thanks. I'm using a laptop with 8gb ram and a geforce gtx 1050 and an i5.
I tried changing OverrideArtCacheSize to 0 and set the art_cache_size to 261, along with SingleCore=0 and Use32BitHeadGraphics=0 but it's still very choppy and slow.
I've attached my ddraw.ini and the f2_res.ini from when I click the "Manually Edit Config" button on the Fallout 2 Hi Res Patch Config program.
Sorry 4 the delay I was chatting on discord.
I hope You've changed file extension from .ini to .txt because the forum doesn't accept ini files. I do hope You'll know how to revert it.
PRO tip:
don't use in game options to configure f2_res.ini or it may fuck stuff up.
anyways, I assume You're using integrated soundcard so lowered sound buffers to what it might actually have.
other stuff:
cpu handling was totally fucked up in settings. so I've set them to the same what I'm using (and yeah my CPU is a potato compared to yours)
there were inconsistencies in sfall and HRP resolutions. If You've set them on purpose than I'm sorry I've messed them up. It is generally best to set them in HRP and don't set them in sfall (use both is only for freaks that only *think* they achived an ideal fallout setup).
Also I hope you haven't messed with commands order, as I don't remember the proper sequencing in RPU. In rest of the mods I tend to use sfall-Extended by Mr.Stalin, it has different sequences of commands.
anyways Your rig should do just fine. if after applying the changes i provided You still have issues, then look up your power scheme setup in Control Panel. those bitche$ in M$ tend to set power scheme to battery saving castrating laptop's efficiency in favour of battery uptime. and all reasonable players play when thery're pluged in.
if you don't have 'high performance' power scheme unlocked and enabled, then say so, and I'll wrap up a little tutorial on how to unlock and enable it in win10. most settings there are the same but GPU efficiency is sort of dependant on it too and power saving mode can signifcantly remoove balls from your laptop's calculating power.
Although be advised that running in high efficiency mode will eat your batery charge in no time, so switch to power saving mode whenever you're not plugeed to a charger
oops forgot to attach the files