Fixing Big Town and Little Lamplight


First time out of the vault
This is something that has always driven me crazy about Fallout 3 and I wondered if anyone else had thoughts on this.I get that Little Lamplight is supposed to be a dumb mad max reference but being tangentially tied into the main quest always seemed like a huge mistake to me for a joke area. (not to mention MacCready is in fallout 4 is just...fuck)

I played with a mod idea for years which essentially just wiped the Lamplight Caverns into an area with child skeletons, terminals for lore, and an extended dungeon area for the Vault 87 supermutants rather then this weird unageing but child paradise thing bethesda was going for.

In a similar idea keep the mission of the medic begin captured by supermutants but change the town into a kinda besieged settlement that was founded shortly after the bombs fell by adults and childeren who were the survivors of Little Light. I'ed make it a hub for trade in teh northern Capital Wasteland rather then this collection of small and barely cognizant adult kicked from lamp light. It would be a huge improvement over this dumb idea of an adult sanctuary after you got to old for Little Lamplight...i guess.

Any thoughts?
If you could somehow have the Super Mutants eating those little fuckers from Little Lamplight, that'd be great.

Trying to fix something as stupid as little lamplight by slightly changing a few things is fundamentally stupid because the entire concept is fundamentally stupid. DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB
Don't fix it, just remove it. It's stupid. Remember that village of racoons that was supposed to be in fallout 1? Remember how they fixed it by removing it completely? SMART SMART SMART SMART SMART
Trying to fix something as stupid as little lamplight by slightly changing a few things is fundamentally stupid because the entire concept is fundamentally stupid. DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB
Don't fix it, just remove it. It's stupid. Remember that village of racoons that was supposed to be in fallout 1? Remember how they fixed it by removing it completely? SMART SMART SMART SMART SMART

That's pretty much what my idea is.

The cave little lamplight would become an extension to the Vault 87 dungeon or hell use the space to flesh out the super mutants a little. Maybe have a passing reference to children and adults taking shelter in the caves during the great war.

Then make Big Town an actual wasteland settlement with a backstory similar to something like the boomers. Children survived the bombs in the cave, adults die off from exposure, and then left shortly afterward when their food supply was exhausted settling in the nearby empty suburb. I'ed say around 6 months to give anyone in the area exposed time to die while allowing the children to survive the worst of the radiation.

You would effectively cut it from the story while still using the world space while giving a settlement a logical origin. I know its trying to make a cake out of shit but its something at least.

Edit: On a side note I really loathe how Bethesda has made this shit idea into something hard by having an older McCready in is infuriating.
The biggest problem with Little Lamplight/ Big Town is where do the kids come from? It's been 200 years since the bombs fell. Do the adults in Big Town drop their kids off at the caves to be raised by the other rug rats? Is LL some sort of wasteland orphanage, with people dropping off orphaned kids instead of selling them into slavery?
I get that Little Lamplight is supposed to be a dumb mad max reference

Can I just make a point here? The children in Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome are the absolute worst part of the entire Mad Max series. Why the fuck would you reference the shittiest part of an otherwise great series? And then implement it within the main quest of your own story?

I am convinced that whoever wrote Little Lamplight had not actually seen any Mad Max films and was just shoving in the reference because Mad Max is a post-apocalyptic series.
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Can I just make a point here? Why the fuck would you reference the shittiest part of an otherwise great series? And then implement it within the main quest of your own story?
That's BGS' entire Fallout design philosophy, to reference other things in the worst way possible.
Referencing Logan's Run would have made more sense. That's the only way to fix Lamplight.
The biggest problem with Little Lamplight/ Big Town is where do the kids come from? It's been 200 years since the bombs fell. Do the adults in Big Town drop their kids off at the caves to be raised by the other rug rats? Is LL some sort of wasteland orphanage, with people dropping off orphaned kids instead of selling them into slavery?

