Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Hey, people.
I've got a problem. I'm trying to get sfall to work but I'm running F2 on an older system, Window ME. I know right? Whenever I try to get install sfall and then boot up F2 nothing seems to change. I've tried using a few sfall mods to see if that will cause any change but it doesn't. Any advice on how to get this working?
Swordtheguy said:
Hey, people.
I've got a problem. I'm trying to get sfall to work but I'm running F2 on an older system, Window ME. I know right? Whenever I try to get install sfall and then boot up F2 nothing seems to change. I've tried using a few sfall mods to see if that will cause any change but it doesn't. Any advice on how to get this working?
You can't. sfall requires windows xp or newer. (2000 is a possibility. Never tried it myself.)
Timeslip said:
You can't. sfall requires windows xp or newer. (2000 is a possibility. Never tried it myself.)
I've tried to run FO2 + sfall 2.2b on my Win200 Pro SP4 virtual machine, and it works pretty good. I didn't test the latest 2.4a though.
as for my request for body part in combatdamage,i could set a var in afterhitroll hook,then use it in combat damage,it isnt strickly needed,but would be convinient

it will,also with the sfall compiler you can compile on the same system,i use them both often,i run vista 64 no problems

And also the fact that I develop it on win 7 x64 probably counts for something too. :P So yes, 'xp or newer' does indeed include vista.

Not sure when the next sfall update will be; I'm working on a generic DirectX1-7 -> 9 wrapper atm, which is eating most of my free time. (Or at least, the free time that I'm not spending playing the witcher, which isn't leaving much left over.) Aside from a bit of hook script poking for nirran, the only new feature is a debug editor that lets you check and modify critter data/protos/locals/globals/etc while still in game.
2.5a is up. Far sooner than I was planning, but I didn't want to sit on Mash's work for no reason.

>Appearance mod improvements (From Mash)
>Added a debug editor that lets you make changes to various values while in game
>The combatdamage hook script can now get the targeted bodypart
The debug editor is very obviously unfinished, but is still usable to view/modify global and map variables while in game without having to restart. (I advise only using it in windowed mode, because fallout freezes up until you close the editor.)

nirran said:
edit : would it be possible to add get and return target and attacker special flags in hs_afterhitroll hook script?or does it only use the hit_miss int for the text?actualy what im realy after is being able to set the critical table text that is returned,that possible?
No, the critical flags haven't been calculated at that point, so there's nothing to override. You need to do that from combatdamage.

nirran said:
what are the values for the int's in this function?and does it do what i asked for in the post before this?
See http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_hit_tables

The valuetype corresponds to the field you want to edit, so for example to make the highest class of head criticals against women deal 5x damage instead of insta-kills, you'd use:
set_critical_table(1, 0, 5, 0, 10);
set_critical_table(1, 0, 5, 1, 0);
It probably doesn't do what you want; it's for making permenent changes to the table, not effecting single combat attacks.
Hey Timeslip,
Sorry to be a pain but It seems I made a mistake that's causing a crash in the current version :oops: . I've commited a fix ready for recompile when you get the chance.
Mash said:
Hey Timeslip,
Sorry to be a pain but It seems I made a mistake that's causing a crash in the current version :oops: . I've commited a fix ready for recompile when you get the chance.
Will reupload as soon as I get home. (Edit: Done)

At first glance, I don't see why that should have crashed though...
Timeslip said:
2.5a is up. Far sooner than I was planning, but I didn't want to sit on Mash's work for no reason.

>Appearance mod improvements (From Mash)
>Added a debug editor that lets you make changes to various values while in game
>The combatdamage hook script can now get the targeted bodypart
The debug editor is very obviously unfinished, but is still usable to view/modify global and map variables while in game without having to restart. (I advise only using it in windowed mode, because fallout freezes up until you close the editor.)

nirran said:
edit : would it be possible to add get and return target and attacker special flags in hs_afterhitroll hook script?or does it only use the hit_miss int for the text?actualy what im realy after is being able to set the critical table text that is returned,that possible?
No, the critical flags haven't been calculated at that point, so there's nothing to override. You need to do that from combatdamage.

nirran said:
what are the values for the int's in this function?and does it do what i asked for in the post before this?
See http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_hit_tables

The valuetype corresponds to the field you want to edit, so for example to make the highest class of head criticals against women deal 5x damage instead of insta-kills, you'd use:
set_critical_table(1, 0, 5, 0, 10);
set_critical_table(1, 0, 5, 1, 0);
It probably doesn't do what you want; it's for making permenent changes to the table, not effecting single combat attacks.

Thanks Timeslip

is the new body part get the next get_sfall_arg?


edit : would it be possible to an option(s) to disable the scrolling numbers when ac changes,taking damage and being healed?

edit : sfall doesnt like the function party_member_obj,with some scripts it will crash,with others it doesnt return anything,sometimes it works fine,possible to add a substitute?

Nirran said:
edit : would it be possible to an option(s) to disable the scrolling numbers when ac changes,taking damage and being healed?
Actually, I already have an option for that to speed up my testing. Doesn't seem I expose it in ddraw.ini though... Shouldn't be too hard to do.

Nirran said:
edit : sfall doesnt like the function party_member_obj,with some scripts it will crash,with others it doesnt return anything,sometimes it works fine,possible to add a substitute?
sfall doesn't touch that function, and looking at it it's an incredibly simple one. I don't see how it could possibly be going wrong. :|

I'll have to do some testing, if you're sure it's broken. I couldn't implement anything that works any differently though.
to stop you from spending alot of energy and time on the party_member funtion,i found the cause of my main bug,it was my scripting error,sorry about that,another reason for the above post is that combatdamage hook script always fails when i use party_member_obj as a check,no worries tho,i found a way around that ages ago

edit : just tested combatdamage to display if klint was in party,it worked no probs,maybe i am completely full of shit on this one :oops:

edit : bug that was brought to my attention by an email,in some situations(seems to be dependant on charracter name,ive only tested with vannila premades) set_selectable_perk doesnt work right in windows xp,i tested with vista 64 install and it works perfect,but in xp it is buggy,for narg my rapid perks mod doesnt work up to level 15 or so(thats as high as i tested) but for the other 2 premades it works fine,works as intended for custom names and all premades in vista

the xp bug seems to be that sfall isnt doing what it should with functions in general,clear_selectable perks isnt stopping the hide_real_perks in xp,for most configurations,ive been testing with megamod frp and killaps patch,as well as vanilla patched game,in xp(vhdd if that matters)

That's seriously weird. There's nothing that should be behaving differently on different OS's. (Especially since I was still using xp back when I added fake perks...) If it wasn't for the way that differing symptoms based on character name couldn't be achieved through a script error, I'd be as sceptical as of problems as I was with party_member_obj.

Saying that, using the script below, I don't see any problems with narg in win 7's xp mode vm, or in win 7 with fallout running in win xp compatibility mode. Do you have any simple replication steps?

procedure start begin
	if (game_loaded) then begin
		set_selectable_perk("perk a", 1, 1, "");
		set_selectable_perk("perk b", 1, 2, "");

Also, you might want to try things like setting PrintToFileFix to 0.