FILES: Sprites ressources

Since nobody offers such creatures for modders of Tactics, you have become a legend in my eyes. Your creatures are outstanding and add much needed variety to those who attempt to build unique games from this engine. The original characters and critters are fine so long as you want to create a game based on the current Tactics style, any other alternative game ideas require people like you and der flunger. I sincerely hope you continue your un-rivaled work to amaze and support all of the modders within this community.

Dude, YOU ROCK :clap:
One day, a bos expedition find a star gate, so new story begin...

a female Mutant?
LOL, Mars Attacks? Hilarious.

I would LOVE to see a predator or alien xenomorph it that is possible, hint hint :)
I have a alien xenomorph model with bones but no animations,can somebody make animations?
.Pixote. said:
These crazy arsed sprites don't suit the world of Fallout, sorry. :roll:
He just keeps dumping sprites from various games/sources.
Might be handy if someone tries to make a fantasy or some non-Fallout TC I guess.
Alvarez said:
Do you have the sprite of the Hummer with the turret, too?
You can set a Hummer use a weapon turret, like tanks. And you set the turret's position suit the Hummer.
.Pixote. said:
These crazy arsed sprites don't suit the world of Fallout, sorry. :roll:
Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if that is yours then fair enough... In my opinion I could agree, no they do not suit the original world of Fallout Tactics, yet this IS a modding forum of Fallout Tactics and maybe some modder's are creating games / mods based on the Fallout Tactics engine but are entirely different games / worlds. So even though I can see where you (individually) are coming from and that to YOU these creatures are not useful, I personally have to disagree...
These creatures are invaluable to me and other modders as we have the creativity, imagination, and alternative ideas and concepts other than that which the original style and engine offers. To those that wish to truly mod / create new games from this platform, guys like diablo7707 are a muthaf**kin legend in that NO-ONE else can attempt to replicate what this guy can do in such quality (trust me I have tried).
He is a genius in his own work so, I put this question to you ".Pixote."; CAN YOU DO BETTER? I did'nt think so. So why reply to a post that does not interest you? In future, don't bother. Why try to voice an opinion that not only disagrees with talents you cannot muster, but also attempts to disregard and mock the efforts and work that diablo7707 obviously puts so much time into. Go reply to posts that suit YOUR work (if that existed) and remember what I said... Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, this is what makes you an individual and unique. Yet sometimes it is obvious to anyone with a slight element of empathy and intelligence that personal opinions should not always be voiced, especially when they are completely pointless to the subject at hand, but do what you will, this is just my own opinion.
A similar statement could also be applied to you also "NovaRain". Try to think about they way in which you word your replies (if it were ever necessary for you to reply in the first place). By stating that diablo7707 is "dumping sprites from various games/sources" you are down-treading on the amount of time and effort that this guy puts into all this, and like I said before, this is VERY useful resource to SOME modders. I cannot believe that I have to school people in the lessons of BEING POLITE for f**k sake, or that I should be the one that does this but seriously, if you HAVE TO reply to something that you don't completely agree with (which needless to say, you don't...) try to put your personal feelings aside as not only may a lot of people disagree with them and that you could be wrong, but it is very rude to word things with intention to dispute hard work and effort that somebody obviously takes pride over.
To me diablo7707 has posted resources that not only can I not create, but are massively useful and divert from the norm. This, TO ME, has to be respected and not otherwise, if you disagree, WHO GIVES A SH*T, YOUR WRONG, but thats just me...