Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

PLZ Timeslip make my dreams come true, and add a abbility to add new death animation, because i made a nice headshot animation for FO!
Would it be possible to somehow access your party members inventory, in the barter menu? this would make barter more realistic and easier.
This may have been addressed or may be totally impossible. Who knows?

One thing I would love to see would be the ability to reorganize your inventory without needing to use a container or your active items slots. i.e. You click on an item and drag it to the location in your inventory you want it.

Just a Christmas/New Year's wish. Having zero level skills in this area I have no idea if it can be done at all. Feel free to ignore me, and I will eventually go away. :)
The link to the pixel shader using globalfx file doesn't seem to work, maybe it's only temporary.

The mod itself is really great, used it to play through FO1 again.

Using megamod on FO2 now though, not sure that would sfall break the mod somehow so maybe it's best to wait until Megamod has the sfall with it.
Delerion said:
Using megamod on FO2 now though, not sure that would sfall break the mod somehow so maybe it's best to wait until Megamod has the sfall with it.

No, it will be ok. I am going to make use of this work in the next release, which should be out sometime next week. Then people can pick and choose some of the other things he has tweaked.
Dream of Fallout.ru, just released SFall with filters, we have the options of:

1 - 2xSai
2 - SuperEagle
3 - Super2xSai
4 - hq2x
5 - AdMame2x


DL: http://dream.maxdsl.ru/files/sfall+filters.rar


I took these screens in 1280 by 960. Option 4 is my fav, but I think 5 looks best in game:

What version of sfall does this use?

Has the filter code been added into the dll? I downloaded it and the folders only contain the dll and ini files.
I updated the above pic. It must be in the DLL, its over 100kb bigger; the DLL states its version as, I think that's the latest.
I just tried it and got an error:
"... d3dx9_29.dll was not found. ..."

and a second error of needing different version of Direct X.

Anyways it may be; just like the other filter "global.fx", that my video card does not support the filter. But I thought I would mention it anyways.
Glovz said:
I just tried it and got an error:
"... d3dx9_29.dll was not found. ..."

and a second error of needing different version of Direct X.

Anyways it may be; just like the other filter "global.fx", that my video card does not support the filter. But I thought I would mention it anyways.

I hate to ask you a stupid question, but do you have DirectX 9 Installed?
From the readme:

Using a d3d9 graphics mode obviously requires you to have dx9 installed and a dx9 compatible graphics card. sfall requires the DX9.0c August 2006 update. If you set the graphics mode to 5 or 6 but don't have DX9.0c installed, fallout will crash on startup. If you have a version of DX9.0c older than August 2006, fallout will crash at the main menu.


haha my name is in the readme :D I am a bigger mod whore, than modwhore.
I am running version 9.0c --- just downloaded and install the Direct X update suggested by Skynet, fixed the issues.

Is it just me, or is 1.16d causing fallout to suck up almost a gigabyte of ram? (And if so, how on earth has no-one noticed yet... :crazy: )
Edit: Actually, fallout is using just as much memory without it, so that's something else's fault.

Anyway to comment on a few of the more common requests:

The city patch requires changes to data files as well as the exe, so isn't going to be included. (Please correct me if I'm wrong about that; the city patch download includes some data files, but they looked like they'd be overwritten by mods anyway.)

The ammo damage patch can easily be included, if someone gives me the offset I need to modify and what I need to replace it with.

Changing resolution is easy. Getting fallout to display more of the map, (which is what everyone actually seems to mean by 'change resolution',) in a bug free way is not possible. (Or more accurately, not possible for someone with my skills. :P)

Dream's filters can't be included in the official release yet because I don't have the source code.
Edit: And 5 minutes after posting that, he posted the source code. :) I'll need to get them working without requiring DX9 first though. Does anyone have any particular reason they want me to keep graphics modes 2 and 3?

If my guess at the cause of the too many items bug is correct then it is fixable, but fixing it would either break save games or require some modifications to the save/loading code. (For the same reason that I gave up on extra perks.)
Timeslip said:
Edit: And 5 minutes after posting that, he posted the source code. :) I'll need to get them working without requiring DX9 first though. Does anyone have any particular reason they want me to keep graphics modes 2 and 3?

I was about to post that :lol: his new version has linear and anisotropic texture filters to :)

Modes 2 and 3 are not very good, I dont see a reason to keep them.

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Dude101 said:
I was about to post that :lol: his new version has linear and anisotropic texture filters to :)
I'm not entirely sure of the point to that; anisotropic filters are only useful when something's angled away from you in 3d space which isn't applicable to a 2d game like fallout, and textures use a linear filter by default anyway. Do they have something to do with the filters rather than d3d textures? (I can't read russian, and google isn't doing a very good job of translating.)

Dude101 said:
Modes 2 and 3 are not very good, I dont see a reason to keep them.
I mean the modes to force fallout to use 16 bit colour instead of paletted textures, rather than the new filters. (i.e. The 'Mode=' line in ddraw.ini) I was just wondering if anyone ever found a use for them by getting fallout to load full 16 bit images instead of the usual paletted stuff. If not I'll dump them.
Timeslip said:
Dude101 said:
I was about to post that :lol: his new version has linear and anisotropic texture filters to :)
I'm not entirely sure of the point to that; anisotropic filters are only useful when something's angled away from you in 3d space which isn't applicable to a 2d game like fallout, and textures use a linear filter by default anyway. Do they have something to do with the filters rather than d3d textures? (I can't read russian, and google isn't doing a very good job of translating.)

Dude101 said:
Modes 2 and 3 are not very good, I dont see a reason to keep them.
I mean the modes to force fallout to use 16 bit colour instead of paletted textures, rather than the new filters. (i.e. The 'Mode=' line in ddraw.ini) I was just wondering if anyone ever found a use for them by getting fallout to load full 16 bit images instead of the usual paletted stuff. If not I'll dump them.

No idea, I didn't even know about that feature! does that mean we can use new textures instead of the old FO ones? (was going to say crappy, but don't fancy being beaten to death.) forgive my ignorance, I am not very technically minded.

The linear and anisotropic texture filters, are for use with the Upscaling filters. I have no idea if that is worth while, all I know is it sounds shiney. I use google translate to read the forums, it kind of makes sense.
Dude101 said:
No idea, I didn't even know about that feature! does that mean we can use new textures instead of the old FO ones? (was going to say crappy, but don't fancy being beaten to death.) forgive my ignorance, I am not very technically minded.
I haven't tried it myself, so I don't know if it'll work. It's just something I came across when I was experimenting with increasing the resolution.

To explain a bit, when it's setting up the display fallout loads an array of function pointers, and then calls the function at a specific position in that array. Each function in that array sets fallout up to use a different screen resolution and bit depth. Fallout is hardcoded to use the function that sets up an 8 bit 640x480 display. If I change it to use a function that sets up a different resolution it just crashes, but if I change it to use a 16 bit 640x480 display everything apart from movies work as normal, and fallout does some internal conversion to convert the paletted images to 16 bit before drawing with them.

That proves that fallout has the code to draw 16 bit images, so it's just a question of whether or not it can load them. If it did work, then it would mean you could create fallout graphics in 16 bit colour instead of being limited to a 256 colour palette. It would be worth replacing a few images with 16 bit versions, setting Mode=2 in ddraw.ini and seeing what happens. (I expect that fallout will just crash, in which case I may as well remove modes 2 and 3.)