It Wandered In From the Wastes

Hmm I see, Chris was right, my idea wasn't worth Timeslip's effort 

Hmm I see, Chris was right, my idea wasn't worth Timeslip's effort
The map size is hard coded somewhere in the game engine, what you find in the game is as big as it gets with Fallout. There are a maximum of 3 elevations per map, again hard coded somewhere in the game engine. There are a lot of restrictions to deal with, but I still think it’s one of the most engrossing games ever made.
I think the same. Saving every time you exit the map is too much and will tempt the player exit the map before every hard decisionChris Parks said:Hmm I see, Chris was right, my idea wasn't worth Timeslip's effort
Probably just missed it. Give it time.![]()
I was thikning last night. Maybe restricting saving games to those areas would be quite a task. How about this one. The game automatically saves when you quit. But only then? Kind if forces you to make decisions and stick to them.
I can still see it being abuseable though.
option B is bad idea as player with strength 10 will be slowed as much as one with strength 1 (considering they carry same amount), you should consider checking "free" space to carry, like percentage but in meaning how many more lbs character can carry, not how much it is carried alreadyJosan12 said:a) (linked to %) If the player is carrying 50lbs of their 100 max, their travel speed/time is reduced by 50%
b) (static numbers) For every 2lbs of gear player carries, reduce speed by 1%.
somewhere on screen add the clock
add reaction check every round of combat (so it became really useful)
Riel88 said:Critters dropping their weapons on a KO would be awesome !
It would also make playing a full hand-to-hand/melee character a more viable option.
It would simulate disarming an apponent.
like Steven Seagal makes criticals to limbs/bones !
>More apperence mod bugfixes (From Mash)
>Fixed a crash when restoring the fallout window while using graphics mode 4
Nirran said:Riel88 said:Critters dropping their weapons on a KO would be awesome !
It would also make playing a full hand-to-hand/melee character a more viable option.
It would simulate disarming an apponent.
like Steven Seagal makes criticals to limbs/bones !
this can already be done,in the hs_combatdamage.ssl on my site is a drop weapons function,could be done using that,with both the disarm flag and ko flag,not hard to settup,the code is already written,just to add the conditions(and specify the items that cannot drop in the is_droppable function)
Was already fixed in 2.6c.marcinl0 said:1. If save file is loaded during combat, characters often became "invicible" and immortal with zero damages - it is impossible to end combat normally. Could you fix it in patch ?
Unfortunately that bug doesn't effect win 7, (or win xp without hardware directsound, so my vm is useless too,) so I can't do anything about it right now.marcinl0 said:2. Voices in death endings not working properly.
I've never seen that happen. Are you sure their combat range setting is set appropriately?Ylenard said:I have another bug, that you might be the only person able to fix - NPCs not targeting some big creatures like Radscorpions or Centaurs properly if using melee weapons/unarmed(I guess everyone encountered this issue). They sometimes attack them if they happen to be in range, but they never actively try to get in range.
Already possible.Josan12 said:I will worship you for a while if you can link it to worldmap travel-time instead.
Already possible.Josan12 said:Request 2) Is it possible to have the pipboy come up in a script function?
Could be scripted.Josan12 said:I would like to make critters drop their weapons on being K.O.'d in the 'weapon drop' mod.
Could be scripted..Pixote. said:I would like a function that forces NPC to pick up their own dropped weapons (play the black comedy that is the Jinxed character) and you will often see NPC abandoning their own weapons and forgetting their combat settings. After the conflict is over the fools simply leave their weapons behind.![]()
Good suggestions. I'll take a look.Cubik2k said:1) using science skill on dude person in script like it is possible with First aid or Doctor skill. Now using science skill on dude does nothing, but it could be useful for some mods.
2) possibility to set a time for float messages, for longer display, without using timed_event_p_proc
by googling a directx effect file tutorial and doing some reading.Cubik2k said:3) how to make own shader files *.fx?
I have no idea what you mean here, sorry.Cubik2k said:4) how to make a list of strings during working hs_script or gl_script. It is for later display that list in some order?
Oddly enough, I've been working the past couple of days to add mp3/wma/wav support alongside acm. As part of that, there's a new sfall function play_sfall_sound that can be used to loop sound files.Cubik2k said:5) continuous playing sfx sound or looping it several times or until some time is achieved.