Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Brother None said:Why? Because combat shouldn't be the core focus of an RPG
I respect your opinions and I can even see what you mean in most regards - it simply boils down to personal taste and preferences. but the above just won't fly. this is an action RPG based on you being a bad-ass agent. of course combat is the core focus. what, did you expect to be able to talk your way out of every mission in the entire game?
Brother None said:RTwP cover-based shooting seems inherently designed to draw out rote, trash mob encounters into an eternity of tooth-aching boredom.
I can somewhat agree with this and it becomes a bit frustrating in some games. but the way I played AP these kinds of firefights are few and far between. most of the time I sneak up on enemies and take them out or snipe them from cover. and the few times these open firefights do take place, they're over very quickly. of course this changes depending on how you play the game - but the option is there, and if you choose to play it in a way that makes it frustrating for you, then you might need to rethink that choice. I for one don't choose to play Fallout as a martial arts expert, because I think unarmed combat is completely useless and boring in that game.
Brother None said:OakTable said:It's an action RPG. Why do you NOT want to kill people?
Oh I love killing people. Positively adore it. But if you're going to keep sending little buzzy messages at me telling me I can survive with stealth and melee (that's right, I didn't pick any weapon skill in my build, fuck that noise, ese), then don't start throwing random curveballs at me for artificial challenge.
mini-bosses can be stunned with a flash-bang and killed instantly by sneaking up to them. at least I managed to do this. won't work on main bosses though. on the other hand, you'll be overjoyed you went for melee skill on some bosses.
but yes, this is one of the actual dislikes I have - there are a couple of situations where I can imagine you're almost screwed if you don't have any skill whatsoever with guns and/or gadgets. you're not going to like the Moscow embassy mission. not one bit.