FOnline: 2238 announced

When PA is rare thing now I believe same goes for transport right? Fuctional cars should be more than luxury and only strong gang could get it or some truly elite solo player. Btw are vertibirds only at the hands of Enclave? And what about fuel?

I love MadMax's "car lock" and it would be great satisfaction to see your murderer to go kaboom while trying to steal your ride.
Sius said:
When PA is rare thing now I believe same goes for transport right? Fuctional cars should be more than luxury and only strong gang could get it or some truly elite solo player. Btw are vertibirds only at the hands of Enclave? And what about fuel?

I love MadMax's "car lock" and it would be great satisfaction to see your murderer to go kaboom while trying to steal your ride.
But that would destroy your own car too, right?
It would be real fun to blow up someone else's vehicle or better steal it. :twisted:

According to what I've seen in some fonline videos it seems, that there are often few players left behind to guard their group's cars. That would mean that vehicle stealing or at least destruction is already implemented, am I right? (question fo devs)
Sius said:
When PA is rare thing now I believe same goes for transport right?
Sius said:
Fuctional cars should be more than luxury and only strong gang could get it or some truly elite solo player.
Sius said:
Btw are vertibirds only at the hands of Enclave? And what about fuel?
They are indeed, and the lack of fuel will affect their usage. Maybe just a few times per game session (admins and game masters will decide about this).

Sius said:
I love MadMax's "car lock" and it would be great satisfaction to see your murderer to go kaboom while trying to steal your ride.
Such small additions will be added periodically after the test starts, a demolition expert could booby-trap some of the items (cars, doors). We can't manage to do it now, trying to polish the existing features up...

Mayck said:
According to what I've seen in some fonline videos it seems, that there are often few players left behind to guard their group's cars. That would mean that vehicle stealing or at least destruction is already implemented, am I right? (question fo devs)
No, not really. It was a promotional video before OBT2 (and way before FOnline: 2238), not sure why they put that in. It can be seen here.
The cars can't be stolen (it'd be pretty chaotic then), but the trunks can be lockpicked if you're an expert thief (but then you have to sacrifice most of your other skills and abilities... Role-play).
Hey Lisac, I know you're planning on redoing all the cars, but does anyone recognise this? Where the hell is it from?

I saw it under 'related images' on imageshack. Don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather drive that than a brotherhood hummer. Maybe without the big star on the side, that way it's just a civilian vehicle. Admittedly, the roof looks a bit too clean. But hey, it's something.

I also prefer the look and the proportions of the old beaten up highwayman in Klamath to the absolutely enormous vanilla highwayman:

Obviously it needs some fixing up, but the regular highwayman always looked too damn big for my liking.
Lazlo said:
Hey Lisac, I know you're planning on redoing all the cars, but does anyone recognise this? Where the hell is it from?

This is some of our users’ developments from russian forum, if I’m not wrong.
I was thinking something like this:


It does look a bit unfinished (doors? maybe scale it down just a bit?), but this coupé could perfectly replace the notorious buggy. We'll see.
If everybody has a car and are in the same town where will all the cars go? It will be an utter mess if there are like 10 cars or more
There are parking lots, usually near the entrance. Each town can take approx. 15-30 cars, depending on the parking lot size.

In the last open beta it was pretty easy to have a car, some players had several cars during the session (3 weeks). It was quite a mess, I tell you. Other people couldn't park in towns and leaving the car in desert would mean to lose it forever.

Now we have taken care of that. Relative big parking lots, the cars will be more scarce now and pretty expensive for a single player to buy it, plus the cars can be easily removed from parking lot if the owner doesn't use them (all cars have "registration numbers", so it's easy to check out if one car stays on the parking lot for weeks and nobody's using it).
Sure you can kill someone and take his car key. With "it isn't possible to steal someones car" Lisac meaned that you can't pick the lock and drive away. ;)
dirtbag said:
Sius said:
When PA is rare thing now I believe same goes for transport right? Fuctional cars should be more than luxury and only strong gang could get it or some truly elite solo player. Btw are vertibirds only at the hands of Enclave? And what about fuel?

