Hi, UTF!
Yes, it is your logo, sorry for forgetting to mention that (in the meantime our credit list is getting longer and longer, thanks to everyone for their contributions!) However, that logo is probably not the final version, we're just using it temporary. The last one you send to us is closer to what we're looking for, I'll PM you for more details.
The Life After and 2238 will have much in common, simply because they use the same engine. Some of the gameplay options can be easily configured, so it can happen that in one game there are TB and RT combat modes, and in the other RT only (this will be adjusted according to the players and upcoming tests, Turn-Based and/or Real-Time). We are sharing some of the resources (Rotators and the Life After team), but there will be some unique things for each game.
Long story short, the setting and language support is what makes the two games different. The Life After is set right after the FO2, while 2238 is set to somewhat alternative timeline. In our world, some events happened at the same time as in FOBible, but gone into another direction (like SF becoming a commune, and not a Kung Fu Chinatown), while some other events never happened (Hubologists). So, while the Life After walks in the steps of its predecessor, we are rather dancing in them, I dare to say.
Of course, most of the stuff from FO1/2 will be there, we're just not sure how much exactly.