Looks like gunslinger girls.., or not. As for anime itself, I watched quite a few while I was younger, being Asian Canadian and all. I just found stuff like Macross more interesting than say He-man. I still watch them when I have time/get recommendations from friends.
A proven medium can generate a lot of crap. (Uwe Boll anyone?) And so are the animes these days. While Miyazaki has been accused of been kiddish, a lot of people missed Porco Rosso. GITS(the movie) has been hyped beyond heck and beyond, and all we need is a MacD toys to boot. The current GITS isn't bad, the second movie plus the TV series. It's fairly adult/intelligent and the theme moves multiple lines. Monster is probably one of the few psychological thrillers that exist which can approach a half decent King's novel. But the current Moe craze and the attempt to cross genre/crossover have too strong of a influence in the market.
The anime's popularity in the North American market are actually helping to push some of the more violent/sex based titles to sell more. Porn sites help fan the flames. The H-genre is actually not as big of a segment as some may think. Graphics are an accepted way to present ideas in the Asian's visual culture. There are some nice mangas that will probably never see the day of light in the NA market. Political thrillers, mysteries, historical graphic novels, business, and so on.
Anyway, to each of his own. The funny thing is that a lot of the crazy homeless people I meet on the street usually claims to be Jesus. Or a Angel.