I love MadMax's "car lock" and it would be great satisfaction to see your murderer to go kaboom while trying to steal your ride.
But that would destroy your own car too, right?

the MadMax bomb simply rules ! :D
lisac2k said:
There are parking lots, usually near the entrance. Each town can take approx. 15-30 cars, depending on the parking lot size.

In the last open beta it was pretty easy to have a car, some players had several cars during the session (3 weeks). It was quite a mess, I tell you. Other people couldn't park in towns and leaving the car in desert would mean to lose it forever.

Now we have taken care of that. Relative big parking lots, the cars will be more scarce now and pretty expensive for a single player to buy it, plus the cars can be easily removed from parking lot if the owner doesn't use them (all cars have "registration numbers", so it's easy to check out if one car stays on the parking lot for weeks and nobody's using it).

Sounds awesome. I hope they get really expensive. They SHOULD be.
Will you add different versions for each car model? Different colors, army versions, some detail differences (broken glass, more rusty, naked engine etc.).

At obt2 army hummer was the most common car as i know and all of them looked alike. And it looks a bit plastic, when there are magical car clones. Making cars unique not only by their "registration numbers" but also their look would be fantastic!

Edit: Also it will make them easy to recognise at first look, so when there is rusty black coupé at town, everyone knows its better to not hang around for a long time.
This requires additional work and can be considered "makeup". I surely find it very interesting and refreshing, but we won't (can't) make it anytime soon. Considering the amount of content we have to add in the next few weeks/months - cars are currently low priority, I'd say.

I guess you'll be seeing cars rarely now, so the "clones-feeling" shouldn't be that intensive now...
I want to see diferent skins for vertibird(enclave\bos\ random rusty "how is that able to fly" skin...) speaking of vertibird how many people will it be able to transport ?
Asmodai said:
I want to see diferent skins for vertibird(enclave\bos\ random rusty "how is that able to fly" skin...) speaking of vertibird how many people will it be able to transport ?

As far as i know BoS do not possess plans for vertibirds but it would be epic quest line to join BoS and as spy infiltrate enclave, become their engineer and steal plans from them. And then again for all bos members some "collect+get rewarded" quests to search wasteland for materials needed to build such a mashine as vertibird (so whole faction would farm stuff for it) and after few months boom 1st bos vertibird is alive!

Anyway vertibird is huge thing and i believe it should be able to transport 2 pilots and +- 8 passengers.

Speaking of pilots everyone will be able to drive a car without any particular skill? Well cars are easy to drive, but it would be nice to be able to get expert in it. And with better driving skills there are some benefits - less fuel consumed, less defects (if there will be anything like car defects). Anyway in order to fly with vertibird as pilot, PC should learn such thing first.

And last thing: If i leave my car in dessert it is gone right? But do you plan to mark spots where i leave my stuff on map so i can get back to it anytime i want? Something like personal stash in desert. Because pipboy should be able to mark any place on map and remember its position (also what if i run out of fuel in middle of the desert). But if someone gets near my car/stuff that i marked on my map, there is a chance to get "random encounter" and other PCs could find it and when i get back...

Also this system of player marked locations would add a new aspect to the game. There could be some random encounters on specific places (not that random, they have their place on map, but finding it would be random). Something like small ghost towns, abandonned gas stations, caves, creatures nests etc. And this places will not be auto-marked on map as other locations, but player would have to find them by him/herself and share its position with others.
Because actual random encounters are truly random. They are generated and when player gets back to the same location its different everytime its loaded right? I think this idea with pre-defined encounters, witch would be at the same spot and in same shape everytime when players get back could be pretty useful.

(sry for bad english)
This looks simply awesome! :D Although I like FO1 better this still looks interesting. Btw, do you need to download some client stuff too (I understood you need FO2 but that's it or there's something else too?)
You gonna need client + master.dat and critter.dat files from F2 CD.
You also can copy Fallout2\data\sound\music\ to FOnline\data\sound\music\ folder to have music from F2..
At least is was like this at FO open beta test 2..