Fo3 PS3 DLC delayed


Vault Consort
Staff member
Ashley Cheng posted on the blog to say that although Fallout 3 DLC is coming to the PS3, it will take a while longer.<blockquote>So when can you expect Fallout 3 DLC? We are knee deep in testing at the moment, and we’re hoping to have the first DLC out by the end of September. That long? Keep in mind that not only do we need to test each DLC on PS3, we also need to test each DLC when used in conjunction with each of the other DLC, as well as all of them together, along with the entire original game.

After Broken Steel, we’ll be releasing Operation: Anchorage and The Pitt shortly thereafter, probably at the same time – just to get them out to you as soon as we can. After that we’ll have Point Lookout and Mothership Zeta available as soon as we can, so that the wait between DLC is as short as possible. Once we release Broken Steel, we’ll have a better idea when the other DLC will be coming and will let you know specifics.</blockquote>Hm, why would a simultaneous release be faster than a sequential one? It just is.
Keep in mind that not only do we need to test each DLC on PS3, we also need to test each DLC when used in conjunction with each of the other DLC, as well as all of them together, along with the entire original game.

"And then we need to test the whole hog with a pumpkin, three rabid giraffes, and the EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL COSMIC SUPERSTRING STRATA. Guys, this isn't easy! Guys!"
Its very unlikely that this would ever be the real case but I sometimes imagine the FO3/DLC team sitting on their asses most of the time when they are at work, doing a little work but mostly focusing on other things.

Only when the deadline gets near they suddenly become very active.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Its very unlikely that this would ever be the real case but I sometimes imagine the FO3/DLC team sitting on their asses most of the time when they are at work, doing a little work but mostly focusing on other things.

Only when the deadline gets near they suddenly become very active.

Exceedingly unlikely. Here's the reality most people miss: game development is hard. It's not easier for Bethesda than anyone else, and I don't think they go over/under the average of game delays much.
Brother None said:
Exceedingly unlikely. Here's the reality most people miss: game development is hard. It's not easier for Bethesda than anyone else, and I don't think they go over/under the average of game delays much.

Yeah, I never thought that really would be the case.

But still, I see a sort of 'rushing the work' or leaving it half finished, in the main game and in the DLCs.
They were going somewhere and then suddenly stopped and said it was okay.
Isn't the Game of the Year edition supposed to be out in October? Unless thats delayed as well.

I'm starting to lose interest in the DLC... I probably won't even bother with them.
Isn't the Game of the Year edition supposed to be out in October? Unless thats delayed as well.

Maybe they'll release the PC and 360 versions in October and delay the PS3 one.
I do kind of feel for them a little bit. Bug fixing is the absolute dullest and most boring part of the whole designing process. I'd never choose to do it as a job.
"Basically we're doing all this testing we should have done before we released it on the other platforms."

Well at least PS3 users get something out of their wait. I know bug-testing and squashing is tedious and hard, as already discussed, but for a company with such a high profile over the last few years, Beth really consistently drops the ball. Every patch and DLC they've released after horse armor has tended to break something.
Hopefully they get something out of the wait, anyway. I wonder why Beth has such a bad track record on their DLCs.
Bugtesting ? Dont make me laugh.
They didnt bugtest the DLC on other platforms almost at all , why would it be different now ?
Kradath said:
Hopefully this means a big bug-killing patch for the PC and 360 as well.
talking about wishfull thinking here?

You know when the last time was Bethesda actualy released some kind of "big" bug-fixes for their games?

Yes you guess right when the issue around Windows Life with Fallout 3 started where the game would somewhat when you close it give you some error with Windows Life which caused Windows to send a "error message" to Microsoft of course to the usual game it meant not much since when you close the game well you want out anyway. Now guess why it got fixed with the first patch so fast ...

Tells a lot whats important to Bethesda.