FOnline: 2238 Developers Video #1

Lexx said:
Yes. But there is not just one way to find the base. We are working on a kind of pathfinding-feature.

What do you mean? Tracking someone's trail though the wastelands and seeing it on the map? That would be badass. Seems each group will need a Outdoorsman specialist. That's great!
Slaughter: Yes, something like that. We still work on it though.

Kradath: Well, I bet there will be enough place for everyone, now that the worldmaps from both games are merged.

Kikuchad: Two factions in war will have many different ways to cripple the enemy, discovering faction base is just one of them. Of course, the factions don't have to be wary at all, they can form a kind of alliance with other factions, trade, support each other with resources and intel... Options are really numerous.

Mr. Bumble: Yep, we've done pretty much in the last few months, but there's still much to be done. However, we're pretty satisfied so far. Hope you will be too.
LAN is not possible. It's a MMO at all. Also the server software is not yet released and will not before development on the engine is done.
I promised lizards and explosions to Per.

Releasing developer videos should become a standard way to show the new stuff, even after the Open Beta Test #3 starts, since the game is still going to be developed. So... expect anything and everything.
WOW, amazing work. I may yet find myself playing a MMORPG after all!

Ok, since everyone is asking questions...
1) What happens when/if you die?
2) I'm guessing we will be able to choose a race? (human/ghoul/supermutant)
3) Will there be unique quests? (i.e. quests that are not repetitively given out to different players. I once tried to play an MMORPG but it felt stupid that NPCs were giving out the same quest to everyone, and everyone could complete it and come back to collect XP and stuff, not to mention said quests were rather generic..)
Ha, good questions! I'll answer it from the different perspectives, depending on the project:

1. (The After life) You are replicated by Hubologists in one of their underground secret replicating facilities.
1. (2238) You wake up in a small camp in the middle of nowhere, in a tent. You have no idea how you have finished there. (still WIP)

2. (both projects) No. However, we hope more sprites will be finished soon (bald dude, long hair dude, black dude), so we can use them for players. Therefore I would like to use this opportunity to call any volunteers out there to join the modders and help us finishing the dudes (more info in the modding section of this forum).

3. (both projects) Yes. The After Life has some more quests in total, but most of them are quite generic. We don't have that much quests right now, because we try to make a "frame" for the game first, and then add some meaningful content. The players will have more things to do than just to finish the quests, that's for sure.

EDIT: Alec: Thanks. Uncle 2238 is counting on YOU on August the 15. :D
Lexx said:
lisac2k said:
Most of the cities are merged, but some places (New Reno, Junktown are just some of those) are too big to be put on one map.

Hey Mister Lisac, Junktown is one whole map and fits perfect. ;)

hey Lexx you know when the beta starts again ?

is it in september right ?
Looks and sounds great :) I don't mind the changes as long as they make sense. When can we expect video #2? And can you tell us more about the penalties for dieing, if it's not a secret? ;)

EDIT: for typos
Cold Zer0 said:
And can you tell us more about the penalties for dieing, if it's not a secret? ;)

Dying is pretty rough, all the gear you're currently carrying, armour included, drops like any other critter in Fallout. If you're in an encounter alone, that stuff is lost. If you're with other people, friend or foe, they can grab it.

You wait 180 seconds for what used to be the 'Replication timeout', as your corpse lies there and you get to ponder your mistakes, then you're sent to a random makeshift wasteland hospital somewhere on the map.

I kind of hope some kind of 'reviving' is introduced for people that are officially 'dead' but not blown to bits, in order to give doctors a more valuable role than just fixing up the odd crippled limb. That way every group of wastelanders will have to have at least one medic, rather than everyone being a combat specialist.
Lazlo said:
I kind of hope some kind of 'reviving' is introduced for people that are officially 'dead' but not blown to bits, in order to give doctors a more valuable role than just fixing up the odd crippled limb. That way every group of wastelanders will have to have at least one medic, rather than everyone being a combat specialist.

Good idea. Or for example - when you "Revive" - your crippled limbs are still crippled, so no matter you want it or not - you need doctor assistance. It makes everything even more hardcore, but makes medics a must.

In last beta i had crippled eyes. There was no point in using the medic so i just given my stuff to a friend, and he killed me. It was faster than finding someone with "doctor" skill tagged.
Lazlo and SmartCheetah: Yes, that makes sense actually. We might implement something like that, Cheetah, but I'm not sure if it's going to be till start of the OBT3.

Cold Zer0: Just to answer your question about video #2 - not sure, but I think soon... Before the OBT3 starts.
I think there is a "reviving" in FOnline if you use Doctor or First Aid (I don't remember) at someone with somewhat negative HP, but it had to be few negative HP, if I recall it right, otherwise... DEEEAAAD. I like the idea of reviving someone and then treating him with Doctor skill.

The game definitively needs more use for non-combat skills. Barter and Repair are pretty useful, time to give Doctor, First Aid and Science some use, methinks.