FILES: Sprites ressources


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
4766c1ebgw1e6j7essuuxj20sg0lcn3b.jpg part1 part2 part3
download all of them and rename to 1.rar , 2.rar , 3.rar fist~
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Are you freakin serious???

Do these have proper animations and attacks? Because if they do, I want them. And more to the point, if they do have proper animations, can you create more?

Dude the one at the top is giving me chills, absolutely amazing work!
Most have simple animations and attacks. And maybe you can find them in Fallout: Last Vegas mod。
Hello nice work, i have a question do you still have your old sprites :

Female Succubus Sprite

New Mutant

Assassin lady

And could upload them.
Mateo_Frozen said:
Hello nice work, i have a question do you still have your old sprites :

Female Succubus Sprite

New Mutant

Assassin lady

And could upload them.
Here Female Succubus Sprite.
Thx RobertHouse for the web page.
New Mutant sprite
assassin lady sprite
These look great, but the second Alien and the bone warrior sprite don't seem to be working. I assigned them to a UniqueOther race on the editor, but nothing shows up; even in the character creation screen. I later tried placing the entities on a map to see if it was just a problem with the entity editor, but they are still invisible.

BTW, any chance you could upload the blunderbore?

To use them, you must set it UniqueOther or UniqueHumanoid race. I will check them later.
xxxRedMetalxxx said:
Do you do requests? Or would that be asking too much as you have given us so much already?
As Robert said I works for FLVDT.
If you have the right 3d model format as .max or .fbx and with right animations I can make it.
Seems like the download was interrupted the first time, they are all working fine now that I re-downloaded them.

And thanks for uploading the others.