I put forth this Question in my review.
Either the adults are sending their kids there (which makes no sense, Megaton is about the same distance, are there travellers who visit Big Town who can tell them there's a safer Town not far?)
Or the Kids are having sex. Which then puts forth the question, are Bethesda implying that there's underage sex in their game?
I put forth this Question in my review.
Either the adults are sending their kids there (which makes no sense, Megaton is about the same distance, are there travellers who visit Big Town who can tell them there's a safer Town not far?)
Or the Kids are having sex. Which then puts forth the question, are Bethesda implying that there's underage sex in their game?
Depends on whether or not Megaton even takes in kids I guess. There's very little homes there to begin with (even though the player can get one) and it's stated somewhere that they just don't take anyone in due to room.
This has probably been mentioned but the origins of Little Lamplight itself are pretty decent. Just have a normal settlement develop from that. Bam! Fixed. Either have Big Town just be another town nearby, or as Shardik says:

"Nuke the entire site from orbit."
This has probably been mentioned but the origins of Little Lamplight itself are pretty decent. Just have a normal settlement develop from that. Bam! Fixed. Either have Big Town just be another town nearby, or as Shardik says:

"Nuke the entire site from orbit."

If they wanted to do something like Little Lamplight and Big Town, they should have put some effort into designing the place rather than making a gimmick. As @Earth suggests, the town could have started out as a town of kids but developed as the kids grew older. If they wanted to keep the town of kids gimmick, maybe it could be like this:
Above the caves where the kids hid from the bombs, the grown-up kids eventually built a functioning town with crops and water close by. Those adults will then send their own kids to live in the caves where those kids can build up their own Little Lamplight town and develop skills like their parents did. Once those kids grow up, they return to the town to take over from their parents. This practice repeats throughout the town's history ensuring that the citizens remain tough, strong and loyal to their community.

As for Big Town, we nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
I know how to fix Big Town and Little Lamplight. Take them out of the fucking game.
Actually fuck it, how about you take all of Fallout 3 out and go play New Vegas instead.
Or have it like a wolfpack where only the "Alpha couple" are allowed to breed, and any challengers are exiled, meaning Little Lamplight is comprised mainly of the Alpha couple and their offspring, and Big Town is a growing community who hate them. Both are pretty much feral tribals, and you have to work with them (or wipe them out) in order to get into Vault 87
Can I just make a point here? The children in Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome are the absolute worst part of the entire Mad Max series. Why the fuck would you reference the shittiest part of an otherwise great series? And then implement it within the main quest of your own story?

I am convinced that whoever wrote Little Lamplight had not actually seen any Mad Max films and was just shoving in the reference because Mad Max is a post-apocalyptic series.
I was actually watching Thunderdome and thinking about that today. Why did bethesda chose the worst parts of arguably the most disliked Mad Max movie to reference constantly? It's like if a Sci Fi game decided to reference Star Wars by adding a romance subplot that was a copy of Anakin and Padame's romance in Clone Wars.
I was actually watching Thunderdome and thinking about that today. Why did bethesda chose the worst parts of arguably the most disliked Mad Max movie to reference constantly? It's like if a Sci Fi game decided to reference Star Wars by adding a romance subplot that was a copy of Anakin and Padame's romance in Clone Wars.

It's beyond baffling. The fact that you're forced to go through Little Lamplight for the main quest feels like Bethesda were deliberately trolling the players.

Here's another way to fix Little Lamplight and reference Mad Max. Not to mention actually make Fallout 3 less shit. Have the settlement next to the Vault be a raider settlement. And get this revolutionary concept! How about the raiders don't immediately become hostile when meeting you? Then you can see what the raiders are like as a group, talk to different members. If you want the Mad Max reference, have the leader look like Wes or Lord Humungous or something. Even the Master Blaster might be a fun thing to reference.

Point is, raiders might actually be an interesting group to move through in the main quest. Plus, you still have the option to massacre them all if you want to. Classic Fallout situation.

EDIT: "Padame". Ha!