First Game you remeber playing

The first games I ever remember playing were the big machines that I could barely see what's going on the screen, and that was way before the school. I was lucky becuse the place was just downstairs and the owner was my father's friend, so I played for free:).

When I bought my first PC 133MHz 1GB HD I played only Settlers2 and Heroes1 (rules!), because I didn't know yet of gaming industry...
Well, if memory serves me well, the first game I ever played was Wolfenstein, endless corridors, 4 weapons, including the knife, lots of dumb guards and graphics so crappy it made me nauseous after about 2 h of gaming. Strangely I liked very much and persevered until I finished it. it was soooo good to kill the final monster, one of them was Hitler, and see the victory message. Ahhh, the good old days!
Red Baron I think, at a friend's house. I don't really remember, it was such a long time ago. Could have been busy town too. Or Alone in the Dark.
Katja said:
When I was first introduced to a computer game, I was just under 2 years old. Apparently it was some "Stop 'n Go" disney game - I have no recollection of it. It was on the ol' Adam.
No one ever believes me on this, so


:whistle: Oh baby! :kewlpics:
Attic Attack on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum (game loaded via cassette recorder..). That was back in the days when an external 48k RAM pack was the uber upgrade of all time!
UUUh good olde times.. first computer was... well i don't know the name of it, and I killed it somehow half a year after I got it..
the game was.. um it was some kind of rambo guy, who landed on an island, with tons of castles on it, and you had to solve whichever you wanted to... i was to young to remeber the name *sniff*
The only games I remember that invloved visiting many castles or other areas and proceeding through them are the "Commander Keen" games, but Keen hardly looks like Rambo :P
first game i remeber is the advaentures of pip, i think that is what it was called it was a maths games for the bbc, then i think i played lander on my acorn or was in cannon fodder on the commandor, hmm??, my first pc game was C&C red alert,
Hm no it wasn't commander keen.. the guy was an adult :) He looked a bit like metal sludge (beside in that time, he consisted out of 10 pixels or so (in 16 colors)
I loved that game, 'though I never managed to finish more than two levels (hey I was rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaalllly young)
First Game I can truly rember playing is One Must Fall: 2097. Big robots beating the crap out of each other... wonder what happened to it?
The first computer game I remember playing that I really liked was called "Dream Web". I've tried to get it to work on my win xp, but no luck. Sigh.......
My first game was Q*Bert, the most useless game hero ever.

The first game i got hooked on though was "The Settlers" on a friends Amiga, that was the first game i played for more than 12 hrs :D
My first game was 'Prince of Persia', closely followed by Leisure suit Larry 1. Not that I understood what LsL was all about though, at that age :D
My first ones were Prince of Persia, North&South, some Accolade's racing games... Good old IBM PC XT :) and then AT with 80286 processor and two 5 1/2" floppy disk drives. No HDD, AFAIR there was 640kB RAM, DOS 3.xx (don't exzctly remember which one)...