Fo2 vs BG 2


Carbon Dated and Proud
Today is the Gaming Grudge it's Fallout 2 vs Baldurs Gate 2, so get over and vote for Fallout 2 I say!!!!
So far Fallout 2 is leading with 410 votes vs 347 votes for BG 2, GO GO GO!!
Link: Fo2 vs BG 2
I'm going to get a macro recorder for everyone, set it up as indicated in the other thread, and let it run.

daamn, its going to be close..
tell your friends and neigbours! vote now! your community needs YOU! :D

Its realy going fast, each time i hit refresh it goes up around 5 on each one.
ITs a tie now!!!!!

BG2 706

FO2 706

Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote

Keep voting!!!

BTW:Why there are TWO thread about the same competition?
This could be the last chance we have to prove to IPLY that they were wrong all along.
ok, i called in some re-enforcements. just told my brother to tell everyone he knows to vote, and the people they know to vote etc etc.

50 down! :?
We need to get a bunch of these IOPUS recorders going.

They are locked, but if you know where to look, you can unlock them.
I think this demo is locked.

I load the site in the iopus browser

press "rec" and records the steps to vote

and after that I press the loop button to repeat this. But when I try to increase the number of "loops" it says that it only allows 3 loops... Any solution?

Keep voting!!!
After doing this for a while, I've realized that by repeatedly clicking vote, nothing happens. It doesn't matter how many times we vote, its only going to record 1 vote from our IPs. I noted numerous times where i've voted like 4 times, but the vote count never changed. Its just a lost cause in doing that. And its seems that Fallout 2 is now down by like 40 votes. Fuck this shit man.
I cant look.. the FOOLS! They know not what they do :P
It will be a real shame if we lose, although if we do win i cant see us beating some of the realy popular games later on judging from this match.
I still think it was really wrong and stupid of Gamespy to pit BG2 and Fallout 2 up against each other. They're practically cousins. Dammit gamespy sucks ballsack.
Aw come on people! I just voted. It's 1212/1112 in favour of BG2 for the moment. We only need 101 more votes!

Aw gddmnt! People wouldn't recognize a brilliant game even if you fed it to them with a silver spoon... :(