FIRST EVER Fallout 1 Experience!


I have had previous experience with Fallout 3 (With great enjoyment!) - That was a few years ago now - and with Fallout 4 on the horizon I felt to take it upon my self and delve into the roots of the Vault/ wasteland exploration!(I understand the Fallout series was based on a 1988 video game called Wasteland, but was a little too out-dated for me and before my time)

After only just installing the game a few hours ago, now after patching the game with the download 'Fallout Fixt' (2015) Patches/ Mod I am about to embark into the Fallout 1 wasteland for my very FIRST TIME EVER ! :mrgreen:

If anyone has any friendly tips to share or things that have found in the wasteland, please do share!

Caio caio
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Make sure you spend enough points in agility to get ten Action Points. I made the mistake the first of not doing so, ending up with just seven.
Those three points really can make a difference.

And don't give Ian an SMG, you will thank me for that.
Give your character less than 4 INT, it's a useless stat.

On a more serious note though. Pay attention to dialogue, talk to as many characters as you can, unlike F3 there is no magical quest marker that points you towards the objective, you'll need to find clues on solving your quests through dialogue.
Rope... is the key...

But try to make a combat charactr first, high agility, endurance and strength. Keep perception at around 4-5 but lower intel, luck and charisma (charisma goes to 4, no lower, it can get in handy). Then when you're comfortable with the game make your own character! Oh tag, small guns, melee and lockpick. Lockpick can get very useful.
Or go for the OP Diplo-Sniper with high Int, Per, Agi, low strength and endurance and medium charisma and luck (S - 4 P - 8 E - 3 C - 4 I - 8 A - 10 L - 6)
Then tag Small Guns, Speech and whatever you feel like you'll need more (First Aid, Sneak, Lockpick are all good candidates) and Tag Gifted and Small Frame.
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I envy you. I wish I could go back to 2001 and experience my first Fallout play-through. If I could, I'd give myself amnesia and leave a note on my body that only said "Play the game Fallout. P.S. Look on your laptop if you care to know who you are, although that isn't what's important right now. Playing Fallout is your top priority.

Make sure you spend enough points in agility to get ten Action Points. I made the mistake the first of not doing so, ending up with just seven.
Those three points really can make a difference.

And don't give Ian an SMG, you will thank me for that.

This isn't 100% necessary. I've beat the game with 6AG points.

Rope... is the key...

This. Never underestimate the power of the rope. Always pick one up where you can find one and keep at least one in your inventory, you'll never know when you need it. You have multiple and need to clear some space in your inventory, find a container in a town somewhere and stuff them in there as a stash.
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I only played Fallout... what a year ago? So I'm no original veteran but oh how I loved that game. The only RPG I played before that was Morrowind and KOTOR.

Seriously, get a rope. No matter what, get one. I recommend high agility at first because you want to be able to do a lot of stuff in combat, such as shooting and hitting multiple times or just plain running away.
Try get power armour. It is THE armour. This is one of those games were there is a relatively hard to get super armour which is ridiculously powerful. Power armour is that armour.
I'll add just those two tips:
Read manual!
Do not read any guides or hints.
Also, if you don't feel confident with combat, remember that you aren't forced to fight anyone to win the game.
Every opponement can be avoided in a way or another.
I always played FO1 and 2 with less than 10 AP and never had a big problem with it, having 10 is a luxury almost.. :D
But then I always picked "fast shot" .. hm..
Also, if you don't feel confident with combat, remember that you aren't forced to fight anyone to win the game.
Every opponement can be avoided in a way or another.
I could never figure a way around killing ::::SPOILER ALERT AAAAAOOOOGAAAAAA:::: Darion. Thoughts?
For tips, there is ONLY ONE tip: DO NOT GIVE UP.

Preferably you just face the game on your own. Don't use suggestions, don't follow guides, don't let other players beat hard parts for you. But at all costs, NEVER give up. FO1 is brilliantly designed with ALWAYS having an "out" for the player, so no matter how badly you screw yourself, you CAN still beat the game. Perseverance is the most important thing to have, going into the game. The rest is all fluff.

Also, if you don't feel confident with combat, remember that you aren't forced to fight anyone to win the game.
Every opponement can be avoided in a way or another.
I could never figure a way around killing ::::SPOILER ALERT AAAAAOOOOGAAAAAA:::: Darion. Thoughts?
It can be done. It's not easily apparent, and it's arguably the result of utilizing exploits (see my sig for how I feel about THAT) and that confronting and killing him was intended. But leaving him alive CAN be done.
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Also, if you don't feel confident with combat, remember that you aren't forced to fight anyone to win the game.
Every opponent can be avoided in a way or another.

Such as if you get into random encounters or someone initiates combat, you can always run away. You might take a few hits on the way out, though. I remember there was one time in Fallout 1 that a LA raider/street hood with a hunting rifle hit me nearly all the way across the map, with a critical headshot to, killing me instantly. I was only five hexes away from the red barrier too. That's one of the few times I had ever gotten serious gamer rage, haha.
You guys with less than 10 agility are insane, with Bonus Rate of Fire getting off 2 aimed shots every turn is insane.
No, the 8 agility + gain agility + blue memory module guys are insane.
No, the 8 agility + gain agility + blue memory module guys are insane.
Psst, that module increases CH, not AG. There are no modules that increase AG in FO2. In fact, NOTHING increases AG in FO2, apart from the Gain X Perk. The only other way to increase it was via an item implemented in the F2RP, but not vanilla.

Besides, who needs 10 AG in FO2 when there's just SO MUCH Jet lying around? =D
That's right, I must've been tired when I read that wikia page, I couldn't really remember one of the memory modules giving agility, but then it was a long time since I played the end game of Fallout 2.