FILES: Sprites ressources

Creatures are cool. I wish that you would create the mutant centipede from fallout 2. A long time ago people wanted to do a mod storyline based on the remnants of masters army but I think the idea was abandoned (I cant remember)... Even if it was only a 6 direction sprite it would still be cool because 'A Mutant Centipede' would (presumably) walk all wonky anyway....

At anyrate I agree with Reds assessment. It's good to create. We need more creatures - wannamingos, aliens, xenos, mythos, ctullus, face huggers and any other beasts that i can point a sniper rifle at....

Keep up the good work!

huge fire lizzared
Thank you for your attention,friends. I made these use jarekfall Sprite Creator, if he see this I want he know his tools is very cool and I thanks him lot. If he can make some modify in batch images positions, the sprites will bee easy to made.
Lots of these sprites I made one or two years ago, some I think need some fix or rebulid, I will uoload them on RobertHouse's web page. I agree with this point about creativity too.
BEING POLITE for f**k sake
Wow, calm down ^_^
I don't think Pixote actually meant to mock anyone. And he has his right to make opinions because... well, he is some kind of legend too.

I still agree that every model sprite may and will exist as long as it has some proper animation and can be used in actual modded game. For example, 4-direction vehicle sprites aren't really that good.
xxxRedMetalxxx said:
.Pixote. said:
These crazy arsed sprites don't suit the world of Fallout, sorry. :roll:
Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if that is yours then fair enough... In my opinion I could agree, no they do not suit the original world of Fallout Tactics, yet this IS a modding forum of Fallout Tactics and maybe some modder's are creating games / mods based on the Fallout Tactics engine but are entirely different games / worlds. So even though I can see where you (individually) are coming from and that to YOU these creatures are not useful, I personally have to disagree...

He is a genius in his own work so, I put this question to you ".Pixote."; CAN YOU DO BETTER? I did'nt think so. So why reply to a post that does not interest you? In future, don't bother.

Ripping irrelevant art from other games and adding them Tactics is ridiculous...if it's a technical exercise, well who cares, if it's a artistic expression of some sort - then it fails massively. Dragons and Fallout should never meet, ever, unless your name is Prosper.

So maybe someone out there wants to build a game based on Dragons with the Tactic engine - well good luck, you're going to need thousands of ground tiles, thousands of wall pieces, thousands of scenery artworks, be sensible and find the relevant character art and scale it correctly, animate it properly, and come back and show us. :roll:

Check it out, true talent :P -
Wow .Pixote. your rude! I know your just saying your opinion but there is no reason for you to be rude because itis Fallout Tactics modding and some people like the sprites and may want to use the sprites in there own mods, with all due respect keep it to yourself!
TwoEyedYum said:
BEING POLITE for f**k sake
Wow, calm down ^_^
I don't think Pixote actually meant to mock anyone. And he has his right to make opinions because... well, he is some kind of legend too.
Well TwoEyed, I am calm, just suffer a bit of the old Gemini Syndrome once in awhile (Or that would be 'Bi-Polar' to most people). But no matter what I'm on the same track as before, I obviously sensed a disrepectful element in what .Pixote. had put so bluntly. And since he continued with;
.Pixote. said:
Ripping irrelevant art from other games and adding them Tactics is ridiculous...if it's a technical exercise, well who cares, if it's a artistic expression of some sort - then it fails massively. Dragons and Fallout should never meet, ever, unless your name is Prosper.
I think I may have sensed right...
One could take this statement as a means to "mock" ones efforts could'nt one??? LOL! But seriously TwoEyed, most people see that kind of talk as self-centered and egotistical and therefore not empathic with the ability to accept differences. I for one, disagree with purposely trying to influence others into working differently when everyone should do what they enjoy. And by basically telling someone that they are sh*t and that there work is pointless (Does'nt take a brain surgeon to figure that is what Pixote implies) That kind of winds me up. Like I said before, everyone IS entitled to thier own unique opinion, and whereas TwoEyedYum, you also stated that Pixote has his right to make an opinion... That is completely true. But is it not obvious to not get involved in conversations that you are not interested in? Or comment on a persons work when you think it is rubbish? Or would it be the right idea to just say nothing and move on? I know what i would have done. Should people really browse through forum topics just to leave opinions that disagree with other peoples pride of accomplishment (no matter how difficult to create or how useful to you it may be)? I think that you should work on whatever the hell you want to work on and in the way you want to work on it. Age, intelligence, creativity, and other people should not change that. Maybe I am just to polite, maybe I should have a go at expressing my dis-approval to others and thier work since there is a lot that I could, but I wont. Call it a difference in OPINION. LOL!!!
ANYHOW... I will drop this pointless tic for tac as I have learned in my lifetime that some people just cannot see sense in my ability to think and act in a libran way, most are this way .Pixote. so don't feel bad. I call you "normal" as you fit in well with the rest of society that also never shows this trait. I can sense that you are an intelligent fellow though so you wont take it as an insult. "Normal" is completely what I am not and never can be so you win there.
But I did laugh when I saw this;
.Pixote. said:
So maybe someone out there wants to build a game based on Dragons with the Tactic engine - well good luck, you're going to need thousands of ground tiles, thousands of wall pieces, thousands of scenery artworks, etc...
In your mind, nothing could fit with fallout other that something that fits with fallout... hmmm... sensible. But you may have misinterpreted that all fallout modders build fallout games. :) Not all of us do and in some cases, some of those modders have the imagination to blend ANY style together. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic, you name it there are those with the ability to combine and create with ANYTHING. Yep, even dragons. But anyway now you know that, you may not be so harsh when you see CRAZY ARSED SPRITES turning up more and more. Huh, or you will... either way just let us create and maybe some of the produce could someday be useful to you somehow. I'm sure by getting our heads together occasionally, not banging them, could benefit us all.
As for creating thousands of added artwork, sprites, tiles... etc... You could not be more right. To combine opposing elements correctly you will need to create an environment that fits, an entirely different feel, a different game, by use of different thinking, and a lot of hard work. The creator could also wish to use a massive portion of what the original Fallout Tactics game has to offer already as it is already a kick arse game. But with alot of tweaking, the possibilities are endless. Time and time again you could create very different games using the existing engine. Now you know a little about why I'm here eh? :)

Keep up the good work dude, making sprites that are of a fallout style is a good idea too, scaled to the right size like Pixote stated. But none of your sprites are bad, they are all useful to someone (I personally could implement them all into my project), so create what you want, go crazy, go nuts, just have fun. I will always be greatful for all ideas and sprites you create.
Yeah man, these are cool for massive boss entities. But that last one would work well if it were scaled down to original character size.
I'm not sure if you can do that, can you?
Wow, that is brilliant. That gives you even more options for usage.
Now I can see all of these sprites in a different light, not that I would'nt still use massive versions! :)


The sprites had been limit in tools and maybe game too, and I think the limit is too small~ If I have time maybe I will rebuild a small female warrior~