FO2 Mods Update


Vault Fossil
Fallout: Between Good and Evil one of the many Fallout 2 Mods in development we are watching, has released an update:
The time of summer frolicking is over and many of our team members had to get up and go back to their schools, universities or new jobs. By now we have (hopefully) passed the period of depression caused by this change and so we offer you this small update.

In order to show the true nature of Fallout: BGE instead of just showing you the new graphics, we have prepared a game sample to demonstrate the game play. However since our resources aren’t currently focused on translation, we can’t offer you this sample in English at this time. Hopefully we’ll change that some time in the near future. Until then you can at least enjoy a new artwork and a screenshot.

Some team member changes took place since the last update. I’m happy to introduce our new not yet programming programmer SETUN as well as the new sound engineer PAAX. I would also like to point out the old new help from NMA - X'IL, PIXOTE, PANAJOTISZ. As always, the final state of our team can be found on the team page over here. Based on our recent experiences I unfortunately have to say that we are now only interested in Czech speaking programmers. As much as we need help in this field, given the structure of our coding body the communication is too much of an issue. However we will gladly welcome any non-Czech artists with experience in modeling, drafting characters and scenery as well as animations. If interested check out this page.

P.S. It seems like my last update sounded way too pessimistic – sorry about that! Either way the situation has stabilized by now, particularly in June and July when what I’ll call the core team (LIZARD, KUBRAT, MALACHI, TYFUZ, ZAHARTOF, ZOB, LORD TEMPLAYER, GAF, etc.) did a fair share of work. That reassures me that I still have some sort of control over the pace of our work.

Good Night and Good Luck!


In other news, Fallhope is progressing nicely and they have released some new images, plus a video showcasing the new Prisoner critter based on the Van Buren resources NMA made available long ago.



Fallout of Nevada is also making progress and has released some new screen shots and renders:



The FOnline SDK has been released, which will allow YOU to create your own multi-player adventure. This SDK is not ready for single player game creation yet, but that is something we can look forward to.

Lastly: The Fallout Modding Wiki now hosts FRM files. We are about take apart every mod released to date, and construct a repository of custom art. If you want to help, go here.

EDIT from Brother None: I just love the new animations thread

Add in 4, 5, 6, 7.
Dude101, you're Czech? :wtf:

If you need any help with translation, let a brother know, OK?

I can also do some happy Photoshopping and basic FRM stuff (nothing major like building new critter sets from scratch, but can modify colours etc. of existing ones).
SkuLL said:
Dude101, you're Czech? :wtf:

If you need any help with translation, let a brother know, OK?

I can also do some happy Photoshopping and basic FRM stuff (nothing major like building new critter sets from scratch, but can modify colours etc. of existing ones).

Nope. But please join BGE as a translator. Upp some FRMs to the new repository or to the scenery thread :D
Skull, we (BGE) may run for more proofreaders if you want to. But definitely not for the temporary ones. Lets say ain't responsible for this part (in fact it's totally out of my control due the lack of time - Seto controlls it) but I do get to know that majority of them just makes like 3 proofreads and get the fuck out.
Eventually, drop me a line at marekfiser [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll at least redirect the thing to Seto.

Anyway, we didn't miss the EN ingame example for having problems with translators/proofs, but because this would be too complicated overall. But even from this non-translated page should be clearly visible we don't only add the new art that's becoming more and more ignored (fortunately, logically).

I'm fucking glad to see another project shaking their hands and legs, it's like not dying alone in the wasteland. :wink: However, we may see a lovely lack of experience like here (fucked up rock compatibility) or here (unfinished at all). It's evidently far easier to grab some 3d guys than @ 2005.
The only thing that bothers me are the titles: Fallhope? Fallout of Nevada? :lol:

Why not simply "Fallout: Nevada"? I don't even want to guess at the meaning of the word "Fallhope", though, but it sure sounds ugly.

The burning animation of the new robot critter looks too human to me.

Otherwise: :ok:
alec said:
The only thing that bothers me are the titles: Fallhope? Fallout of Nevada? :lol:

Why not simply "Fallout: Nevada"? I don't even want to guess at the meaning of the word "Fallhope", though, but it sure sounds ugly.

The burning animation of the new robot critter looks too human to me.

Otherwise: :ok:

The title Fallout of Nevada has duel meaning. I like it. Fallhope implies they are the last hope for us to see Van Buren.
It's amazing what some people are up to :D I recently started a MegaMod game, and it's a nice change from the vanilla concept.

Great work everyone !

BTW, why no updates on MR ?
Gaspard said:
It's amazing what some people are up to :D I recently started a MegaMod game, and it's a nice change from the vanilla concept.

Great work everyone !

BTW, why no updates on MR ?

We released one in June. We don't have much to say ATM. BTW any future update we make will not feature any new art. Some of our work was stolen recently.
Lexx said:
Graphics ripped out of screenshots.

Yep. The Spanish / English Fallout mobile game ripped our screenshots and did not credit us. Not to mention Conti and a few others who's art was used. Our stuff is now being used in other projects now, as it is viewed as legitimate to do so. The Spanish game developers are being credited for all of it.
BTW, why no updates on MR ?

As you asked: :D

One whole town has been completed this last fortnight from start to finish and work is now being undertaken on the end game slides. A further town has been rigorously checked for errors are problems.

That's why there was no reason to say anything. RAther boring update of: we are working blah blah blah.

Some of the other TC's look nice. I wonder if any will ever get finished?
Dude101 said:
The Spanish / English Fallout mobile game ripped our screenshots and did not credit us.
I thought only batmobile was ripped (and scaled too). It's looking like shit anyway. But yeah, don't show any screenshots with new art - stop feeding art hungry crowd! :lol:
Stolen art, hehe :D

Whatta world we have to live at!!1

Any links to get my diaphragm totally fucked up? 8-)
They stole more than I thought. If these critters are animated, one of the many people that joined and quit our team immediatley really violated our trust:



I just downloaded the game (I am pretty sure I cant post the links on NMA sorry), and they have two of her animations. Conti did release a couple of GIFs, so it is less likely to be an internal leak. They do however have a few more pieces of our art in the build. Nothing major, but that's not the point.

Oh and ubber lolz, one of the developers is moaning about his work being infringed on by people redistributing it. The irony:


I am Hector Almeria Nuñez, one of the 2 developpers of this game.
YOU can´t publish this game in this page.
I make this game, and you MUST say that this game is not yours, and you must write the name and the official site:

Sorry, but there is not english version, becouse I dont do it. If somebody wants english version say it in the web down.

Why do you say this game is for s60? This game is J2ME standar, and run in all devices whit MIDLET 2.0 CLDC 1.1 (my mobile is nokia 5210 express music)

Sorry about my english, but i am from spain (yes, the game is in spanish becouse i am from spain).