FOnline: 2238 Developers Video #1

Slaughter Manslaught said:
I think there is a "reviving" in FOnline if you use Doctor or First Aid (I don't remember) at someone with somewhat negative HP, but it had to be few negative HP, if I recall it right, otherwise... DEEEAAAD.

Yes, this is already ingame. Everything else makes no sense to me- if you are shot to shreds, even the best doctor in the post apocalypse can't fix you up again.

What needs to be includet is that someone can loot you if you are unconscious on the ground. So it is not needed to totally kill someone. Also npc's should react on it and not attack as long as the player is really dead.
Lazlo said:
Dying is pretty rough, all the gear you're currently carrying, armour included, drops like any other critter in Fallout. If you're in an encounter alone, that stuff is lost. If you're with other people, friend or foe, they can grab it.

You wait 180 seconds for what used to be the 'Replication timeout', as your corpse lies there and you get to ponder your mistakes, then you're sent to a random makeshift wasteland hospital somewhere on the map.

Thank you for the answer. I thought as much. But what I'm really concerned about is the total inability to play once you die a first time. In OB2 when you died you lost your radio, which effectively killed the game for you, and when you died a 2nd time, you had to pay 500$ which almost no one had. It's a bit too much hard core if you ask me :) At least let us keep our radio and respawn without paying.

Lazlo said:
I kind of hope some kind of 'reviving' is introduced for people that are officially 'dead' but not blown to bits, in order to give doctors a more valuable role than just fixing up the odd crippled limb. That way every group of wastelanders will have to have at least one medic, rather than everyone being a combat specialist

Even if you are blown up there could be chems medics should use to revive you. It's a great idea.

@lisac2k: Thank you for the info :)

My general feel after playing OB2 is that the game was too difficult for a normal play, The high-tech equipment should be almost impossible to find or you would have to be a member of the brotherhood for 3 months in real life to get laser rifle or T-52b for a price of course.
Cold Zer0 said:
My general feel after playing OB2 is that the game was too difficult for a normal play, The high-tech equipment should be almost impossible to find or you would have to be a member of the brotherhood for 3 months in real life to get laser rifle or T-52b for a price of course.
Clarification: the game was too difficult for a lonewolf play. Staying with group was a real solution for this.
About radios: People created alternative characters to drop their radio on the other one, who just lost it. And also used another ones as "packmules" (Which wasn't the best idea actually. I've got my mule killed few times, and lost so much stuff >.>)
First 2-3hours of play = Pain in the ass
4+ hours online = Now you know how fucked up world it is. You have gained some levels and skill to survive in wasteland.
Then - the group comes, and everything is much easier. Really.
I was travelling in APA, with little lvl. Just because i found proper group in the ending days of OBT2. We had about 10-12APA's in reserve - just in case someone will lost his :P
And I think "stupid" player killing will not take place so many times like it was in OBT2 on server 1 ;]
Cold Zer0 said:
Lazlo said:
Dying is pretty rough, all the gear you're currently carrying, armour included, drops like any other critter in Fallout. If you're in an encounter alone, that stuff is lost. If you're with other people, friend or foe, they can grab it.

You wait 180 seconds for what used to be the 'Replication timeout', as your corpse lies there and you get to ponder your mistakes, then you're sent to a random makeshift wasteland hospital somewhere on the map.

Thank you for the answer. I thought as much. But what I'm really concerned about is the total inability to play once you die a first time. In OB2 when you died you lost your radio, which effectively killed the game for you, and when you died a 2nd time, you had to pay 500$ which almost no one had. It's a bit too much hard core if you ask me :) At least let us keep our radio and respawn without paying.

Lazlo said:
I kind of hope some kind of 'reviving' is introduced for people that are officially 'dead' but not blown to bits, in order to give doctors a more valuable role than just fixing up the odd crippled limb. That way every group of wastelanders will have to have at least one medic, rather than everyone being a combat specialist

Even if you are blown up there could be chems medics should use to revive you. It's a great idea.

@lisac2k: Thank you for the info :)

My general feel after playing OB2 is that the game was too difficult for a normal play, The high-tech equipment should be almost impossible to find or you would have to be a member of the brotherhood for 3 months in real life to get laser rifle or T-52b for a price of course.

Death needs to be severe!
Where else will we get an adrenaline rush from?
Knowing that everything is on the line when it comes to your life.
When I killed someone in a battle I wanna do exactly that...take them completely off the field causing them the most inconvenient time of their gaming experience.

So when another player wants to kill you they mean serious business. Not just tag your dead but more like Im wanna teach you not to ever cross me or mess with me again.

Your doing everything at your own risk mindless PKing will most likely earn you a bunch of angry other players as enemies and pretty soon youll probably have to watch your back everywhere you go.
Cold Zer0 said:
In OB2 when you died you lost your radio, which effectively killed the game for you, and when you died a 2nd time, you had to pay 500$ which almost no one had. It's a bit too much hard core if you ask me

yes and it IMHO is even beyond the limit of being playable
resulting a game boring from early attempt to the end of the beta..... I just hope this new beta will be different

Slaughter Manslaught said:
The game definitively needs more use for non-combat skills. Barter and Repair are pretty useful, time to give Doctor, First Aid and Science some use, methinks.

