Fallout: Between Good and Evil one of the many Fallout 2 Mods in development we are watching, has released an update:
The time of summer frolicking is over and many of our team members had to get up and go back to their schools, universities or new jobs. By now we have (hopefully) passed the period of depression caused by this change and so we offer you this small update.
In order to show the true nature of Fallout: BGE instead of just showing you the new graphics, we have prepared a game sample to demonstrate the game play. However since our resources aren’t currently focused on translation, we can’t offer you this sample in English at this time. Hopefully we’ll change that some time in the near future. Until then you can at least enjoy a new artwork and a screenshot.
Some team member changes took place since the last update. I’m happy to introduce our new not yet programming programmer SETUN as well as the new sound engineer PAAX. I would also like to point out the old new help from NMA - X'IL, PIXOTE, PANAJOTISZ. As always, the final state of our team can be found on the team page over here. Based on our recent experiences I unfortunately have to say that we are now only interested in Czech speaking programmers. As much as we need help in this field, given the structure of our coding body the communication is too much of an issue. However we will gladly welcome any non-Czech artists with experience in modeling, drafting characters and scenery as well as animations. If interested check out this page.
P.S. It seems like my last update sounded way too pessimistic – sorry about that! Either way the situation has stabilized by now, particularly in June and July when what I’ll call the core team (LIZARD, KUBRAT, MALACHI, TYFUZ, ZAHARTOF, ZOB, LORD TEMPLAYER, GAF, etc.) did a fair share of work. That reassures me that I still have some sort of control over the pace of our work.
Good Night and Good Luck!

In other news, Fallhope is progressing nicely and they have released some new images, plus a video showcasing the new Prisoner critter based on the Van Buren resources NMA made available long ago.

Fallout of Nevada is also making progress and has released some new screen shots and renders:

The FOnline SDK has been released, which will allow YOU to create your own multi-player adventure. This SDK is not ready for single player game creation yet, but that is something we can look forward to.
Lastly: The Fallout Modding Wiki now hosts FRM files. We are about take apart every mod released to date, and construct a repository of custom art. If you want to help, go here.
EDIT from Brother None: I just love the new animations thread
Add in 4, 5, 6, 7.
The time of summer frolicking is over and many of our team members had to get up and go back to their schools, universities or new jobs. By now we have (hopefully) passed the period of depression caused by this change and so we offer you this small update.
In order to show the true nature of Fallout: BGE instead of just showing you the new graphics, we have prepared a game sample to demonstrate the game play. However since our resources aren’t currently focused on translation, we can’t offer you this sample in English at this time. Hopefully we’ll change that some time in the near future. Until then you can at least enjoy a new artwork and a screenshot.
Some team member changes took place since the last update. I’m happy to introduce our new not yet programming programmer SETUN as well as the new sound engineer PAAX. I would also like to point out the old new help from NMA - X'IL, PIXOTE, PANAJOTISZ. As always, the final state of our team can be found on the team page over here. Based on our recent experiences I unfortunately have to say that we are now only interested in Czech speaking programmers. As much as we need help in this field, given the structure of our coding body the communication is too much of an issue. However we will gladly welcome any non-Czech artists with experience in modeling, drafting characters and scenery as well as animations. If interested check out this page.
P.S. It seems like my last update sounded way too pessimistic – sorry about that! Either way the situation has stabilized by now, particularly in June and July when what I’ll call the core team (LIZARD, KUBRAT, MALACHI, TYFUZ, ZAHARTOF, ZOB, LORD TEMPLAYER, GAF, etc.) did a fair share of work. That reassures me that I still have some sort of control over the pace of our work.
Good Night and Good Luck!
In other news, Fallhope is progressing nicely and they have released some new images, plus a video showcasing the new Prisoner critter based on the Van Buren resources NMA made available long ago.
Fallout of Nevada is also making progress and has released some new screen shots and renders:
The FOnline SDK has been released, which will allow YOU to create your own multi-player adventure. This SDK is not ready for single player game creation yet, but that is something we can look forward to.
Lastly: The Fallout Modding Wiki now hosts FRM files. We are about take apart every mod released to date, and construct a repository of custom art. If you want to help, go here.
EDIT from Brother None: I just love the new animations thread

Add in 4, 5, 6, 7.