(( up to you what you feels goes the best
1) Did Carbon accept my deal of paying $2000 up ahead and recive 10 cells of power when its done?
I assume the house she lives in is the same as mine, as I said, I wanted to take her in as my own
2) When the night starts to fall, and the moon starts to show it self in the horisont, Me, Zerto and the girl (whos name is?) walks into our shanty bringing some meat along as we haven't aten for a wholle long time, as we both toke her out on a lil adventure durring the day, explaining the basics of survival, though forgetting to bring the precious meat along. We also tries to show her the art of using a shotgun.(though I guess I can't decide sucess of our attemps here, so you will have to include in the story when you writte, how successfull we were and so on(you can just use what I wrotte, but rewritte it with the sucess and such))
Exoclyps gives the girl (if she is named, please replace it =)) some tasty meat and starts to eat on his own (you decide what she does with it) after some eating and the worst hunger have laid down Exoclyps goes to a lil locker and opens it up, wich from he brings out a golden neclase wich seems to be the one owned by the family they, ehm killed. Exoclyps goes to the girl and sits down next to her and says:"'Name', Im sorry, we didn't mean to do what we do, I dunno what more I can say, but I can do more and I will, I promess you that." and he shows her the neclase and says in a sad voice: "I think this belongs to you" and he hands the neclase over to her. (you decide what she do now) After that the time have gone real late and its time for a good night sleep.
3) Exoclyps greets the scouts and says that Rerzo would love to have a trade-route, but that he can't find what Rerzo could have to trade atm.
(( The 3 shotguns the men were carrying, those who killed my mate *mourns*, I did loot em right? coz thats kinda obvouise, so I guess adding them should be in order?