First Mothership Zeta pic at extreme low quality!

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The excitement, it's so hard to contain. As hard as it is to make out details on this pic.

Thanks Phiera.
Seriously, if anyone told me that this pic os Fallout-related I wouldn't have believed it. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING fallouty about it. And the crappiness of the new Vault Suits design is clearly visible, as it fits the uninspired background nicely. So generic it hurts.

Strangely enough, I am happy.
At least it looks like a spacecraft from the 50s, they always were glassy and the giant cannon under it seems to hint at what they're about to do with earth.
Kradath said:
At least it looks like a spacecraft from the 50s, they always were glassy and the giant cannon under it seems to hint at what they're about to do with earth.

Yip, it looks fairly 50s sci-fi

Too bad Fallout isn't (wasn't) a 50s sci-fi game.

Oh well.
But a game about how the people of the 50s imagined the future to be, a sidewalk into the Scifi genre is nice for me as I'm a fan of it.
Another of those "if someone had posted this five to eight years ago they'd have been laughed out of the park as piss-poor hoaxers but hey it's true now" moments.
I sort of have the feeling that Bethesda wanted to do something like the BOMB platform in Van Buren, but because they already did the "Enclave has an armed satellite" thing in Broken Steel, that they instead decided to do "Aliens have a giant cannon aimed at Earth" plot.


Found a little more info but we know most of it already.
well this looks just as stupid as i guessed it would.
theres set your balls on fire stupid, and then theres this.
Kradath said:
But a game about how the people of the 50s imagined the future to be.

Yes. *Our* future. Not aliens. Not fish rising up from the sea and eating us all. *Our* future.

Look, if you have any knowledge of Golden Age sci fi - ie the core of what Fallout's setting is based on when people say "the way they saw it in the 50s" - you'll realise that there are different traditions within the genre, but the Golden Age of Sci Fi is all about using Science Fiction was a mode to express philosophical ideas or analyse human nature. The post-apocalyptic genre is no different, whether it be James Triptree Jr's Frozen Journey or Philip K Dick's Dr Bloodmoney.

That's the first mistake here: we're not using science fiction as a lens on human nature, we're using it go give KEWL enemies and KEWLER weapons. That fits in a tradition, surely, but a mite of knowledge reveals that this fits the Sci Fi pulp tradition of the 20s and 30s and *not* the Golden Age sci tradition Fallout is (was) based on.

Besides, it's not too hard to figure out how Fallout uses the World of the Future model. The "present" in Fallout isn't the World of the Future as the more naive sci-fi threw up, the world right before the Great War is the World of the Future. By the time Fallout 1 starts, the World of the Future is long dead. The boundless optimism that was the telling sign of World of the Futurisms tellingly returns in the way the Vaults are locked up and the Brotherhood of Steel's nostalgic obsession with the past.

That's the second mistake here: It's easy to think of Fallout's setting as a sci-fi world because of its advanced technology, but it isn't. The state of the world right before the war is irrelevant to the fact that it's post-apocalyptic.

And that least easily to the third, most obvious mistake: this is completely incongruous. It doesn't matter that it's 50s, because it is Sci Fi in a post-apocalyptic genre, just like the Dunwich Building and Point Lookout are the wrong genre (survival horror).

Look, it's not surprising that Bethesda doesn't get it. They don't care about the differences in genre between RPGs and action games, so why should they care about keeping a setting consistent. But let's not pretend we don't get it, huh?

They didn't even have the decency to change the setting (a logical development onwards from Fallout 2 would change the setting from post-apocalyptic to science fiction, considering how thriving the communities were), instead they make a half-assed effort to keep the setting and then throw in a bunch of nonsense. It's like if aliens pop in in - say - Lord of the Rings, are we supposed to say "makes sense, it's fantasy after all", or are we supposed to say "whoa, wrong setting"? Would Dr Bloodmoney have worked if aliens suddenly pop into the story? Mad Max with aliens? Nope? Same goes for Fallout. It doesn't work.
I know it is not related to what Fallout is, as said it's a step into another direction and I don't like the "get the best weapons here" and the action fact about this DLC as well.

The only thing that makes this interesting for me is if they'll create the spaceship, the controls and instruments of it as I expect something that goes into the direction of Raumpatrouille (Spacepatrole) Orion for example with plastic cups on the ceiling and an electric iron as the main controles.
BN, I love you in the passionate way only a male individual, who has a non-physical affection to another male individual, whom he never met, and whose affection is based only by the latter's comments in the forum of a fansite of an ancient post-apocalyptic cRPG game, can.
god i hate you bethesda. i hate you so much. so very, very much. anything positive i may have had to say about FO3 vanilla (which dwindled the more i played the game anyway) is just getting raped with all this silly-assed DLC shit.



it's like a parody of a parody. it's redundant. and what's worse their fanboyz and gurlz are just eating this shit up like candy. who in their right mind would pay for this stuff? an alien ship? seriously? they've taken a fecking easter egg and made it canon. i can't roll mine eyes hard enough.
Oh boy....*sigh*

And after crashing back on earth you must save the wasteland from a race of Morlock/Molemen in the new DLC for the Awesome that is Fallout 3: Underground.
Uh, so we can't make nice-nice and be friends with E.T.? Instead we have to shoot them dead with big boom. Innovation.
Remember Michael Jackson? The person who turned from an attractive black heterosexual boy into an ugly white pedosexual woman?

Well, this is just about as wrong as that.