You're better off not knowing... obviously
If that leads to rape, what the hell does teletubbies do?
If that leads to rape, what the hell does teletubbies do?
Zeal said:what the hell is a furry anyway? :O
People have been banned for less you moderator man!Mikael Grizzly said:Oh, and, well, I am a furry.
I have discovered through researching this article that there are a number of fans of this disturbing series beyond Bethesda’s borders. In fact, English speaking fans from all over the world were collectively crying about not being able to get their rpg fix when a recent screening didn’t deliver (due to the franchise murder).
monsharen said:People have been banned for less you moderator man!Mikael Grizzly said:Oh, and, well, I am a furry.
Sorrow said:MG-42... *drools*
What anime is it from?
NooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMani said:Might just be a stand alone pic.
Sorrow said:NooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMani said:Might just be a stand alone pic.!
Nazi schoolgirls with machineguns are way to cool to be anything less that a part of anime movie/series.
maid fetish: check
Third Reich uniforms (collar & backpacks): check
Third Reich weapons (MG42, 'artillery' Luger, FG42): check
cyborg chick: check
eyepatch: check
chick with glasses: check
semi upskirt: check
Is it because they're proud of what they did during WW2? Just like, in the end, the Germans?