QFT, but...

...if I remember properly they were planning to give science more use - together with the Repair skill it was supposed to be used to create more advanced items, like zip-guns and ammo (don't know if that works that way still)
Slaughter Manslaught said:
The game definitively needs more use for non-combat skills. Barter and Repair are pretty useful, time to give Doctor, First Aid and Science some use, methinks.
Maybe we present something interesting in the next video... Who knows? :roll:
SmartCheetah said:
Cold Zer0 said:
My general feel after playing OB2 is that the game was too difficult for a normal play, The high-tech equipment should be almost impossible to find or you would have to be a member of the brotherhood for 3 months in real life to get laser rifle or T-52b for a price of course.
Clarification: the game was too difficult for a lonewolf play. Staying with group was a real solution for this.

True, Lonewolfing was hard. Only high-level characters had a chance to do this. Remember Cektop? Was pretty much the most powerful guy, I think it would take the entire Unity to take him down, all armed to the teeth. I only saw him in hell once.

What I like about FOnline (and 2238) is that its hardcore. Dying means someone is going to pillage yo ass. There's real danger, which you have to avoid or fight. I liked how The Den was so fucking chaotic in the second test, I remember it was full of PKer Ivans, so The Unity and the Rotators usually steered clear of that place, and for good reason. I think that all the times I went there, I died. In a certain way, even the existence of the PKers is good. I like the air of paranoia where anyone getting near your back is a thief and people in PA are usually fleed from.

With the Guards implemented, I can see certain places getting more ordely and other places getting even more chaotic. Vault City, NCR, San Francisco and Broken Hills are probrably to be order-islands in a sea of chaos.
I agree dying should be brutal, but you do have to take into account just how easy dying is in Fallout. Even with reasonable endurance, all it takes is one lucky 10mm burst to get blown to shreds.

While it doesn't make sense that a doctor couldn't patch you up from that, it doesn't make sense that you come back in a random hospital either. It's an MMO, we have to have a degree of suspension of disbelief - people you kill are going to come back. Playability comes before reality. At least a reviving system encourages more diversity in character builds. If you're worried your victim's doctor buddy is going to come and save him - kill him too.

Not only that, but whenever one of my group died we just grabbed all his gear and met him at the nearest town. Simply put, a doctor system encourages player/player interaction (think of the gratitude you'll feel towards good samaritans), and gives medical characters something to do within combat. Combat in FOnline is over too quickly to allow for first aid in a firefight, so emergency surgery is the next best thing.

As for people not killing you when you're out of the fight in negative HP - what's the point? I'm sure you could argue that you may look kinder on someone who just mortally wounded you rather than killed you, but the likelihood is they're just going to keep shooting until you're dead. There's no real incentive to spare your life, he's already going to take everything you own - finishing you isn't going to change much as you're still going to have no gear.

I also agree that dying shouldn't touch your crippled limbs. But I'm also concerned about how crippled newbies who've just lost all their cash are going to get healed. I'm not sure how to resolve that one. Perhaps all doctors ingame will heal crippled limbs for free if you're below a certain level.

FOnline does need to be more playable. I know people are afraid of making it into WoW, but there's a middle ground between FOnline's current difficulty and making it into a game like WoW. And you can't forget that there's a reason WoW has a userbase of millions - they have to be doing something right, no matter what we might claim.

Edit: Is there any way FOnline can get its own section in NMA by this point? is pretty hard to navigate, and the process to get into the active English section is pretty convoluted. It'd be nice to be able to set up separate threads for this kind of discussion in a place NMA users can easily get to.
I want my adrenaline pumping!
Combat should be in short small doses.
To keep it appealing.

You gotta think and click quick to survive!
Edit: Is there any way FOnline can get its own section in NMA by this point? is pretty hard to navigate, and the process to get into the active English section is pretty convoluted. It'd be nice to be able to set up separate threads for this kind of discussion in a place NMA users can easily get to.

I think they don't want to drawn attention from Interplay or Bethesda.

My suggestion would be to make a separated english site for FOnline and 2238, or a better English Language section for the FOnline forum. Also english language support.
So how is stealing implemented? If anyone sees your stealing animation how could you possibly steal from anyone who is not afk? And why invest points in Stealing then, if you can just try over and over because the guy has got to be afk anyway?
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
maybe you only see the animation if the person stealing fails.
Exactly. The problem is, these are small nuances which will be taken care of along the way. It's not really our part of the job, but of the engine developer, which has bigger priorities right now. I wouldn't promise anything, but it is possible to have this implemented till OBT3. If not, then anytime soon.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
With the Guards implemented, I can see certain places getting more ordely and other places getting even more chaotic. Vault City, NCR, San Francisco and Broken Hills are probrably to be order-islands in a sea of chaos.

i agree with you

they should be like the no-kill zone in Ultima Online


A place good to do training and make trading and stuff like that