FOnline: 2238 Developers Video #1


Vault Consort
Staff member
lisac2k of the FOnline: 2238 crew made some kind of video to show how San Francisco came to be populated by fishmongers.

Let's make Developers Videos #2, #3 and #4 much more exciting, though, guys. Let's see some lizards and explosions.
Nice one. Looks like you guys did some hard work. Did you merge all cities like that? And why you decided to do that?

Good English BTW.

Most of the cities are merged, but some places (New Reno, Hub are just some of those) are too big to be put on one map. On the other hand, the inner parts, like the Central Committee, still have to be separated from the outer city, so there's another merging no-no.

The reasons for the merge? Easier design, debugging, editing... And the loading screens, which you're going to see quite less than before.

For explosions and lizards, please refer to Fallout 3... Oh, wait. You'll have to satisfy your urge with mudcra... erhm, mirelurks! ;) Ok, ok, I'll pull my strings to arrange something for you already.

EDIT: Junktown -> Hub
Hi, Kradath. I see you're still not acquainted with the FOnline project, so let me answer you to your questions shortly:

1) Yes, this is the MMORPG modification of Fallout 1/2 with its unique engine, and
2) No, we are including our own quests. First, adapting the old quests would be plain copy of the original games (which would be very boring for all of us, I guess), and second, most of the old quests wouldn't fit into current game setting (MMO game, a lot of different players, no single player mode and so on).

BTW, I put the link to our DEVELOPERS BLOG in my sig, you can find more about it there.
Cool video, though I have some things to say:

1. Excuse me, Lisac, but somewhere though the video I can't understand you. I don't want to offend you. Your english sounds ok and you don't have a heavy accent. It is just that you let the music on and didn't put subtitles.

2. The game is in 2238? Then why San Francisco is so different? Are you guys going to show in-game how it changed into the San Francisco we know in FO2?
lisac2k said:
Most of the cities are merged, but some places (New Reno, Junktown are just some of those) are too big to be put on one map.

Hey Mister Lisac, Junktown is one whole map and fits perfect. ;)
@Lexx: Right, wanted to say "Hub!" I'm gonna fix that right away.

@Slaughter: Well, some things that we made could be a bit... Disputable. In our timeline, SF never became the Kung Fu Village you saw in FO2. It became a Chinese commune and that's it. We're not following the setting of Fallout 2 blindly, it's simple as that.

And you're right about the music, it is too loud during a few seconds, while I was talking about the Central Committee. I guess you need this part: "The Central Committee is presided by 5 Chairman and [legally?] supported by the people who live in SF." [01:53 to 02.03]
Slaughter Manslaught said:
1. Excuse me, Lisac, but somewhere though the video I can't understand you. I don't want to offend you. Your english sounds ok and you don't have a heavy accent. It is just that you let the music on and didn't put subtitles.

It might be me (as for being a Polish immigrant living in UK for over 4 years), I thought he sounds pretty understandable. It's also probably because I've met lots of people with different accents, and I have a good hearing.

The reasons for the merge? Easier design, debugging, editing... And the loading screens, which you're going to see quite less than before.

That's what I thought. Just wanted to be sure my thoughts are correct :)

Thanks for answers lisac2k!
The fish markets is where fish traders sell fish, for eating fish. Let's see if we can find some fish. There it is, the fish. The fish traders look fine, except something about that one is ... fishy...


Seriously though, nice video. This project is quite promising.
shihonage said:
The fish markets is where fish traders sell fish, for eating fish. Let's see if we can find some fish. There it is, the fish. The fish traders look fine, except something about that one is ... fishy...


Seriously though, nice video. This project is quite promising.

There we have our meaning of life...

Thanks for the answers Lisac, what I meant is if it will be playable over LAN, but reading through your page it seems to be so. :)

And what are the main differences between Life After and 2238?
Hi, UTF!

Yes, it is your logo, sorry for forgetting to mention that (in the meantime our credit list is getting longer and longer, thanks to everyone for their contributions!) However, that logo is probably not the final version, we're just using it temporary. The last one you send to us is closer to what we're looking for, I'll PM you for more details.

The Life After and 2238 will have much in common, simply because they use the same engine. Some of the gameplay options can be easily configured, so it can happen that in one game there are TB and RT combat modes, and in the other RT only (this will be adjusted according to the players and upcoming tests, Turn-Based and/or Real-Time). We are sharing some of the resources (Rotators and the Life After team), but there will be some unique things for each game.

Long story short, the setting and language support is what makes the two games different. The Life After is set right after the FO2, while 2238 is set to somewhat alternative timeline. In our world, some events happened at the same time as in FOBible, but gone into another direction (like SF becoming a commune, and not a Kung Fu Chinatown), while some other events never happened (Hubologists). So, while the Life After walks in the steps of its predecessor, we are rather dancing in them, I dare to say.

Of course, most of the stuff from FO1/2 will be there, we're just not sure how much exactly.
Amazing. I can't believe how much work was put into FOnline.
Honnestly, when I first heard of it, I just thought "yeah, whatever haha. The day it works I'm giving my left ball to charity" !

And now it works. Not only does it work but you are pushing it even further than the "simple MMMO mod for Fallout 2" it was supposed to be...

I guess I know what I have to do now...

Great job on the video Lisac :) Your accent is fine and quite easy to understand (For Polish guy like me.)
But one thing is still bothering me... Renting houses - Owkee, I love the idea and stuff but I also heard something 'bout custom faction locations. Those are quested? Need to be rented and paid from time to time as well?
Hmm, alternative timeline gives us more options to RP and create our own "history". Don't ask me why, but i've got a feeling that Role Playing will reach some high level in Fonline 2238 ;>

And remember kids to bring your friends! I'd like to see quite populated server with many different characters ;>
As for me - I've already started the low scale advertising campaign for FOnline 2238 (Telling friends about it and informing some communities that such a thing really exists :>)

If you guys don't mind - someone should create "poster" or something for little advertisment in various communities :P
I've seen a lot of interest about FOnline.
Owkee, I love the idea and stuff but I also heard something 'bout custom faction locations. Those are quested? Need to be rented and paid from time to time as well?

At the moment, you can pay a NPC to show you some secret location- this becomes your faction base. The more you pay, the bigger the location will be. You don't "rent" it, you have this base as long as your faction exists. The faction bases can also be found by other players while traveling on the worldmap. The chance is not very high but the chance exists.
So let's assume two faction are in some kind of war, to give the other a hard time one of those two would have to first try to find the location of their bases to raid them up and so on ?

I like that concept.
Yes. But there is not just one way to find the base. We are working on a kind of pathfinding-feature.
The most interesting part is that the world will be a combination of FO1 and 2, I really like that and I'm looking forward to your game. :)