First time out of the vault

This is something that has always driven me crazy about Fallout 3 and I wondered if anyone else had thoughts on this.I get that Little Lamplight is supposed to be a dumb mad max reference but being tangentially tied into the main quest always seemed like a huge mistake to me for a joke area. (not to mention MacCready is in fallout 4 is just...fuck)
I played with a mod idea for years which essentially just wiped the Lamplight Caverns into an area with child skeletons, terminals for lore, and an extended dungeon area for the Vault 87 supermutants rather then this weird unageing but child paradise thing bethesda was going for.
In a similar idea keep the mission of the medic begin captured by supermutants but change the town into a kinda besieged settlement that was founded shortly after the bombs fell by adults and childeren who were the survivors of Little Light. I'ed make it a hub for trade in teh northern Capital Wasteland rather then this collection of small and barely cognizant adult kicked from lamp light. It would be a huge improvement over this dumb idea of an adult sanctuary after you got to old for Little Lamplight...i guess.
Any thoughts?
I played with a mod idea for years which essentially just wiped the Lamplight Caverns into an area with child skeletons, terminals for lore, and an extended dungeon area for the Vault 87 supermutants rather then this weird unageing but child paradise thing bethesda was going for.
In a similar idea keep the mission of the medic begin captured by supermutants but change the town into a kinda besieged settlement that was founded shortly after the bombs fell by adults and childeren who were the survivors of Little Light. I'ed make it a hub for trade in teh northern Capital Wasteland rather then this collection of small and barely cognizant adult kicked from lamp light. It would be a huge improvement over this dumb idea of an adult sanctuary after you got to old for Little Lamplight...i guess.
Any thoughts?