First Mothership Zeta pic at extreme low quality!

Jubal Quintus said:
Looks like a Mass Effect screen shot. Maybe you can sleep with an alien in this dlc.

Whoa! Sleeping with an alien? Sex in fallout 3? That's a bit adult don't you think? 12 year olds don't need to see that. It will ruin their fragile little minds.
EnglishMuffin said:
Jubal Quintus said:
Looks like a Mass Effect screen shot. Maybe you can sleep with an alien in this dlc.

Whoa! Sleeping with an alien? Sex in fallout 3? That's a bit adult don't you think? 12 year olds don't need to see that. It will ruin their fragile little minds.

Yeah, it would be better if these aliens quote the bible or something.
EnglishMuffin said:
Jubal Quintus said:
Looks like a Mass Effect screen shot. Maybe you can sleep with an alien in this dlc.

Whoa! Sleeping with an alien? Sex in fallout 3? That's a bit adult don't you think? 12 year olds don't need to see that. It will ruin their fragile little minds.

Ha! What was I thinking? It's kinda sad when <strike>Knights of the Old Republic</strike> Mass Effect is a more adult "RPG" than a game bearing the Fallout name.
EnglishMuffin said:
Jubal Quintus said:
Looks like a Mass Effect screen shot. Maybe you can sleep with an alien in this dlc.

Whoa! Sleeping with an alien? Sex in fallout 3? That's a bit adult don't you think? 12 year olds don't need to see that. It will ruin their fragile little minds.

Yeah man! Those sickos are just, well, sick! Sick, siiiiick sickos! My 12 year old boy is fine shooting people and making their heads explode. He doesn't need no sex!!111
I must be blind, but I don't see anything in this pic that could be regarded as "extremely low quality".
player1 said:
I must be blind, but I don't see anything in this pic that could be regarded as "extremely low quality".
The PC is the only thing in the pic that is large enough to make out the details and he certainly remains less than up to snuff as far as modern graphical standards go. That said, "low quality" in the title wasn't referring the the content of the screenshot but rather the screenshot itself.
Actually, I like Fallout 3. I think it retained much more of Fallout 1's style then Fallout 2 did. Sure, it has less dialogue, overall, then either of them...but thats an unfortunate convention of the modern rpg genre, and not an inherent fault of Bethesda...who has to make money, or they can't make any games at all. (See: Troika) I mean, at least Fallout 3 started in a vault. It also emphasized the harshness of the wasteland in an interactive, visercal way not possible with older technology. So I think it is very much in keeping with the Fallout 1 "the 50's world of tomorrow has been nuked' theme.

Personally, while I'm not going to judge an entire DLC based off of a single screenshot, it looks like they are putting a ton of new graphics resources into this DLC, and if it is in line with the size of previous DLCs (such as Point Lookout), and retains some of the morally ambiguous choices (such as in the Pitt), then for the price, it will probably be a good buy
Leon said:
I like the design, though it's really not something I'd ever expect nor want in Fallout.

This phrase - it has it all.

I also have to note, that the last level of Van Buren was actually supposed to be on some kind of a spacecraft (nobody seemed to object at the time). Although myself, I never imagined it to be *that* polished and shiny. And so hi-tech either.

In any case, this has nothing to do with Fallout as we (used to) know it.

Apart from this, it's a very nice picture, and a great game of its genre.
egalor said:
I also have to note, that the last level of Van Buren was actually supposed to be on some kind of a spacecraft (nobody seemed to object at the time).

Frith, I wish people who say this would actually back it up. Yes, people did object, including me very vocally.

The idea of Van Buren was significantly less stupid than aliens, tho'. It was an orbital missile platform, so thematically still tied to the nuking-thing, and it was human tech. I still say you should've fought for control of it from ground level, like Dr Bloodmoney, not actually go there, but eh.
Brother None said:
egalor said:
I also have to note, that the last level of Van Buren was actually supposed to be on some kind of a spacecraft (nobody seemed to object at the time).

Frith, I wish people who say this would actually back it up. Yes, people did object, including me very vocally.

Compared to the amounts of whining on Fallout 3 in general, I believe, that was hardly of significance (if not negligible). I mean no disrespect to your opinion, god forbid, but I've failed to notice this after I joined the site back in June, 2007.

Apologies, if I've missed the squall of critique before that period.

No trolling implied :)
Each his own taste, I myself really liked the idea that we got to go to BOMB001 after we put a rocket back together.
egalor said:
Compared to the amounts of whining on Fallout 3 in general, I believe, that was hardly of significance (if not negligible).

Well duh, compared to Fallout 3 the noise against Van Buren was less shrill because Van Buren had significantly less stupid shit. There were some consistent hardline criticasters, and there were some points were the debate was Pure Rage, such as the reform of SPECIAL, cutting out skills and changing Gifted.

People seem to have some selective memory about it, tho'. Either it's "you're never happy so you hated Van Buren too" and they point to critical responses or "you're just biased against Bethesda so you loved everything about Van Buren even when they did the same thing" and they point to positive responses. Neither view really takes in the whole picture.
lastofthelight said:
Actually, I like Fallout 3. I think it retained much more of Fallout 1's style then Fallout 2 did. Sure, it has less dialogue, overall, then either of them...but thats an unfortunate convention of the modern rpg genre, and not an inherent fault of Bethesda...who has to make money, or they can't make any games at all. (See: Troika) I mean, at least Fallout 3 started in a vault. It also emphasized the harshness of the wasteland in an interactive, visercal way not possible with older technology.
It emphasized the harshness of the wasteland in an interactive, visceral way? What does that even mean? And which part of it was impossible to reproduce in 1997?

Brother None said:
People seem to have some selective memory about it, tho'. Either it's "you're never happy so you hated Van Buren too" and they point to critical responses or "you're just biased against Bethesda so you loved everything about Van Buren even when they did the same thing" and they point to positive responses. Neither view really takes in the whole picture.
The fact that people wax nostalgically whenever the topic of Van Buren comes up doesn't help, though.