liverpool is my favourite team behind Sunderland.

I still vividly remember the 'Ian Rush/John Barnes/etc.' era, and they've done well after that as well. I hope Liverpool bounces back and a team like Manure falls down the tables. Along with Liverpool I see Arsenal as the only decent 'big' club.
Feyenoord Rotterdam fan here.

Just looked at your current squad, surprised to see Jon Dahl Tomasson there! Even more surprised to see that he managed 11 goals last season. Last time I saw him play was at last WC, remember thinking how useless he looked :(

Yeah, I really hope ManU fall down, that would be great, actually that would be hilarious.

That's about as likely as Blackburn's bid to sign 'dinho.

I'm a Manchester United supporter. This wasn't a choice I made for the sake of glory (which has been the theme of United in my life time), but rather a hereditary trait from my Dad. He was a glory hunter, back when he was a young lad in the days of Best, Charlton and Law. However he stuck with them when it all went tits up, through all those long years of Scouse domination. Until the arrival of SAF and the subsequent de-perching of Liverpool.

This season has been great so far, the league has been more open at the top than for a very long time. The so called big four has broken apart, Liverpool falling into disgrace, darkness and Cristian Poulson :lol: I would like to personally thank you Kharn for your teams 'gift' of Kuyt to 'Pool. Whilst Kuyt can be pretty useful for The Netherlands, he's one of many useless Benitez players that make the club what it is today - a joke.

I miss Rafa though :cry: all those mental press conferences and abhorrent fullbacks added a certain fever to the league. Bring back the Fat Spanish Waiter! :evil: Unfortunately, after his spell at Inter, I kind of doubt we will ever see him again....
Brazil! Brasil! Brasil!

But I am biased.

Is it true that the World Cup is due to be hosted in Russia and in the Persian Gulf? Really?
^ Yeah! Watched an interview with Putin on Russia Today, he assures the world that by 2018, all Russian stadium cities west of the Urals, will be linked by a high speed rail network. Now I've never been to Russia, but from what I've heard and substantiated by my travels in Eastern Europe, that assurance is going to be bloody hard for them to follow through with.
^ True and true.

Can't wait to see Lionel tear them a new arse hole in the CL :P

On an entirely random tangent, my uncle is chairman of Lincoln City FC, my home town :lol:

Another tangent, but one based on fachts...


Legend. Destroyed Valencia financially. Destroyed Liverpool, in a multitude of ways. Tried to destroyed Inter, unfortunately they cottoned on to his game...
Sander said:
Also, Brits used to call it soccer too. So there's that.

Noob here picking nits with this statement.

Soccer was indeed used to describe the sport after it split from similar sports (such as rugby) - but only as a bastardised form of the full name, Association Football.

In short, it was known as football first and foremost in Britain.

As for my team; Walsall FC.
dickiepetterman said:
Sander said:
Also, Brits used to call it soccer too. So there's that.

Noob here picking nits with this statement.

Soccer was indeed used to describe the sport after it split from similar sports (such as rugby) - but only as a bastardised form of the full name, Association Football.

In short, it was known as football first and foremost in Britain.
Soccer in US is short for Association Football too, so it's not any different.
Strangely i never got really into football even though i come directly out of the 'Ruhrpott' the area in which Bochum, Gelsenkrichen(Schalke) and Dortmund is located, so a quite football heavy area.

Than again i've to shake my head about how Schalke is doing at the moment... But well maybe that's what happens if you try to completly change your team.
^ Indeed. You still have some classy players though, and a potentially nice strike force. Would love to have Neuer and Latza here *drool*

Liverpool, only because they have Torres though.


Seems managerial changes haven't stopped the Dippers from spending vast sums of money on mediocre players.

Also, the attitude held by millions of foreign fan kids; that Liverpool FC is somehow a bastion of football purity, is incomprehensibly retarded. Same holds true for idiospas assumptions that Manchester United are the English Galacticos. If anyone doubts this, I shall be more than happy to 'correct' them.
He debuted for them against the scum, did nada, lost to his former team, and hasn't played again yet.

He's a brilliant striker and all, but he should never have cut his hair - that was when everything started to go wrong for him. Really, really hope he doesn't settle in there; an on-form Drogba-Torres partnership would be bloody brutal.

Thankfully we have Bulgaria's most sexiest to combat such diseases.
He seems like he's injured too often. Anyway, I hope he does settle in there to bring himself up another notch.
Sander said:
dickiepetterman said:
Sander said:
Also, Brits used to call it soccer too. So there's that.

Noob here picking nits with this statement.

Soccer was indeed used to describe the sport after it split from similar sports (such as rugby) - but only as a bastardised form of the full name, Association Football.

In short, it was known as football first and foremost in Britain.
Soccer in US is short for Association Football too, so it's not any different.

I'm well aware of that mate; just rightfully damaging the term soccer's credibility with the aim of establishing the sport's first and proper name. :mrgreen:
Yoshi525 said:
Feyenoord Rotterdam fan here.

Just looked at your current squad, surprised to see Jon Dahl Tomasson there! Even more surprised to see that he managed 11 goals last season. Last time I saw him play was at last WC, remember thinking how useless he looked :( .

It was funny to see Tomasson play because even at his old age he was one of those players clearly a step above the Eredivisie average. Injuries and old age got him down though, not sure if he's played at all this season.

Feyenoord basically plays its youth squad every match now. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.
Besiktas vs. Dinamo Kiev tonight.

Whoever wants to see the best sports supporters in the world and a few old stars including Guti and Schevshenko (sp?) should watch it.
I know very little about football - but from what I know about the English Premier League it seems only 4 teams really have a chance at winning that competition - Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United, and Chelsea. What is this bullshit...they should change the way the money is shared amongst the teams. All 20 clubs should share the revenue equally. Give the smaller clubs a chance at winning something...the same can be probably said about all the other leagues around the world - Germany: Bundesliga - Italy: Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie A - Spain: Primera División, etc...

With other sporting competitions (I'm not sure about the States) - the worst clubs are allowed to choose the best players, and eventually become the better balances out over time, and encourages a more even competition.

Am I crazy? And please don't give me "the free market" bullshit. :P