First Game you remeber playing

Hm. I remember playing games on a friend's Commodore 64, but I can't remember which games exactly. The first computer I bought was already a Pentium 70 or 90 or something with only a text editor and no cd-rom drive (mid nineties, I think) and it came with Wolfenstein 3D which I played and played and replayed until I bought a new computer (a Compaq 6AK or something) with a cd-rom drive which enabled me to actually buy new games. That's when I got hooked on Age Of Empires and Age Of Empires 2. Eventually I would find a copy of Fallout in a bargain bin. That's when the shit hit the fan and I just had to get a bigger and better computer (this one) which is totally crap. Next thing I buy is a mechanic typewriter and a ZX Spectrum so I can play Pong and stuff.
I don't even remember what it was on, some ass old computer of some kind. The first time was when I was in kindergarten, at school. They were some typing game, where a letter falls down and you have to press it before it crosses a red line, and Oregon Trail.

My first PC was pretty much the same one I have now, except now it's upgraded and fixed a few times.
I'd have to go with GG for the first PC game I've played, Oregon Trail, but I already mentioned what was actually my first game...
Odin said:
Ugly John said:
Pong ... at the airport

What he said! except is wasn't at the airport..

Pong at the airport. But I also remember a game called Shark Attack at an aquarium in California. You can see the game featured in Jaws.
Would have to be this neat little game my dad brought home to me when i was a few years old, called Settlers, it was kind of like a really really really old version of all those empire building games. Except it was way more fun. Hmm, I'm off to hunt for it.
*Rifles through his collection of *when i was 2* games*
later on i had a miniature arcade machine of frogger, my cousins had pac-man, donkey kong, centipede and space invaders.
when we would go to my grand-ma on sundays we used to bring them over and trade for a week. The noise these machine made was crazy.
*sight* The good old days
Die Hard on my super console nintendo.
First pc game has to be either red alert or ms fotboll, cant remember wich one I installed first , they came with the comp.

"nightstalker", "mission x" & "advanced dungeons & dragons" for mattel's intellivision. my first gaming experience was when i was at my childminder, her son had an intellivision console in the basement and we sometimes got admittance to go down there and play away. later on, when they upgraded to a NES, me and my brother got the console and about 10 games for free. that was awesome. still got the console, the pads are broken tho :(
How about Dunkey Munkey on some old Radio Shack computer, or Castle on KayPro. Those were later than my first game, but way older.

I wish I could say Wasteland, but I never played it. I tried to use it now, but it doesn't run right no matter what slowdown, compatibility programs I use. Too bad, great loss, but I think I'll live without it.
First console game: Super Mario Bros. for NES.
First PC game: I remember this Pac-Man clone for the Mac that I would play religously.
First Arcade game: Hard Drivin'.
First Sega game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Genesis.
Hero's Quest (Quest for glory 1) was the first game i can remember playing... still a badass game.
Elissar said:
Hero's Quest (Quest for glory 1) was the first game i can remember playing... still a badass game.

you bring tears to my eyes :D

i solved it with 505 out of 500 points and saved the character at the end for use in trial by fire. too bad it wasn't as fun as hero's quest
I was able to complete Trial By Fire with 507 out of 500 points. Then in the ending sequence Rakeesh announces you've become a paladin and thus you can play as Paladin in Wages of War. Those where the times :cry:

As for first games, I can remember playing Leisure Suit Larry 1 when I was 7, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade about the same time, Monkey Island 1 and Zak McKraken too...Adventure games appealed to me from an early age :D

I also remember some crappy soccer game...Italy '90 I believe it was called. And...Rick Dangerous, man, was that a perfect game or what! Kind of an Indiana Jones "arcade-ized" rip-off, but still excellent! :P

First PC was an Amstrad, will have to dig into the basement to get more specific info...
I had an old atari, and I froget the games but one was a 2d plane game, 1 was aracecar game, and 1 was a tank game.

tat was back in 87-88, which would make me 3-4
When I was first introduced to a computer game, I was just under 2 years old. Apparently it was some "Stop 'n Go" disney game - I have no recollection of it. It was on the ol' Adam.
No one ever believes me on this, so here's proof.

But the first game I *remember* playing was Alley Cat. Also vaguely remember playing the original Donkey Kong, Pac Man, and Space Invaders. Although those games were from before my time.

This was all before the Atari.
I had *tons* of Atari games. I miss that system like you wouldn't believe. Sold it all to help pay for my first color monitor for the 386. Went on to more PC games from there.

The first electronic game I ever recollect playing was some sidescrolling beat 'em up in the early eighties. Then I got a C64 with 100's of games from my rich cousin (he had become bored with it), I didn't come into contact with the pc gaming until a teacher at the school I went to installed a bunch of games at the school computers. I think the first I played was "4d sports tennis". I've also owned an Amiga, a NES and a SNES...