PainlessDocM said:
What is the last game that ran smoothly on both consoles and PC? Engine optimisation is hell of a work, and devs are just too fucking lazy to put some effort into it. All they do is just swap the libraries, recompile engine, do some other shit ad voila! You've got a game that runs perfectly on Xbox, quite good on PS3 and lags like hell on PC. Just like F3/NV (badly optimised for PC), or The Orange Box (runs like shit on consoles, or at least on Xbox). Also, exclusives tend to look better than multiplatform games (compare Crysis or Uncharted with Final Fantasy XIII (yeah, all of them look amazing, yet Crysis and Uncharted, as exclusives, are better optimised for their platforms).
Console and PC gaming are quite different. Most console players play on huge TV screens, most PC players play on small monitors. Therefore, interface on console games tends to be huge, and consists of large boxes of small amount of text. On the other hand, interface and fonts on PC games can be much smaller.
Lack of good controllers is another thing. Console controllers are very limited, and, imo at least, there is no good way to control a character in FPS, for example. Analog sticks aren't as responsive, fast and precise as a mouse. And playing, for example, fighting games, or some action-adventure/RGP games on keyboard is really HUGE pain in the ass (try playing God of War, Kingdom Hearts, or any 3D Sonic game on a keyboard

). Yeah, I know, you can always buy a gamepad. But higher-quality ones are quite expensive, and dirt-cheap ones tend to break after one unsucessful combo (and throw into the wall
